In the footsteps of Dylan Thomas through Wales: a route between verses and dreamlike landscapes


Boathouse at Laugharne

Boathouse at Laugharne

**Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) was born and educated in Swansea, Wales **, and later settled in Laugharne (Llareggub in Welsh) where he lived between 1938-49, "the strangest town in Wales , a city out of time, beautiful and crazy", in the words of the poet.

His work was already known at that time, because since he was twenty years old he had not stopped writing with his great mastery of language and a strong longing for the landscape of his childhood.

Interior of Dylan Thomas's bedroom at Laugharne

Interior of Dylan Thomas's bedroom at Laugharne

At Laugharne's **Boathouse** overlooking the estuary he wrote his magnum opus, Under the Milky Forest , a voiced drama in which he predominates poetry and irony , recreating scenes with that evocative force that characterizes him.

your countryman Richard Burton, along with Elizabeth Taylor and Peter O'toole starred in the movie Under Milk Wood Based on Dylan Thomas's play on the daily life of the Welsh village of Laugharne.

The Hotel Brown on the roadside of Laugharne still has hanging photos of Dylan Thomas in the company of his wife, the Irish dancer Caitlin Macnamara , a beautiful woman with a volcanic character who did not care at all about the opinion of others, she said what she wanted, and she did her holy will. Dylan's drinking partner, she stated: "Ours is not just a love story, it is also a history of alcohol ".

Dylan Thomas in the meadow

Dylan Thomas in his native Wales

The Brown's Pub It was the second home of the marriage, especially Dylan who read the newspaper there , did crossword puzzles, bet on horse riding and found juicy stories in people's conversations for his writings.

The marriage rests on St Martin, the cemetery of the fishing village.

Dylan Thomas and Caitlin Macnamara

Dylan Thomas and Caitlin Macnamara, a history of alcohol

It is any given day, in the morning, and at the foot of the Laugharne Castle there's a antiques market , people walk their dogs, the air is clean and clear and the atmosphere of the town on the shores of the Irish Sea could not be more peaceful.

It seems that in this tiny fishing village nothing could ever happen, and yet the Thomases revolutionized Laugharne with their writing, their art, and their unconventional way of life.

Near the town, among pastures and lost trails, is The Corran , an old farm yes XII turned into a luxury boutique hotel with 21 rooms , spa, and cooking school run by the Chef Jean Christophe Novelli , ideal for exploring the county of carmarthenshire and its golden sand beaches.


no wonder that the coast of Wales was the muse of inspiration for the controversial poet . The rugged beauty of its cliffs, miles of beaches and lush forests justify his love for his land.

Touring the 14 harbors and 58 beaches in the Pembrokeshire National Park , you get to Tenby whose panoramic view from the cliff exceeds all expectations.



The medieval village is located between two white sand beaches and rough sea . Its city walls, castle and harbor are cheered by colorfully painted Georgian houses with flower gardens, and the many shops and cafes around the seafront.

Continuing along the coastal map, you reach the St Govan's Chapel embedded between the rocks of the cliff to enjoy the spectacular coastal route between green meadows until you can see the Broadhaven and Barafundle beaches.

Barafundle Beach

Barafundle Beach

The next stop would be Solva from which its yacht port stands out, to follow what has come to be called the smallest town in the United Kingdom, St David's , which actually supposes a town within another.

The current one is a village of cozy houses with flowers everywhere, shops and galleries. The old consists of a cathedral and what remains of the castle where supposedly its inhabitants took refuge from Viking attacks.

St. David's Cathedral

St. David's Cathedral

A stunning panorama of St. David's and the Atlantic can be seen from **Roch Castle Hotel.**

El Castillo offers luxury, sophistication and comfort . Its six suites feature original historic details. Modern art in public areas and spectacular views of the Pembrokeshire coast.

To round it off, try the exquisite seafood cuisine at the restaurant ** Blas en el Twr ** and Felin Hotel , sister hotel to Roch Castle, offering a seasonal menu and Welsh cuisine.

Boathouse at Laugharne

Boathouse at Laugharne

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