What phase am I in and where can I travel?


Man bathing on the beach

Do we take a bath?

Updated on the day: 06/19/2020. Until this Sunday, June 21 at 00:00 (night from Saturday to Sunday) the sixth and last extension of the state of alarm declared through Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, concludes, a large part of the Spanish population still found in phases 2 and 3 of the Plan for the transition to a new normality.

Approved on April 28 by the Council of Ministers, this plan is the roadmap that is being followed to carry out the transition to the reality in which we will live after the end of the state of alarm.

Map that shows in which phase of de-escalation each area of ​​Spain is located

Map that shows in which phase of de-escalation each area of ​​Spain is located

With the aim of gradually recovering daily life and economic activity without putting public health at risk, This plan has been gradual and has made it possible to introduce changes that help adapt it to each reality.



The same scenario is maintained as in phase 1, that is, the permitted journeys are those that are made by the province, the island or the territorial unit of reference. However, the number of people who can constitute the group varies, going up to a maximum of 15, among which cohabiting persons will not be counted.

In case of traveling with people with whom you do not live, you will have to maintain social distance or protective measures.


Always with the obligation to maintain a minimum distance of two meters, consumption is resumed inside hotel and restaurant establishments (except nightclubs and nightlife bars), allowing autonomous communities and cities that can modify the percentage of capacity of the premises within the range of 30 to 50%.

This measure is included in the modifications approved by the Order SND/440/2020 published in the BOE on May 23, making the previous slogan that established a maximum capacity of 40% more flexible.

Now, at this stage, for now, no bar. Consumption inside the premises must be done sitting at a table , or table groupings, and if possible through Advance reservation.

In phase 1, active tourism and nature activities are already resumed

In phase 1, active tourism and nature activities are already resumed

This modification can also be applied to outdoor terraces, although we must remember that **in phase 1 they were already working at 50% of their capacity. **

Hotels and tourist accommodation may open their common areas to the public without exceeding a third of their capacity.


Recreational pools will be able to open to the public in phase 2, but they will work with prior appointment, shift schedules and a maximum capacity of 30% or, failing that, the one that allows compliance with the safety distance. They will have to cleanse at least three times a day and the locker room showers and water fountains may not be used.

As to beaches, is allowed its use individually and without physical contact, upholding the recommendations distance of two meters between people, except between cohabitants.

The aforementioned Order SND/440/2020 establishes that the city councils can limit the capacity, the time of permanence and access to both the beach and the car parks to ensure that the interpersonal distance of at least two meters between bathers is respected.

In this sense, the Ministry of Health already published a document on May 24 with recommendations for the reopening of bathing areas. As usual, two measures do not vary: hygiene and social distance.

How to stay in a hotel

What will it be like to stay in a hotel?


The number of people rises to 20 groups that carry out active and nature tourism activities, and these activities should be arranged preferably through appointment.

In addition, within this process of gradually modifying and adapting the measures, it has been allowed the reopening of natural parks with 20% capacity and cable cars with half occupancy.


At this stage it is possible resume aeronautical training activities, taking extreme hygiene measures, keeping the maximum possible interpersonal separation and taking into account the recommendations provided by the competent authorities. It's important pointing that these flights must take off and land within the territorial unit in which the school is located and, in the case of the Balearic Islands, they will only be able to land on the take-off island.

The Order SND/487/2020, of June 1, which establishes the conditions to be applied in phases 2 and 3 of the Plan for the Transition to a New Normal in terms of air and maritime services, also allows recreational air navigation in groups of up to a maximum of 20 people, including the pilot.


Ships and boats dedicated to tourist passenger transport, other than cruise ships, will be able to sail again and anchor in the adjacent waters of the territories already in phase 2. In the case of the Balearic and Canary Islands, the occupation of these ships and boats may not exceed 50% of their capacity.

Langre Beach

It will be different, it will be weird; but we will return to the beaches

Recreational boating is also allowed. as long as the persons are in the same territorial unit in which the boat or recreational vessel is moored. can't be beat 75% of its capacity, except in the case of people who live in the same address. However, in both cases the number can never be greater than 10.

