LGTBIQ+ Pride returns to Madrid


LGTBIQ Pride returns to Madrid

LGTBIQ Pride returns to Madrid.

The LGTBIQ Pride festivities start in Madrid, After two years of silence, a party that this year will be different due to the pandemic. Commitment, security, responsibility and vindication of the Trans Law are the main ingredients of what is going to cook this year.

Two years of silence, since that summer of 2019 in which we lived completely oblivious to everything that would come our way in the following year. Because the celebration of Pride in Madrid has become one of the most iconic parties in the city, an event that attracts hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world who seek to breathe freedom, but true freedom.

Spain is among the most gay-friendly countries in the world, placing its capital as one of the preferred destinations for the LGTBIQ community not only to celebrate the Pride but as a mandatory stop for the traveler. Madrid is at the forefront as one of the preferred holiday destinations for the LGTBIQ community for various reasons, almost all of them based on the spirit of social equality, normalization and protection of the collective. And all this within the framework of a city that never sleeps, with a cultural and gastronomic offer that makes Madrid a benchmark in Europe.

LGTBIQ Pride returns to Madrid

Protesters during the celebration of the year 2020 in Madrid.

Claim without flag in the City Hall

This year the motto of the Pride is forceful: "Human Rights are not negotiated, they are legislated: Comprehensive Trans Law Now!". It is possible that with the pandemic there has been a certain lethargy but also confinement has been the architect of that time to think so necessary when seeking social change.

This is how Carmen García de Merlo, president of the Collective of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals of Madrid (COGAM), tells Traveler.es, clarifying that They begin to raise the LGTBIQ Pride since the end of the previous year. They have had two years to meet with the Madrid City Council and draw what is the most important LGTBIQ demonstration in all of Europe.

"The organization of this demonstration entails a lot of measures that are talked about until the unspeakable. We got to meet up to 70 people from the Government Delegation, transport, SAMUR, firefighters, police... It is not a trivial thing; agreeing with so many people has its substance "Carmen tells us, amused, because she knows that this year the negotiation has been somewhat more complicated.

LGTBIQ Pride returns to Madrid

This year it is claimed and is also celebrated (despite the pandemic).

Madrid wakes up these days more vindictive than ever. "Really, pride has always been very vindictive despite the voices that are raised against the party. I think there are two types of people, those who are going to have a good time and those who are going to claim, to make themselves visible, to meet the world for the first time with total freedom" , says Carmen, in this Madrid of hers that has once again an appointment with diversity and inclusion, an event that will once again put the capital in the international spotlight.

This year's Pride theme focuses on the controversial Trans Law, reason for disputes between the different members of the government and even between some strata of the collective.

García de Merlo sheds light on this matter: "The Trans Law as such is not going to exist, but they are going to put the two laws into one. Basically it is still being negotiated and there is a commitment on the part of the government to reform the 2007 law." But one of the things that has raised the most wounds is the controversial withdrawal of the rainbow flag from public institutions. "This year we will not have a flag in the City Hall, but that does not mean that the people of Madrid dress the streets with the colors of the rainbow", judgment.

Safety as a premise

This year's Pride will not be like other years. We already knew that it could not be done as usual and the restrictions are going to be noticed this year in which the virus is still reluctant to abandon us. Carmen thinks that people want to go out on the street but we can't go crazy because of responsibility. "The virus has not gone away, it is still with us. As much as many have been vaccinated, we must follow the security measures rigorously. We need to reoccupy the street and claim but we cannot allow the virus to make our party bitter.

That is why This year there will be no floats like other years, nor concerts in Madrid's Chueca or Malasaña squares. In fact, García de Merlos reveals that at first they had even wanted to recover the Gran Vía circuit, as was done in the past, but that has not been possible. The distancing rules are best met on the current route from Atocha and along the Paseo del Prado.

Another thing that has also been decided is to change the time of the demonstration. This year it will be held from 8:00 p.m., avoiding the blows of the suffocating July sun which, on the other hand, is appreciated. Without concerts, or stages, or street parades, the activities will only be limited to those organized in the venues that will have capacity. “What we do want is for security to intervene, for us to have the State Security forces and for people to wear a mask. since social distance will not be easy. The mask is a preventive security measure that has borne fruit and it is necessary that it not fall into oblivion for now ", the president points out.

madrid gay lgbt

LGBT life spreads throughout the capital.

What we can do

From COGAM they point out that the limitations due to the pandemic bring us back a little to the celebration of the Pride of the first years, when the celebration was limited to the premises of Chueca and surrounding areas, almost like one more festival. It will be a breath of fresh air for the hotel and restaurant sector that has been preparing for the big event for months.

The proclamation of the festivities will be on Wednesday, June 30, although access will be limited and always with the recommendation to wear masks given the impossibility of being able to maintain the safety distance.

madrid gay lgbt

Madrid, a world of LGBT possibilities.

It will also be possible to access the state demonstration that will take place on Saturday, July 3 following a more limited route between Atocha and Plaza de Colón. This year there will be no floats like other years and the starting gun will be at 8:00 p.m. Once finished, the only thing left to do is enjoy what remains of the Madrid night until the closing ceremony the next day. And even if the mythical high heels race isn't held this year, everyone can wear what they want, everyone is welcome here.

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