Artificial intelligence and poetry protagonists in the new pavilion of Expo 2020 Dubai


A message to space that symbolizes union.

A message to space that symbolizes union.

What message would we like to send as Planet Earth to other planets in the galaxy if we could? It sounds difficult, but the British design team at It's Devlin he has raised it and created The Poem Pavilion , an amazing structure scheduled for October 2020 -as reported by the study to at the opening of the next ** Expo 2020 Dubai **.

The artificial intelligence has guided the design of this pavilion, which in the day of its inauguration, will make participants 25,000 million visitors through poetry.

Hundreds of messages in all languages ​​will appear illuminated with LEDs in a 20m-high cone formed by a circular façade.

The structure has poems written in all languages.

The structure will feature poems written in all languages.

A labyrinth will guide visitors through the different exhibitions in augmented reality, with the aim of transmitting, entertaining and educating about artificial intelligence and space technology.

Within The Poem Pavilion will be found Choral Space , a place where music will be shared by all continents, since the idea of ​​its creators is to give an image of unity despite differences and borders.

"The public debate on the National identity it is tending dangerously towards the divisive and prosaic. I hope that the millions of people who attend Expo 2020 Dubai and visit UK Pavilion feel all the possibilities that collective poetry offers," designer Devlin told Deezen in 2018.

Be ready in October 2020.

It will be ready in October 2020.

One of the virtues that stand out from this futuristic construction is that has been created by a team of expert women in artificial intelligence and space technology; the first time that has happened since the creation of the UK Pavilion in 1851.

‘We urgently need to address the underrepresentation of women in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics). I have learned from my collaboration with the theoretical physicist Carlo Robelli , that the evolution of scientific thought is often through the contribution of artists, musicians, and philosophers, as well as physicists. My hope is that the fusion of architecture, poetry, music and science in this project led by women inspire many girls and young women to investigate areas of science and technology that they might otherwise have felt were not for them ”, emphasizes its creator.

The idea for The Poem Pavilion arose, according to Devlin, from one of the last projects of Stephen Hawking called Break-through Message . "Hawking and his colleagues in 2015 invited people around the world to consider what message we would communicate as a planet if we ever met other advanced civilizations in space."

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