In this phase, the option to rent boats, pleasure boats, jet skis and recreational nautical artifacts as long as those who are going to rent and the companies in question are in the same territorial unit and respecting the capacity limitations explained above. In the case of jet skis, only one person can go on board, unless they are cohabitants.

They can also be made navigation practices to obtain recreational titles.


  • Castile and Leon: Avila, Segovia, Soria and Salamanca
  • Madrid's community


This is the phase prior to the so-called "new normality" and in it we can consider the time slots to have disappeared (those reserved for people over 70 years of age as well), although the Ministerial Order that includes the application measures in this phase 3 requires extreme safety and hygiene when we find ourselves with people considered vulnerable to Covid-19 and it is recalled that groups should be a maximum of 20 people, except in the case of cohabiting persons.

Couple hiking in the mountains

Tell us what phase you are in and we will tell you what you can do

Nope, the safety distance of at least two meters does not disappear or, failing that, the physical protection measures of hand hygiene or use of a mask.


In the initial de-escalation plan there were no variations with respect to phase 2 and mobility was still limited to the province, island or territorial unit where we meet. However, as of June 8, Autonomous communities that are in this phase can become territorial units if they have requested it from the Ministry of Health, which will allow them to decide for themselves if they allow free circulation within the whole of its territory.

In this sense, the Autonomous Communities that are in phase 3 They already allow free circulation between their provinces Andalusia, Aragon, Extremadura, the Valencian Community and between islands in the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands. In the case of Castilla-La Mancha, only Cuenca and Guadalajara, They will have mobility between both territories.

On the contrary, Castile and Leon does not allow mobility between its different provinces that are already in phase 3.


Although it is recommended to leave the greatest separation between passengers whenever the occupancy level allows it, Order SND/507/2020, of June 6, already contemplates the possibility of using all seats in buses and rail transport.

Woman sitting in front of a lake

Go recovering spaces of normality, little by little

In the case of urban and peri-urban collective public transport with platforms enabled for travelers to stand up, the occupancy reference will be two users for every square meter.


The outdoor terraces will be able to increase their capacity up to 75% and the number of people who can meet will be increased to 20 around a table or groupings of tables. Of course, the ministerial order establishes that it must be guaranteed that the physical distance of two meters between said groups is maintained.

As for the interior of the premises, the novelties arrive, on the one hand, with the possibility of consuming at the bar as long as the perennial social distance between clients or groups of clients can be guaranteed. And on the other hand, table consumption that was already allowed in phase 2 must not exceed 50% of the capacity in this new phase and it must be carried out with guarantees of maintaining that separation of two meters and, if possible, with prior reservation.

On this last point, the door is left open so that the autonomous communities and autonomous cities can modify the capacity allowed for consumption inside the premises, provided that It is not less than 50% nor more than two thirds of the maximum capacity.

Cyclist riding on the road

Return to outdoor sports

At this stage it is allowed reopening of discos and nightlife bars provided that it does not exceed a third of its capacity and no dance floor. This one can be used, but for the installation of tables. In the event that these establishments have outdoor terraces, they may open them in compliance with the requirements established for the terraces of the rest of the restaurant premises.


In the case of hotels and tourist accommodation, the capacity in the common areas whose opening was already allowed in phase 2 will be increased from 30% to 50%. Closed spaces must be ventilated two hours before use when they are going to host events, entertainment or sports activities.

The latter, which should preferably be carried out outdoors, may have a maximum capacity of 20 people, respecting the safety distance between the participants and between them and the monitor. If this is not possible, the use of masks will be necessary.

Two women rest in nature

Go recovering the rhythm, little by little

The hotel and restaurant services of hotels and tourist accommodation will be governed by what is established for this type of business: outdoor terraces with a capacity of 75%, consumption inside the premises at the bar as long as the distance of two meters between customers is guaranteed, and at the table, but with a capacity of 50%.

