World vermouth atlas: how, where and why


World atlas of vermouth how where and why

Spritz, the vermouth of Veneto


Why? Well, because it is his home, his cradle and his lap. Here they flavored the wine with the spices brought by the venetian merchants , already becoming the XIX century in a whole business for the region. As in any relationship, there are ups and downs. heartbreaks and generations who deny their influence. But it is there, ready to calm the rain and the hustle and bustle of the galleries. An essential service for Turinese, who vermouths they know a lot

How? In Turin one cannot conceive of a vermouth without proper liturgy or preparation. The more folksy, the more talkative and the more northern italian accent have the bartender , better. And of course, no faucets or white marks . It's time to decide between the mediatic Martini, the deep-rooted Cinzano or the homemade brew that every bareto with tradition has in this city.

Where? Well, for example, at Martini's mother house, where the differences between one white and other red while enjoying the interesting museum of it. And, of course, in the mythical cafes at appetizer . 7 pm is already a good time for everything.

World atlas of vermouth how where and why

New York Bell, Book & Candle Bar

**Veneto (and surroundings) **

Why? Well, because he spritz deserves its own section, a shoehorned tribute to an always forgotten drink. Although it is not a pure vermouth , the taste of Italians for this sparkling and flavored wine pushed the most famous brands to bet as one more product of their offer. The spritz it has gained a foothold in northeastern Italy, becoming a regionalist element.

How? With some laziness, in a any glass cup , in a any corner and above all, very cold so that the bitterness does not shake too much.

Where? We are before a square drink , that's why the best Spritz Hour they live in the most emblematic corners of the cities. It should be punishable by law that in Campo Santa Margherita of Venice, in the Piazza Matteotti of Udine or in the Piazza delle Erbe of Vicenza consumed something other than spritz on their terraces.


Why? For two reasons. A first linked to the elaboration of vermouth already consolidated as Yzaguirre in the surroundings of the city. A second, more temporary one, based on a fashion that is peta on social networks and that consists of resuming the habit of going to the vermouth (and consuming it, of course).

How? A palo seco or with a little soda and with a certain predilection for griffin charm above the bottle.

Where? There is already almost an established route that veers between taverns of all life , those who neither have Twitter nor know what they are TT because of someone uncontrolled hashtag . strolling through Grace don't miss out on stopping at La filomena, Bodega Manolo or Can Miseria. In the gothic quarter , La Cala del Vermouth maintains its essence of a bar overflowing with tapas, siphon and clearly insufficient tables.

World atlas of vermouth how where and why

Employees Only New York vermouth

New York

Why? Well, because he manhattan club gave the name the most wonderful use that has been given to the vermouth in those lands: mix it with whiskey . An invention that, by the way, owes part of its fame to the mother of Winston Churchill , which popularized it at a dinner in favor of the US presidential candidate Samuel J. Tilden.

How? With the suit of Sundays, in a pyrrhic cocktail glass and slowly enough to look interesting without heating the liquid. And never, NEVER , on the rocks.

Where? The Manhattan is a cocktail tall standing with whom you have to keep up appearances. It is neither a drink for a disco nor a summer thirst reliever. The best places to enjoy them mix the new york sophistication with the aftertaste 'old man ' and sensorially complete a drink that rises to a mystical experience. To name a few, there is the Employees Only, the Summit Bar, the Char No. 4 or the Bell, Book & Candle. Difficult choice, success in the flirt-posturing insured.

Buenos Aires

Why? Do you need reasons to go, repeat and return with the withered forehead constantly to San Telmo ? And, well, because the italian immigration also brought a taste for this drink.

How? Sitting at the table and, if necessary, accompanying a good dinner . In the port city the pairing of a good ribs with a vermouth . God bless you!

Where? In wealthy bars, which show that they have managed to evolve from the stale to the chic , but without ever forgetting the traditions, turning each antiguaya into a deity. And, above all, in taverns that give names to drinks and that have personalized the vermouth until transforming it into its own brand. In the Gallego bar you can enjoy the Piedmontese influence of Cinzano mixed with the Spanish custom of the siphon. In Gebara The ritual is simple: enter, ask for a Gebara (Hesperidin, Triple Sec, Tonic and a few slices of orange) and get lost between meaningless conversations . And, of course, there will always be the mythical Doppelgänger, the last station before heaven where only cocktails and that acts as a funnel where lovers of any of these drinks confine.

World atlas of vermouth how where and why

Summit Bar in New York


Why? Well, because in the 21st century, going to take the vermouth is an expression that everyone still understands (and even using) .

How? Always red, faucet , to be enjoyed at noon or late afternoon. For the people of Madrid, it is a anecdotal drink , between meals, although no less respected for that. It does not have a fixed audience and, increasingly, weirdo young Do you find a cheaper and healthier alternative in it? to the bottle

Where? Madrid is the city in the world with the most old bars per square meter and in most of them there is a tap for this liquid. But the palm may go to the Malasaña neighborhood because, in addition, is (was and will be) fashionable . Here there are from those that offer a classic enjoyment such as the Ardosa tavern (more recommended, in this case, that of Santa Engracia ) or 2 de Sagasta to those who have conquered university students for their atmosphere. The trendiest? As pointed out by Gontzal Largo and here a server endorses it, the 'Yayo' (gin, vermouth and soda) from Casa Camacho.

*You may also be interested...

- Barcelona: one of vermouths and tapas

- Madrid in 'provincial redneck' mode

- All articles by Javier Zori del Amo

World atlas of vermouth how where and why

Ardosa Tavern, a Madrid classic

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