journey to vulnerability


The light in your shadows an artistic project by Erea Azurmendi

'The light in your shadows', an artistic project by Erea Azurmendi.

Take those experiences, sometimes painful, that have made us grow and develop as people and transform them into inspiring photographs. This is what Erea Azurmendi has done, co-author of the book Brava and much-loved photographer in social networks

The project was born in March of this year. “I have been investigating personal growth using art as therapy for a long time. As a result of this, I created The light in your shadow, a way to give light to our shadow, that part that we tend to hide from others and without which, however, we would not be who we are today”.

The project began on Women's Day and, with its continuation on Gay Pride Day, became "a living project", as the author herself narrates. “Four close people have told me their story; my idea was to represent it with image and text, give visibility to their process, as a therapy for them but also as inspiration for others. Making vulnerability visible is the key that opens the door, the one that connects with people. Those fears that have been overcome have become great strengths for each of the people who participate.”

The light in your shadows an artistic project by Erea Azurmendi

Sara's fear, part of the 'The light in your shadows' project, of being judged and singled out.

The reception of the initiative has been for the creator, "a total surprise", she confesses to us. “The truth is that I had no idea how it was going to work and there has been an incredible response. I think that the fact of showing vulnerability and fear, when we are used to seeing everything beautiful on social networks, connects with people. In addition, it generates an incredible identification mechanism. Many people have seen themselves reflected in the stories we have told and, in a way, they have inspired them to accept that we all go through difficult times.”

“It is important to understand that they are stories with a very deep and very sensitive content of the participants –explains the artist about the most complicated part of the process–. That is why it had to be treated with great care and love. For me, transforming those painful experiences into a faithful and honest visual image was a challenge. That the person felt identified, comfortable and faithful to the experience. The generation of the space, with the colored backgrounds, has also required effort and dedication”.

The light in your shadows an artistic project by Erea Azurmendi

Edu, another of the protagonists of the project 'The light in your shadows'.

And the most rewarding? “When the participants themselves thank you for treating their experiences with such care and pampering. The fact of giving them light helps them, in some way, to make peace with that experience. And it's nice that it generates a connection with other people who have been through the same thing."


"Each of the stories has been very enriching, I have learned a lot from all of them," explains Erea. Perhaps the one that caught my attention the most was that of Zack, a trans man for whom the most difficult thing was not to make the transition but to openly say that he was a trans man. when he physically he was already seen as a cis hetero man. I did not know a similar story and listening to it in the first person and seeing everything that had happened It has made me realize other realities. And that the fact of being born in a way or not being able to openly express your tastes, makes your whole universe very different".

“One of the things that has caught my attention the most is that each participant has had to hide a very personal side of themselves. and he has not been able to really be who he is until very late, and that is very hard. I am glad to see the courage and strength of each of these people, how they have overcome their fears and how much stronger they are now.”

Personally, Erea's fear with this project was not being enough. “The so-called impostor syndrome knocks on my door from time to time, I think it happens to many women. Regarding the fear associated with the creation of the project, I was worried that it might not go well, that the participants would not see each other, It was essential for me."

The light in your shadows an artistic project by Erea Azurmendi

Zack's story had a great impact on the photographer, Erea Azurmendi.

Just as her work can bring comfort to others, Who or what inspires you when it comes to finding relief in art and photography? “There are three things that relieve me and fill me up to continue creating. make pottery; I discovered this a few years ago, it's like meditating, doing things with your hands It fills me and motivates me enormously. Also music: it absolutely changes my mood, I love to use it as inspiration when creating. And, if I had to choose an artist, I would surely choose Vivian Maier. I am a big fan of her portraits, of the way she looks, of how her story was found… If you can see her documentary, Finding Vivian Maier”, I recommend it to you because it is fascinating.

Erea would like that this project continued to grow “giving voice to silent realities and giving light to the fears and strengths of people in unequal situations. I would love for it to one day become an exhibition or even a book, and end up having a series of portraits to inspire the world."

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