'The Spotify of books' arrives


Listen to your favorite authors wherever you are

Listen to your favorite authors wherever you are

The company, based in Amsterdam and London, has just landed in Spain with its plan to 3.99 euros for eight audiobooks and ebooks per month. "In five years, 30% of the publishing market will be dominated by the Format audio book.

This is what the experts indicate, supported by the latest data compiled by analysts of Goodreader.com and ** Bookwire.es ** ", points out the company, which sees in the statistics an opportunity to expand your business model : "While ebook sales decreased 12% globally last year, the value of the audiobook industry was increased by 30% and managed to approach the four million dollars , thus becoming the segment of the publishing sector with more growth ", they point.

The main genres these audiobook users listen to - 48% of less than 35 years , according to your data- are mystery, thriller, romantic, fantasy and science fiction . The figures also indicate that these new readers are able to consume 15 audiobooks a year, and who prefer to do it in a smartphone (so did 29%) .

Better on a smartphone

Better on a smartphone

For this reason, Bookchoice offers, upon payment and download of the app, titles chosen by "a team of highly qualified readers" , which include "several of the books most recognized of the narrative panorama international, but is also committed to new discoveries and young talents ". The volumes, from crime novels to "jewels of the romantic genre", going through the winners of the great literary prizes, will be available in the application for a year.

Thus, this November, for example, the new book by Philip Pullman, The wild beauty. He has done it a week earlier than in bookstores, and, in audiobook format, three months before than anywhere else. The selection also includes A Pillar of Fire by Ken Follett sequel to his greatest hits The Pillars of the Earth and World Without End; beyond the winter , by Isabel Allende ; The question of their eyes , by Eduardo Sacheri, adapted to the cinema; the antiquarian , by Julian Sanchez; deserted cities, of Jose Agustin; Kate's November, by Monica Gutierrez, and Where do you keep your fears? by Margarita Arenas.

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