32 indisputable reasons to love sushi


Every day should be SUSHI day

Every day should be SUSHI day

Probably the most popular dish on the gastronomic planet , and without a doubt the one that has made the most impression among the foodie army: who doesn't like sushi ? Its origin goes back beyond the year 718 in China, but it was in the 17th century when it mutated into what we know thanks to Yoshichi Matsumoto . His was the idea of ​​adding vinegar to rice. And our thirty two reasons to celebrate.

1. Sushi (especially nigiri) is the best example of "less is more" applied to gastronomy. Impossible to transmit so much taste, emotion and pleasure with less.

two. Feel darn good. It is a common place, but this time it is true: feel darn good.

3. In Madrid, Barcelona or Valencia (Miyama Castellana, Dos Palillos or Nozomi) but also Murcia, Oviedo, Andorra or Seville. Hard to find a place without a halfway decent sushi bar.

4 . Despite nonsense like the sushirrito or the ** sushi donuts **, it is a dish that remains (quite) true to its essentiality.

5. Sushi is the new sushi. Exactly as it happens to us with the gin and tonic (which will not be replaced by a mixed drink), no dish will ever have the plastic solidity of a nigiri. We all imagine the same.

6. The sashimi at **Roan Kikunoi**, our must-see sushi bar in Kyoto. A two Michelin stars who bases his proposal on a menu kaiseki (temporality and excellence) and a bar that drives us crazy.

7. Food at home without dying of disgust. In part, it's thanks to sushi. Easy to store and transport, this tray of 6 nigiri It has saved almost as many nights as a blister pack of Ibuprofen. Or almost.

8. If you don't like sushi, this is not for you. Repeat this mantra with me.

9. Sushi is one of the lowest calorie dishes on the market: tuna nigiri, 41 calories.

10. Cucumber maki, 23 calories. Live.

eleven. Jirou Ono and dream of sushi.

12. "Sushi, that's what my ex-wife called me. Cold fish” . What a great line from that absolute masterpiece: bladerunner.

13. It is one of the dishes that best harmonizes with rieslings, champagne and sherries . And it turns out that champagne, riesling and Marco de Jerez drive us crazy.

14. When in doubt, leave the soy and wasabi. Be sushi, my friend.

fifteen. “The difference between Jiro today and Jiro 40 years ago is only that he stopped smoking. Other than that, nothing has changed”. The same thing happens with his creations: beauty is timeless. it must be.

16.Avocado no, thanks. The avocado emerged as an evolution of the dish in the United States and Brazil, but you won't see it in Japan. Save the avocado for tartare, ceviche or so many other things…

17. “With sushi, it is all about balance”, says Nobu Matsuhisa and I couldn't agree more. Moreover, it is applicable to everything. It's all a matter of balance.

18.More Nobu. Director Roland Joffé (The Mission, The Cries of Silence) took his friend Robert de Niro to dinner at one of Matsuhisa's locations in Los Angeles. Bob fell in love with the dish and told the sushi man, 'If you ever think of opening a restaurant in New York, let me know…' Next up? 33 restaurants on five continents.

19. Nirigi in one bite and with little fingers. Look like this.

twenty. kaiseki cuisine : use seasonal ingredients, preserve the natural flavor of the ingredients and cook with heart and intuition. It comes to be Japanese 'haute cuisine' and is the perfect setting to devour sashimi.

twenty-one. Nuria Mornell's braised salmon nigiri at Nozomi, which was one of our 2016 dishes. Elegance, flavor, intensity and product. It drives us crazy.

22. The seaweed that usually wraps the makis is nori seaweed, a food rich in protein, beta-carotene, group B and C vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium, nutrients that give it, as nutritionist Álex Pérez explains, “properties very similar to those of a vegetable”.

23. More health: ginger is a natural antiseptic. Namely, will strengthen your immune system (the 'cop' from Once upon a time the human body) which will help you fight colds and flu.

24. This fashion (which is much more than a fashion) for healthy cuisine and healthy restaurants will take pizza, bravas, kebabs and even paella along the way. But not sushi. sushi is your friend.

Jiro the Master

Jirou the Master

25. Also, not everything is going to be wellness : Few dishes make more sense (and work better) to accompany a night of cocktails than sushi. And we remind you that we like to dine with cocktails more and more. Nigiris+Manhattans=win.

26. Sushi is the LBD (Little Black Dress) of the world of cuisine. I always insist You will always look good taking it to a Japanese restaurant.

27.Pedro Espina from ** SOY ** and Ricardo Sanz from ** Kabuki **. What two immense teachers and how close we have them.

28. “Sushi is already a traditional dish in Spain” . Says Ferran Adrià. And who are we to deny him the greatest.

29. Cooking sushi has a lot to do with cooking but also with ritual. It is a delicate, silent and fragile process and also one of the best excuses to forget about the madding crowd.

30. Comics and sushi. Don't miss out for anything in the world Oishinbo of akira hanasaki Y Tetsu Kariya, especially volume 4: fish, sushi and sashimi.

31. The magisterium of Hideki Matsuhisa in Koy Shunka, one of our 25 essential restaurants in Spain

32. You had me at sushi.

32 indisputable reasons to love sushi

Eternal love for modern sushi (and those that don't, too)

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