take photos


Michelle Liu setting trends

Michelle Liu, setting trends

"I started taking photos from the chin because I was very insecure in high school. I felt pressure from society and my peers to look a certain way And I thought I wouldn't be able to rise to the challenge of those standards. What alternative to traditional beauty , I started taking these types of photos to allow myself embrace my most extravagant side , and my friends thought it was funny, so I have continued to entertain them with these types of images until today. In the end, I decided to combine my love for travel with my love for posing "chin-length" to create chinventures (chin means "chin" in English) when I went to study outside in 2016".

The story is told by Michelle herself for Traveler. Is neighbor of boston she has already been interviewed by numerous media outlets, who realized that her her funny poses of her in front of monuments around the world were all the rage in Instagram (where she already has more than 61,000 followers ) .

"I have received a lot positive feedback and support to my account I never imagined that she would become so well known! What has caught my attention the most has been all the people who have written to tell me that my photographs have inspired them to Worry less about your appearance. I did not plan to have this effect on anyone, and it seems to me a blessing "explains the influencer, who is also amazed by the fact that the Chinventures phenomenon is taking to classrooms from some teachers. "'Even one of my friends, who studies in Singapore , he sent me a message telling me that they had talked about it in class!"

But why would the bizarre michelle bet ? We asked him, "I think maybe I'll call people because normally, nobody takes chinfies in front of interesting places. Perhaps that intrigued them. It may also be the fact that it turns out very different from any travel blog or Instagram. People might like it too make silly faces like mine and they found it interesting that there was a whole profile dedicated to it. Or that they see it as a way to challenge traditional beauty standards , and they would like this new perspective. I'm not sure exactly, but I am in awe I appreciate very much this happened to me!"

The impact of Chinventures is such that if you search for the hashtag #chinning , almost can be found 9,000 posts with photos that imitate those of our protagonist. Will yours be next?

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