This app turns you into an art expert


Magnus “the world of art in your pocket”

Magnus, "the world of art in your pocket"

Name of the work, author, year, format, dimensions, last price for which it has been sold (at auction or gallery). This is what you will learn, by taking a photo, about that work that you do not know (or that you do not remember). And this is all that the Magnus application will tell you, which, like "Shazam", recognizes and identifies works of art.

If we make a test (for example, taking one of the pieces of Alphonse Mucha of our autumn and art report) we conclude that the work was sold in January 2015 for $28,800 in New York.

Looking for Alphonse Mucha

Looking for Alphonse Mucha

Finding Alphonse Mucha

Finding Alphonse Mucha


If your search doesn't return an immediate result, Magnus (available for free at iTunes Y google play ) assigns your photograph to an expert from his team and promises to give you an answer as soon as possible.

In addition, you can enjoy your favorite works in high quality and being able to observe the details by zooming in on the image.

Capture of Magnus

An expert will come to your aid if the app does not recognize the work at first


Magnus also functions as a art radar and, through its map, you will be able to know what is happening in the artistic world around you: what exhibitions are worth a, where is it, opening and closing times ... This function is only available (and at the moment) for the cities of Berlin, London, Los Angeles, New York, Paris and Sao Paulo.

In this map you can filter by “open now”, “experts' selection”, “open tonight”, or also configure your map with your favorite museums and galleries.

Paris art map illustration

Paris art map illustration


In addition, when you enter the application you will find content curated and chosen by great voices in the art business. It is the example of Lisa Schiff (artistic consultant from New York) that echoes her favorite works and her galleries in the application itself (Hauser & Wirth, Mary Boone Gallery and Luciana Brito Galeria) or simon depury , Swiss collector and auctioneer, who reveals his favorite exhibitions in Berlin (Galerie Guido W Baudach, Supportico Lopez or Meyer Riegger).

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