Tell us what you are looking for and we will tell you which island in Malaysia to find you on


Tell us what you are looking for and we will tell you which island in Malaysia to find you on

Tell us what you are looking for and we will tell you which island in Malaysia to find you on

There is no doubt that Malaysia it is a country surrounded by impressive neighbors. **To the north it borders Thailand**, an emblem of paradisiacal beaches and a gateway for all those travelers who are orphaned by stamps in their Southeast Asian passport and who seek to subtly enter the region. To the south, apart from Singapore, the more than **17,000 islands that make up Indonesia** appear.

With these companies, Malaysia can't seem to compete in terms of extraordinary beaches but the truth is that no matter what we are looking for or on what date we travel, this country has a perfect island for us.

One of the great advantages that Malaysia has is that the dreaded monsoon , which can ruin a beach vacation or even make us change destinations, does not affect both coasts on the same dates.

That is, when the east coast of the country faces the rainy season - November to March -, in the west it is dry and vice versa, so, wherever you travel, Malaysia always offers good alternatives if you are looking to spend a few sunny days by the sea.

Semporna in Borneo

Semporna, in Borneo

The next step is to choose the island that best suits our travel dates, our route and, especially, our preferences. do we seek an almost deserted island and with hardly any coverage to lose ourselves from the world? Exists . do we want to spend the day under the sea exploring one of the best sea beds in the world? Done. Or do we just want it all, beach, nature and good services ? Well too. We ask and Malaysia gives it to us.


For a few years now, the Perhentians Islands - made up of Kecil (the little one) and Kiss (the largest) - have become the jewel in the crown of tourism in the country.

Kecil is preferred by backpackers , especially Long Beach where the limited animation of the island is concentrated. If we seek tranquility, to the north lies the isolated Teluk Kerma Bay, with impressive corals and the simple chalets of D'Lagoon , the only accommodation in this small cove.

The largest of the Perhentians has less atmosphere but makes up for it with higher quality accommodation and better beaches. here stands out Turtle Bay, one of those sandbanks that we believe only exist through an Instagram filter and in which, as its name suggests, turtles tend to spawn, so it cannot be visited at night.

In the Perhentians it is usual visit several beaches moving in water taxis and combining them with excursions to enjoy its incredible snorkeling. must not miss the rawa island and even a visit to Redang Island, all belonging to the same marine park.

Perhentian Islands

Perhentian Islands


Kapas is the perfect paradise if what we are looking for is to imbue ourselves for a few days in an authentic vacation, the real one, of doing absolutely nothing.

Beaches practically deserted , especially during the week, and spectacular snorkeling areas - even better in the north - on an island that can be explored, if the monsoon has respected the paths and stairs between beaches, in just half an hour. Here life passes between quiet dips , diving goggles, beach volleyball games at sunset and, if you are lucky and in low light, visits by luminescent plankton.

One of the places that best complements the atmosphere of this pirate life is Kapas Beach Villa , which offers good accommodation and an even better atmosphere.


The art of doing nothing


Located in the southeast of the country, Tioman boasts of being one of the biggest paradises for diving in Malaysia. Although it has very good spots for snorkeling like the nearby Rengis Island , the wrecks of the Second World War that rest on the seabed are a magnet for the most technical divers and the prices of their diving baptisms attract the inexperienced.

To Tioman, one of the most touristic islands in the country, especially for its proximity to Singapore, You don't lack options either. jungle trekking , waterfalls and a capital with abundant life.

Tioman diving paradise

Tioman, the diving paradise


Although Penang cannot compete with some of its sisters when it comes to beaches, it is the perfect island if we are looking for culture or gastronomy. George Town, declared a World Heritage Site , has a beautiful amalgamation of cultures that is especially noticeable in its architecture. Staying in a historic building like The Blue Mansion it is an extra incentive.

However, for some time now the city has become instagram meat thanks especially to urban art that decorates its walls and that even has its own route . While we walk between colonial-inspired buildings and graffiti, it is essential to try each and every one of the flavors that the street stalls offer. for something George Town is considered the gastronomic capital of the country.


Better known among local tourists than among foreigners, this island off the west coast of the country is probably one of the most authentic and in which the most perceived local essence.

Under the constant sound of hornbills, Pangkor has beaches like the one in Teluk Nipah and Coral Bay Beach, more recommended than the previous one to watch the sunset, and its entire cost is dotted with islets that you can approach by kayak looking for snorkeling areas in which to investigate alone.

On land, the best way to get to know the island is renting a motorcycle or in one of its characteristic fuchsia pink taxi


malaysian essence


Of all the islands of Malaysia, Langkawi is probably the most multifaceted and the one that offers more options. It has quiet beaches and others where the hustle and bustle of those looking to try water sports does not stop.

We can also get lost in the jungle greenery with various treks, without forgetting the waterfalls of Seven Wells nor the climb to Gunung Raya, the highest mountain on the island. Another essential is the Skycab , the cable car from which you can access the Langkawi Sky Bridge , suspended over 650 meters and has the title of being one of the longest curved bridges in the world. If the day is clear the views are impressive.

Langkawi Sky Bridge

Langkawi Sky Bridge


The Malaysian area of ​​Borneo should not be forgotten as it hides authentic gems. Among them is Sipadan, considered one of the best diving areas in the world.

Of course, it is a place only suitable for expert divers and, being in a protected reserve, has restricted access ; to dive here we will have to book well in advance.

In Sipadan it is not allowed to spend the night either, so we can choose to Kapalai , a houseboat resort located on a sunken island.

Sipadan more diving please

Sipadan: more diving please

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