What does a 4,000 euro Iberian ham taste like?


Beneficial for health, this is luxury Iberico ham

Beneficial for health: this is luxury Iberian ham

Nothing escapes the tyranny of the superheathy, not even luxury products As the Iberian Ham . What we didn't know is that we almost had to resort to the CSIC to show that acorn-fed Iberico ham is not far from the so-called "superfoods" in terms of health.

The acorn-fed Iberian ham It's one of the luxury products most exclusive of Spanish gastronomy. The Casa Joselito stands out this year for a €3,000 ham , although we have decided to call three others from the most exquisite Iberian houses in Spain to tell us the reason for this sybaritism.


We made the first stop at the house of Athanasius Carrasco , one of the most recognized brands of Guijuelo . There they discover us that acorn-fed Iberian ham is recognized as one of the four most gastronomic products in the world next to caviar, white truffle and foie.

In addition to its scarcity and the long pig fattening time , as well as the drying and maturation times logically raise its value. The acorn , which is the fruit of the oak, is a scarce food.

At least 2 hectares of dehesa are needed to be able to fatten a pig, in the world that is only possible in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula and the surface of this ecosystem is very small, comments Carrasco.

Carrasco Iberian Ham


After 120 years, Carrasco's projection is spectacular inside and outside our borders . His proposal is to bring the product of great luxury to a more accessible public , betting on knowledge, that consumers not only savor but also learn to understand what ham is.

"What we want is that enjoyed through the Iberian acorn-fed ham what is inside the box and at the same time provide knowledge of a series of terms closely related to the production, and that are not well known by the consumer. These are terms used for many years, some of which have been the hallmark of Iberian terminology. It is a gastronomic concept and at the same time informative and fun", they explain from the house. The product , nothing more and nothing less than a "dictionary" made with ham.


It is another of the centenary houses of Guijuelo . This company was born from a enterprising and hard-working family , and above all with an immense passion for a job well done.

Generation after generation have been made strong commitment to quality d, through relationships with their ranchers, the breed selection, the double montanera and of course looking a perfect balance between a natural healing process, without calendars.

The star product of Arturo Sanchez is Arturo100, a limited edition of 100 units of acorn-fed Iberian ham at a price of €1,000 per unit , perfect to commemorate his 100th birthday.

The peculiarity of these hams is that the pigs have passed three montaneras of acorns . "The montanera is the period during which the acorn ripens and falls from the tree. At that time, the pigs can eat it. The law states that for a pig to be "acorn-fed" it must have completed at least 60 days of montanera, but the natural period can be much longer", explains Ricardo Sánchez, director of the company.

Arturo Sanchez

Arturo Sánchez's star product is Arturo 100

Then we still have to wait between four and five years to be able to taste it . At Arturo Sánchez, the natural healing process is delicate, subject to the climate and the know-how accumulated over four generations.

"The whole process is of course expensive, but the most important thing is that it has a high value for the positive impact that it generates in nature. The high price is therefore a consequence of a long, costly and complex manufacturing process," concludes Ricardo.

And in addition, they have luxury collaborations: "Our firm commitment is to gastronomy. Although many of our clients opt for a traditional recipe book, we feel obliged to look to the future of the sector, and also to learn from the best, that is why we collaborate with Paco Perez from Miramar, Andoni Luis Aduriz of Mugaritz, mario sandoval of Coke or Manuel Alonso of Casa Manolo among others", he adds.


A year ago we were petrified by the news that the Iberian ham of the Meadow Maladua went into the book Guinness of records for the most valuable ham in the world, one piece at whose price it reached the astronomical figure of €4,100.

And this year, it maintains its value, so we have not hesitated to contact Edward Donato , promoter of the most luxurious ham dehesa that exists, with D.O Summum, the most outstanding that exists.

The ham comes from spotted iberian pig , a species in danger of extinction and that was depreciated for its size and for having a white hoof.

Donato rescued him and bet on an animal whose breeding lasts up to three years, with smaller litters. His risky recklessness led to his first prize in Nuremberg , at the organic products fair he said "hello" to this new and curious Iberian ham.

"The spotted is a pure Iberian in organic production, out of respect for the animals, the consumer and mother earth. Patience, passion and pleasure is what we have ", sentences Eduardo. And the piece is enclosed in an oak wood box, with its own lock. A luxury within the reach of very few...

The dish of our dreams

The dish of our dreams


The acorn-fed Iberian ham , in addition to being a luxury item, is a much more than healthy food . Most of the studies that have been carried out on Iberian ham have almost always focused on analyzing the benefits of its fat composition.

A few months ago, a study on the antioxidant capacity of Iberian ham from two montaneras was presented by the ** CIAL (Institute for Research in Food Sciences),** a body dependent on the CSIC with surprising results.

The head of the study, Dr. Marta Miguel, food researcher , especially proteins of animal origin with the main objective of developing new foods to improve the health of consumers, she reveals to us what this appreciated jewel of our gastronomy hides.

"The content in oleic acid of pork is high, but it is especially high in the case of Iberian ham and for this reason it is considered Iberian ham fat as a healthy fat . Very recently, in a study carried out by researchers at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid, it was found that the consumption of Iberian ham did not contribute to increased body weight, and also improved plasma lipid levels, reduced blood pressure levels and it produced an improvement of the vascular endothelium", says Marta Miguel.

This is PORN

This is PORN

Furthermore, she adds that Iberian ham is also considered an excellent source of protein of high biological value since it contains an adequate proportion of essential amino acids, and also contains a large amount of free amino acids that are formed as a result of the proteolysis that occurs in the Iberian ham during the long curing period that is needed for its preparation.

proteolysis It also allows the ham to be more easily digestible and, in addition, its proteins to be more bioavailable. On the other hand, proteins will also favor the absorption of other micronutrients, such as minerals or trace elements ( Iron, Zinc, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium and Selenium ) of which Iberian ham is also an important source and, which are also more bioavailable in Iberian ham than in other plant-based sources.

Iberian ham is also a excellent source of group B vitamins, and its concentration is much higher than that which can be found in fresh pork or in other types of meat, which makes its consumption particularly suitable for children, the elderly and pregnant women.

All this provides the Iberian ham with a balanced nutritional profile and, says the doctor, some recent studies suggest that ham and especially Iberian ham can be included regularly in the diet. Therefore, the consumption of Iberian ham, even two to three times a week (50 g/day), It is highly recommended as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

And if they say it from the CSIC, we will have to listen to them, don't you think?

Iberico ham is a luxury and very healthy product

If from the CSIC they say that you have to eat Iberian ham... well, you have to pay attention to them, right?

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