Epic dishes from impossible cooks


Peter Clemenza teaching how to make good spaghetti

Peter Clemenza teaching how to make good spaghetti

It's about confessions . One of the most miserable and pathetic moments (“pathetic” with a monguer accent from Tamara/Yurena/Loquesea) of my gastropath existence was that day that —brave idiot— I gathered a bunch of friends in I don't remember what they cook with the aim of reproducing , millimetrically (and when I say pinpoint, hell, I mean it very seriously: I'm talking about this infamous chronicler dressed in the wedding vest and the red checkered napkin peter clemenza ) the scene of the quartering of the gang of minions of Santino “Sonny” Corleone.

"Who knows if one day you will have to cook for 20."

That way but they cook.

That way, but they cook.

What I imagined as a gang of Sicilian henchmen devouring meatballs mutated into a band of five morons in their thirties kicking for the indifference of the former "chalk" . Anyway, c'est la vie. I suppose that what throbbed behind the attempted gastronomic “homage” (sic) is the fascination that a cooking star produces in us. A guy you admire (I'm talking about real stars - unattainable and ethereal, not cookies from Taylor Swift ) dirtying their hands with tomato sauce, peeling potatoes and licking their fingers with the remains of Ligurian pesto. That is also gastronomy, don't you think?


Falete's huge knee-sized spaghetti platter with meatballs (tomato and meat): “Look, you start with a little bit of oil. Then you fry some garlic. Then you throw in tomatoes, tomato paste and cook it all, make sure it doesn't stick . You let it boil, you add your sausages and your meatballs, huh? And some wine. And a little sugar, that's my trick ”.

The recipe, fantastically reproduced in El Comidista.

Spaghetti Bolognese by Peter Clemenza

Spaghetti Bolognese by Peter Clemenza


What am I going to say about Miles Davis if he already says it very clearly: “I have changed the history of music four or maybe five times. What have you done besides being white? ”. Anyway, this guy is to blame for Kind of Blue. That this guy is a fucking genius and I rarely say fucking genius.

In his autobiography, Miles Davis writes that by the early 1960s “I had gotten into the kitchen. I loved food and hated going to restaurants all the time, so I taught myself how to cook reading books and practicing , just like you do with an instrument. I could cook most of the great French dishes - because I really liked French dishes - and all the black American dishes. But my favorite was a chili dish that I called Miles's South Side Chicago Chili Mack . I cooked it with spaghetti, grated cheese and oysters ”.

Davis never published how to make it, but in 2007, Best Life magazine got hold of the recipe from his first wife, Frances, who Davis said she made better than he did.


1.4 pounds tallow (beef fat)

1 large onion chopped

1 pound of minced meat

1/2 pound minced beef

1/2 pound minced pork salt and pepper

2 teaspoons of garlic powder

1 teaspoon chili powder

1 teaspoon cumin seeds

2 cans of beans, drained

1 can of beef consommé

1 drop of red wine vinegar

3 pounds of spaghetti


oyster crackers

Heineken beer

Miles Davis

Hey, buddy, do you make a chili?

Let's cook:

1. Melt the suet in a large heavy pot until the liquid fat is about an inch high. Remove solid pieces of suet from pot and throw away. two. In same pot, sauté onion.

3. Combine meats in bowl; season with salt, pepper, garlic powder , chili powder and cumin. Four. In another bowl, season the beans with salt and pepper. 5. Add meat to onions; sauté until browned. 6. Add beans, broth and vinegar; simmer for about an hour, stirring occasionally.

7. Add more seasonings to taste, if desired. 8. Cook spaghetti according to package directions, then divide among six plates.

9. put a tablespoon of the meat mixture on each plate of spaghetti Save $. 10. Top with Parmesan cheese and serve oyster crackers on the side.

eleven. Open a Heineken.


Ernesto was macho, brutish (especially after a cogorza) and a little reckless at times —like that anecdote of his: Ernest shooting like crazy at the sea with his Thompson submachine gun (The Thompson) lest the sharks They swiped the two hundred kilo freshly caught tuna . He is so subtle.

Anyway, the author of Death in the Afternoon had pretty strict orders about how he wanted his hamburgers. The most heterogeneous of the burgers . Brother-in-law's El Dorado: Ernest Hemingway's Burger:

Hernest Hemingway's recipe

Ernest Hemingway's recipe


1 pound lean ground beef

2 garlic cloves minced

2 green onions, finely chopped

1 heaped teaspoon Indian relish

2 tablespoons capers

1 heaped teaspoon Spice Islands sage

Spice Islands Beau Monde Seasoning - 1/2 tsp

Spice Islands Mei Yen powder - 1/2 teaspoon

1 egg beaten in a cup with a fork

About 1/3 cup dry white or red wine

cooking oil 1 tablespoon

Let's cook:

Break up the meat with a fork and scatter the garlic, onion and dry seasonings over it, and then mix them into the meat with a fork or your fingers. Let the meat dish rest outside the fridge for ten or fifteen minutes, while he sets the table and makes the salad . Add the seasoning, capers, everything else including the wine and let the meat marinate quietly for another ten minutes, if possible. Now make your fat, juicy patties with your hands. The patties should be an inch thick and smooth in texture but not runny. Heat the oil in the pan, but don't let it burn (smoking when you drop in the patties), then lower the heat and fry the patties for about four minutes. Take the pan off the heat and turn the heat to high again. Flip the burgers over, put the pan back on the hot fire , then after a minute, lower the heat again and cook for another three minutes. Both sides of the burgers they should be crispy brown and the medium and juicy rose.



Half a kilo of beef.

A glass of chilled bourbon

Let's cook:

Preheat a large frying pan and sprinkle the surface lightly with table salt. Mix the meat lightly with your hands and shape it, just enough to form a patty. Grill over medium heat for four minutes on each side. Serve the bourbon first in a chilled glass , then the meat and plants the bourbon and the hamburger on a tray, in front of the TV.

Dean Martin not without my cup

Dean Martin: not without my cup


1. Call Dinah.

two. Tell him to cook you his fucking hamburger.

3. Drink your bourbon.

Recipe made in Sinatra

Recipe made in Sinatra


Ok, there is no recipe here. But Sasha...

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