Art + fun + activism merge in Barcelona


Project 'Skin is the new canvas' by the artist Claudia Sahuquillo.

Project 'Skin is the new canvas', by the artist Claudia Sahuquillo.

Skin is the new canvas is a Pride Art project born with the intention of make use of art as a tool for social change, that situates the participants – various models LGBTQ+ refugees belonging to the immigrant association of Barcelona ACATHI– as protagonists. Artist and activist Claudia Sahuquillo has taken care of this, and has used the pride colors to paint your skin and thus turn their bodies into works of art and them in important subjects of history.

“As an artist, I place myself at the service of this cause of social vindication, It's not me that's important, not even my art, it's them, the participants, who we must look at and listen to their story. The models fled their countries of origin because they were persecuted for being part of the LGBTQ+ community, and arrived in Barcelona as refugees. In this project they are honored, listened to and celebrated”, explains with admiration the also illustrator.

Photo session during Claudia Sahuquillo's Pride Art project.

Photo session during Claudia Sahuquillo's Pride Art project.


Jake (Philippines), Charly (Africa), Silvana (Salvador) and Groupie (Brazil) participated in this celebration not only turning your skin into canvas, but taking advantage of the photo session –carried out by the photographer Monika Sed– to tell, in a “fun and very emotional” way, their personal stories and remind us so "Barcelona is proud", as reaffirmed by the Barcelonan, an expert in using the body painting as a vehicle for social vindication.

Involved in the project, Gonzalo Doctor, a holistic doctor with a passion for Neuroscience, is proud to say that Barcelona is a welcoming place for LGBTQ+ refugees because in Barcelona they have the possibility to grow and expand in your life, to bring out your highest potential; also the opportunity to being able to be themselves, freely and to be accepted as they are. “Our brain functions optimally when one feels safe, happy with oneself and with others and, finally, when he perceives love and trust”, he concludes it.

Skin is the new canvas a Pride Art project by Claudia Sahuquillo and Gonzalo Doctor.

Skin is the new canvas, a Pride Art project by Claudia Sahuquillo and Gonzalo Doctor.

Art + fun + activism. This is the equation chosen by Claudia Sahuquillo and Gonzalo Doctor for this Pride Art session which is “a symbol of celebration for their bravery, of admiration and support for the entire community”, as explained by the activist, who recognizes that it is an honor for her to be able to put her art at the service of a greater cause, in this case, commitment to the LGTBIQ+ community.

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