For swimming pools and spas, the hygiene and prevention measures established in chapter X of Order SND/414/2020, of May 16 (article 45), must be complied with, where the need to clean and disinfect facilities daily; to remind users of the hygiene measures to be respected and the obligation to leave the place in the event of any symptoms compatible with Covid-19; and to guarantee a distribution with at least two meters of safety between users with signs that limit some spaces where personal objects will also have to be kept.


Increased from 20 to 30 the number of people who can practice active tourism and nature activities in a group, always guaranteeing the safety distance between participants and, when this is not possible, providing the appropriate protective equipment.

For the tour guides to resume their activity, they are allowed groups of a maximum of 20 people, with the seats reserved by appointment and with routes that Avoid going through places where crowds can be generated. As always, it will be essential to maintain a safe distance and audio guides, brochures or similar materials cannot be provided.

In this third phase tourist recreation centers, zoos and aquariums reopen to the public with a maximum total capacity of 50% and 30% for attractions and closed places.

Two women walk in nature

What phase am I in and where can I travel?


According to the Order SND/487/2020, of June 1, at this stage already all recreational nautical activities are authorized without more limitations than those that govern in general and the adoption of preventive health measures.

Likewise, navigation practices to obtain recreational titles may be carried out no restrictions on the number of people on board.

Yes, it stays the need to apply disinfection measures and to reinforce health and hygiene standards in ships and recreational boats, jet skis and recreational nautical devices.


  • Andalusia: Almeria, Cadiz, Cordoba, Huelva, Jaen, Seville, Granada and Malaga
  • Aragon: Huesca, Teruel and Saragossa
  • Asturias
  • Balearics: Formentera, Majorca, Minorca and Ibiza
  • Canary Islands: La Gomera, El Hierro, La Graciosa, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura and La Palma
  • Castilla la Mancha: Guadalajara, Cuenca, Ciudad Real, Toledo and Albacete
  • Castile and Leon: Burgos, Palencia, Leon, Zamora and Valladolid
  • Valencian Community: Castellon, Valencia and Alicante
  • Estremadura: Caceres and Badajoz
  • The Rioja
  • Murcia
  • Navarre
  • Melilla
  • Ceuta

Active and nature tourism in groups of up to 20 people in the second phase

Active and nature tourism in groups of up to 20 people in the second phase


These two words define what will be the reality of the territories that pass phase 3 and of all of Spain as of June 21, date on which the last extension of the state of alarm ends and the restrictions it imposed are no longer valid.

The measures that mark our day to day, such as maintaining the social distance of at least 1.5 meters and the obligation to wear a mask, starting on Sunday that is coming and until the government declares "in a reasoned manner and in accordance with the available scientific evidence (...) the end of the health crisis caused by Covid-19" appear in the Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9.


Freedom of movement is restored which was restricted with the declaration of the state of alarm.


They must comply with the appropriate capacity, disinfection, prevention and conditioning regulations, paying special attention to common areas and the need to avoid crowds in them so that clients and workers can maintain an interpersonal safety distance of at least 1.5 meters.

When it is not possible to maintain this distance, it will be necessary to resort to hygiene measures that prevent the risk of contagion.

Two people playing with the waves on the beach

We will play with the waves again


In the case of public passenger transport of rail and road state competition subject to public contract or public service obligations, operators will have to adjust supply to the recovery in demand to make it easier for citizens to access their jobs and basic services, while complying with “the sanitary measures that can be agreed to avoid the risk of contagion of Covid-19”.

In addition, interprovincial air and ground transportation operators with a pre-assigned seat number “They must collect contact information for all passengers and keep the lists for a minimum of four weeks after the trip. Likewise, they must provide these lists to the public health authorities when required in order to carry out contact traceability.


Galicia: Lugo, Ourense, Pontevedra and A Coruña

  • Catalonia: health zones of Lleida, Barcelona and its metropolitan area, Alt Pirineu i Aran, Camp de Tarragona, Terres de l'Ebre, Girona and Central Catalonia
  • Basque Country: Álava, Vizcaya and Guipúzcoa
  • Cantabria

In the second phase, recreational pools can open their doors

Yes there will be pools this summer

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