This is how the Japanese plum trees of Pazo de Faramello bloom


Flowering Japanese plum trees Pazo de Faramello

The ** Pazo de Faramello **, in A Coruña, is one of the most attractive Galician landscapes , which is currently in bloom.

This idyllic setting , in which we find about 40 centennial Japanese plum trees, With the arrival of spring, it offers a show worthy of making a stop along the way.

The trick for these plants to flourish, since they hardly occur in Western culture, is that their trees are planted on the stone of the terrace, and are grafted from above with the so-called 'bonsai' technique.

Going briefly into its history, this country house was in ancient times the first paper mill that Galicia had and is the the only Industrial Pazo in the entire Community.

Flowering Japanese plum trees Pazo de Faramello

Terrace with Japanese plum trees in bloom, in the Pazo de Faramello

Currently belongs to a stage of the Portuguese Camino de Santiago and its proximity to the Galician capital (about 20 minutes by car) facilitates the arrival of many visitors.

the owner of the farm, Gonzalo Rivero de Aguilar, explains to that this year flowering has occurred in advance, due to the weather conditions this winter.

Whoever is interested in enjoying this wonder that nature offers, should hurry up. Plum blossoms hardly last about two weeks in full swing. Its flowers are very delicate and soon its branches are bare.

Rivero de Aguilar highlights the claim that the ring of some ten historical trees located on a Baroque terrace in Compostela and known as the 'Stone Forest'.

View of the Pazo de Faramello

View of the Pazo de Faramello

To get to know Pazo de Faramello better, there are some guided tours, for both groups and individuals, with previous reservation in schedules of 12.00 and 17.00.

In addition to this guided route, at the end of it is offered a wine tasting, which is collected from the Pazo's own vineyards.

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