Organic, vegan and sustainable wines? If possible.


¿Vegan and sustainable organic wines? Yes it is possible.

Organic, vegan and sustainable wines? If possible.

Understanding wine is not easy. For some it will be but for many others non-experts it is difficult to discern between grape varieties, appellations of origin, filtration processes and tasting notes . And absolutely nothing happens because, after all, wine was made to be enjoyed and drunk . Nothing more. Deciphering it comes bit by bit, sip by sip. That is why it is so refreshing when new projects come up that seek approach the wine, in an easy and understandable way , still young public interested in issues such as the sustainability of the products he consumes, upcycling or a lifestyle that respects the environment and leaves out any type of food of animal origin.

This is what the sisters Sofia and Alba , who have just released Lacrima Terrae, a online store dedicated to organic wines . But, how are they different from the wines we buy every day in specialized stores or the supermarket?

“Organic wines are those wines whose vineyards do not undergo any type of chemical treatment . No pesticides or any type of fertilizers with modified organisms are used. All the treatments are completely natural ”, they explain to us. “No type of stabilizers are used either. In other words, chemicals are not usually used to balance wine based on sugar. What it is about is that there is the minimum intervention of synthetic agents in its elaboration", they detail.

¿Vegan and sustainable organic wines? Yes it is possible.

Alba and Sofía did not fall into the world of wine by chance. Her relationship with him has been forged with him. business founded by his parents 25 years ago, the Prior Terrae winery , in the Priory. "We have grown closely linked to wine. We had always wanted to help in the family business but we had never known how," they confess. And it is that his work destiny had never crossed with that of his parents. Sofía, for her part, studied Economics and moved into the world of technology, working with a startup in the technological development for the social sector. "It seemed to me that this area was dehumanized . There is talk that it is focused on people but their needs are ignored, "he shares. Thus, he went on to psychology and personal development as a coach until he reached the cultural transformation of companies and the evolution of the mentality for the new digital world. Alba, on the other hand, studied Business Administration and has worked in strategic consulting almost her entire life.

"Just before the lockdown, the winery was starting a process of creating new ecological certification marks . We got involved to help while we combined it with our jobs", they explain. "What started as a help became the opportunity to create a new sales space dedicated solely and exclusively to organic wines , something that does not exist since they are always 'one more category'". Her first reference is to her own winery, with which they have produced the Optare wines–white and red–, a limited edition that grows in clay amphorae , which enhances the fruit and the natural aromas of the grape. The footprint of its wines is also the minimum possible, making the sustainability Be part of her philosophy. For this they have ensured the corks be natural, the paper be recycled and that shipping boxes do not use plastic . "We also work with a company delivery of Madrid that instead of taking each order from there, it is developing small warehouses throughout Spain so that the routes are shorter, the journeys are reduced and the carbon footprint is lower", they share.

¿Vegan and sustainable organic wines? Yes it is possible.

Another winery that has just been added to its portfolio is enguera , in Valencia. "They have been organic for a long time and have even set up your own research center to explore new methods that can be implemented beyond what organic certification may require", they reveal to us. This means that they also investigate with a mineral to mitigate the rise in climate change temperature and reduce the water they need in production; as well as with the use of animals, which can help as defenses against pests.

The use (or not) of animals is another of the added values ​​that Lacrima Terrae wines have, which seeks to ensure that all members of the platform are vegans . "When you take a wine out of the tank or the barrel it is not usually as clean and crystalline as when you drink it, so it must go through a clarification and filtration process . This can be done with mineral, vegetable or animal agents (egg white, gelatin, etc.) and those based on vegetable proteins are the ones that are suitable for people who do not want to consume any substance of animal origin".

¿Vegan and sustainable organic wines? Yes it is possible.

In flavor terms , all these sustainable, ecological and vegan factors do influence the wine. "There are all kinds of theories and, although there is no study that can certify it, there is a notable change," Alba and Sofía explain. "You have to keep in mind that for a vineyard to be certified as organic, it has to be three years purifying the land to receive its official seal . In the end, what is understood is that by stopping treating the plant, it recovers its own defenses and properties . In addition, the quality of the grape is better, since it recovers its aromas, minerals and antioxidants," they clarify.

Does this make them better or just different from the wines we are "used to"? It is up to you to click, try and judge. Health!

¿Vegan and sustainable organic wines? Yes it is possible.

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