Nappa from A to Z (or almost)


Napa the grape capital of America

Napa, the grape capital of America

A FOR AVIATION Beautiful scenery on a two-lane highway earns points from above. Choose the speed of your flight.

15 km/h: hot air balloon . Since hot air balloon rides are so popular, it can be difficult to book with large companies. ** Napa Valley Balloons ** is a small operator that serves coffee before the flight and a champagne breakfast after the flight _(one hour of flight from €166 per person) _.

175 Km/h: vintage plane . You have to go to Sonoma Country (30 minutes), but it's worth landing on a tiny runway in a World War II plane. The flights of **Vintage Aircraft Co**. organize routes aboard a crop duster over the Sonoma Valley to the San Francisco and Napa vineyards . And for the brave, acrobatics in the air _(40 min. flight: from €228 per person) _.

180 Km/h: helicopter flight. Wine Country Helicopters has helicopters for four. Its interior, upholstered in leather, is comfortable. If you pay an extra, the pilot lands in the middle of the vineyards to do a tasting _(tour from €1,300) _.

Vintage Aircraft Co.

Hop on a piece of history and fly over Napa


Did you reserve a table at The French Laundry? At lunchtime save on one of these 'food trucks'?

The hope . His north Tijuana tacos feed vineyard workers and sommeliers. Try the carnitas or tongue with onion and cilantro (tacos: from €1.5).

Crossroad Chicken

Rico no, the following

Crossroad Chicken . Look for a truck with a huge smokestack. The best: the grilled chicken with mozzarella and basil aioli. Garnish it with spicy bacon (sandwiches from €7).

Mark's the Spot. Try chef Mark Raymond's buttermilk fried chicken or the B Good, sandwich with basil, brie, bacon, peach and jalapeño chutney (sandwiches from €10).

Marks the Spot

The spicy food truck


In Santa Helena are carefully arranged food stores and the best restaurants and bars in the country. Here we propose, hour by hour, a perfect day in the city.

10 a.m. Get yourself a morning espresso, while you choose a bicycle to move around the city. Wine Veil he gives you a map and a helmet.

10.30am After the bike ride through its beautiful streets, buy one of the chocolate bars with curious flavors – try the black one with Fritos – at ** Woodhouse Chocolate .**

11am. You'll feel like you're in Provence sitting on French Blue's sunny patio, until you sample their menu of local produce. Try the malted buttermilk waffle.

French Blue

Provence in Napa

Midday : learn how to make squid-stuffed aubergines and beef negimaki at the Culinary Institute of America, home to some of the world's great chefs (classes from €70) .

2.30 pm After an ascent of 15 minutes, you will arrive at the vineyard of Newton , between English gardens with views and a famous Chardonnay.

6 pm The Bar Goose & Gander makes cocktails 'from the farm to the glass', with local flora.

8 pm Try one of the dishes James Beard in ** The Countess. **

10 pm . End the day with an auteur film in the historic Cameo Cinema.

Newton Vineyard

Newton Vineyard


Napa's staple food, second only to wine, is olive oil . The best bottles are from the 82-year-old Napa Valley Olive Oil Manufacturing Company (835 Charter Oak Ave, St. Helena) and from the St. Helena Olive Oil Co, and their wine vinegar (1351 Main St.).

Olive oil

Olive oil, the gold of California


Napa's sunsets and endless green slopes invite outdoor dining. We have asked the chef Ken Frank , of the touch , with a Michelin star, how to prepare the best picnic.

Cowgirl Creamery Devil's Gulch . "Their semi-hard and spicy Devil Gulches. At Oxbow Cheese & Wine Merchant."

Fatted Calf's Picnic Hams . "I would buy the whole store. I am a real fan of their ham and pork marinated in wine and herbs."

Model Bakery English Muffin. "I'll stick with Model Bakery's foccacia and their famous English muffins."

Rose from Back Room. "The rosés in this store are versatile and refreshing."

Picnic in Napa

Picnic essentials in Napa


Napa receives five million tourists each year. Its more than 4,000 protected hectares maintain an unbeatable appearance. We have asked the author of hiking guides, Robert Stone , who recommends routes for all types of hikers. If you prefer one help during your route and historical information , book with Napa Valley Adventure Tours (10-mile tour: from €46 per person) . Whatever your condition, good footwear is essential.

For the sedentary, Westwood Hills Park . In the city of Napa itself, two miles of trails wind through oak groves and eucalyptus-studded canyons. The altitude reaches only 106 meters, so the climbs are easy.

**For the casual runner, Bothe-Napa Valley State Park**. This state park has more than 16 kilometers of trails. An attractive route that will take you through the California redwood forests and jumping from rock to rock across shallow streams.

For the experienced, Table Rock Trail . This path is anything but easy, but its beautiful evergreen trees and unique lava formations are worth the walk. You can leave the car in Highway 29 with Silverado Trail or at the starting point of the path, on Mount St. Helena.

Napa Valleys

Napa Valleys with Mount St. Helens in the background


The wine offer in California is overwhelming. Kris Margerum , the sommelier of Auberge du Soleil – the hotel with the largest winery in Napa – choose your options:

Classic: Keever Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon. "Napa knows the cabernet grape. The wine from these family owned vineyards balances strength, brightness and restraint."

Current: Desante 'Old Vine' Sauvignon Blanc. "The sauvignon blanc scene is maturing. The wine exudes as many nuances as the ingredients you might find in a meal: hints of lemon, tropical notes, hints of orchid and mineral flavors."

*The hotel Auberge du Soleil offers tasting menus for €116 (HD: from €600).

Auberge du Soeil

The ultimate souvenir: a stay at this hotel

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