These restaurants in Asturias are worth escaping... NOW


Rice pudding from La Gloria

Rice pudding from La Gloria

We bring to the table of the best of the sea and the mountains, which come together in these asturian restaurants , which offer excellent quality at reasonable prices and in charming surroundings.


The western Asturias is a magical land of intense greens and pure nature, and there, very close to Taramundi , is the Los Cranberries restaurant . As its name indicates, these fruits have a very special place in the restaurant menu , because the owners have a red fruit plantation that they grow themselves and often add to their dishes.

The cuisine of Los Arándanos is homemade, local and seasonal –Part of the raw material used in the restaurant comes from their own garden and the product is ecological -. The large windows in the room let you enjoy the wonderful scenery around the restaurant, located on the Oscos-Eo and Terras de Burón Biosphere Reserve. It is recommended to call before going to confirm that it is open.

On the way to Los Arándanos it is worth making a stop at You Teixois , a self-sufficient village that keeps the charm of another time intact.

_(Almallos, s/n, Taramundi, 33775) _

Los Arndanos Restaurant

The red fruits of Los Arándanos fill the menu and the dishes


There is little left to say about Gueyu Sea , just that it would be a sin to be in Asturias and miss it. With a masterful command of the grill and with the many years of experience that guarantee them, Abel and Louise have been able to place their restaurant at the head of the fish grills from Spain . On their counter you can see the product they have on their menu. Large fish such as grouper, king or turbot, waiting their turn for the grill, as well as shellfish.

You can choose without fear of making a mistake because everything is good and the portions are abundant. It is worth trying –or taking home- their canned sardines and, of course, strolling along the nearby Vega beach, a luxury that is a two-minute walk from the restaurant.

_(Beach of Vega, 84, 33560 Ribadesella) _


The humble facade of this cute restaurant it does not allow to guess the well-cared interiors that are behind. To go to the dining room from the bar you have to go through the kitchen and after it comes the surprise: antique furniture , neutral tones and ubiquitous animal heads hanging on the wall. Everything is designed to make the diner feel at home and the service is excellent.

The Teresa's calluses , daughter of the bar's former owners, are known throughout the region and their home cooking is delicious. In addition to tripe, goat is highly recommended. Desserts are displayed on a sideboard in the living room and it deserves to leave room to try them, especially their walnut cake.

_(28 BIS, 33919 Snows) _

Camacho Bar

As if it were a still life...


This restaurant, located in peruyes , in the Asturian East , allows you to understand the essence of Asturias at first sight. The road that leads to the restaurant becomes at some point a narrow path that responds to what the natives know as a caleya. The hórreo and the chickens and some sheep who live freely around just add to the charm of the restaurant, which also has swings and plenty of room for the kids to play. The Gamonéu cream cheese with cornbread that they usually serve as an appetizer is delicious.

El Molín de Mingo is a paradise for carnivores , from the pitu with rice -one of its most celebrated dishes- to the kid or stewed wild boar, none disappoints. For dessert, rice pudding or cheesecake. The portions are consistent and making a reservation is the best option to avoid surprises.

_(Peruyes s/n. Cangas de Onís) _


A classic of the Asturian West, The New Allandesa You have to go hungry because the portions are not designed for people with little appetite. In its very spacious and large room, the tables are covered with white tablecloths and the waiters, very attentive, wear black and white.

The menu is very extensive and it is best to take advice from the staff, but if there is something that you have to try, yes or yes, it is the stuffed cabbage and the Asturian pot (cooked), which they serve in a dish that they leave on the table for those who I want to be able to repeat. Grandma's cake and flan are homemade and delicious desserts.

_(Donato Fernandez Street, 3, 33880 Pola de Allande) _


Tazones is a postcard seafaring town. With its white houses with windows and balconies painted in bright colors and the Bay of Biscay as a backdrop, it is a place that transmits peace. Breakwater , located a few meters from the water, has been offering meals since 1964 and there the catch of the day rules.

Checkered tablecloths, umbrellas, the simplicity both in its decoration and in its menu give prominence to the quality of the product, which is what speaks. **The fried pixín (monkfish)** are spectacular and when you have them you can't stop trying them. With autumn comes their fish soup, another of their classics.

_(San Miguel, 21, 33315 Bowls) _

Cachopo 'The Misunderstood' of La Gloria

Cachopo 'The Misunderstood' of La Gloria


The apple tree brothers They are the chefs with the most international projection in Asturias and Casa Marcial is the only restaurant in the region with two Michelin stars. For more casual dining, your new restaurant Glory (with stores in Oviedo and Gijón) is a delight.

The menu combines some of the dishes the Manzanos are known for – croquettes, corn cakes or rice with pitu caleya - with newer and seasonal ones, such as the wok of octopus and sweetbreads of suckling pig, cabbage and mushrooms . Both places are decorated following sober and elegant lines and the service is very attentive.

_(Cervantes Street, 24, 33004 Oviedo) _

_(Plaza Florencio Rodríguez, 4 - Plaza, 33206, Gijón) _

La Gloria croquettes

La Gloria croquettes


ballast It is a dream town that will sound familiar to many because it is the setting for the series. doctor matthew . There is the restaurant ** Eutimio **, a classic of Asturian gastronomy which has been in the hands of the same family since 1964, when it opened its doors under the name of Miramar (it has been in its current location under the name of Eutimio since 1976).

In Eutimio the specialty is the fish, sea bream on the back and hake Eutimio style are two sure hits. The family also produces high-quality canned products.

_(San Antonio Street, S/N, 33320 Lastres) _


Following the principles of movement slow food and with two peas Behind the stove, El Llar de Viri is one of those restaurants that places you in Asturias as soon as you walk through its door: decorated in a rustic way, with exposed stone and many details in wood, its rooms are wonderful.

El Llar de Viri is located half an hour by car from both Avilés and Oviedo, in the candamo council . Like good guisanderas, its menu features traditional dishes from Asturian gastronomy and its fabada is one of the best in the region . Likewise, winter is a very good time to visit this restaurant and try one of the stars on the menu, the pot of chestnuts The rice pudding it is also spectacular.

_(Trasquilos, 20, 33828 San Román de Candamo) _

Asturias without fabada is not Asturias

Asturias, without fabada, is not Asturias


Cangas de Narcea , in the heart of southwestern Asturias, is where El Blanco is located, a family restaurant whose façade invites us to think that perhaps it is more of a winch where you can go for a drink pint of wine that a place where taste the cuisine of the area with creative touches , but appearances in this case are deceiving.

With a traditionally long bar and reduced space for tables -without booking on weekends it is very likely that you will have to wait-, at El Blanco it is essential to try the croquettes, the tomatoes of the area when it is season, the stews of the house -especially the Asturian pot-, the chosco of Tineo , a very typical sausage from the area made with pork loin and tongue that has IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) and its Asturian cheese ice cream, as well as the wines of Cangas.

Although perhaps a little far from the Asturian cities (it is one hour from Oviedo) el Blanco is the perfect place to stop when you visit the marvel that is the Muniellos Nature Reserve.

_(Main Street, 11, 33800 Cangas del Narcea, Asturias) _

The tomatoes here are... TOMATOES

The tomatoes here are... TOMATOES

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