16 dishes that show that Zamora must be Gastronomic Capital in 2019


Zamora chooses to be the capital of gastronomy for 2019

Zamora chooses to be the capital of gastronomy for 2019

With rivals as tough as Guadalajara and Almería, Zamora take out your weapons and discover 16 soldiers of your gastronomic artillery that will make even the most skeptical tremble.


Or broad beans, or fabones de Sanabria, are undoubtedly one of the heavyweights of Zamora cuisine. This legume, large in size and with a super creamy texture, It is usually cooked in a similar way to the Asturian bean stew, but fundamentally with pork derivatives.

A very typical dish that is sometimes made with the beans from Sanabria is the Sanantonada , a kind of bean stew that is served in the Feast of San Antonio Abad.


There is no need for a cover letter for one of the most universal dishes of Castilian cuisine. Valladolid breeds fame but Zamora cards the wool, and we are in a A province with a great sheep tradition.

In addition, they maintain the tradition of the wood oven to roast their famous suckling lamb and his fabulous suckling pig. Food porn in its purest form.

Suckling lamb from Zamora

Food porn in its purest form


It is spectacular what well-known wineries such as Matarromera have done with wines from this Denomination of Origin. The wines of Toro they have ceased to be coarse wines that, in addition to being chewed, leave teeth black.

The wines of Toro made in recent years have refined the palate to the point of exhaustion and are finally beginning to be seen more and more in first-line restaurants. Very well.


Castilla y León is a land of cured meats, and as far as sausages are concerned, the Salamanca-León-Zamora axis takes the cake. Of all the sausages, in Zamora highlights its renowned chorizo, very similar to the Leonese, made with Zamora pork.

Enjoying a good Zamorano chorizo, at its curing point and with that characteristic smoky touch, makes this element of its gastronomy a real pleasure.

Strains of Toro wines

Strains of Toro wines


We are not talking about just any chickpea, we are talking about a legume that since 1996 can boast of having **protected geographical indication (PGI) **.

Its size is a little larger than the chickpea that we are used to having at home. Even Camilo José Cela defended his worth in Judíos, Moros y Cristianos, published in 1956.


Although the chanfaina is an institution in Extremadura and Salamanca, the famous stewed blood dish has quite a prominent role in Zamora, or in a land where the slaughter plays in the first division. In some areas they cook it with rice, and they even eat it for breakfast when it is the slaughter season.




Or also known as octopus a la sanabresa because this area of ​​Zamora is where this delicious dish is cooked, although the product is brought directly from Galicia.

It is a recipe similar to Galician octopus , with the exception that it integrates other ingredients such as garlic and onion and offers a dipping sauce that takes away the meaning.


In 2017, more than a dozen cheeses from Zamora were among the best in the world in the World Cheese Awards . And it is that talking about eating cheese in Zamora is using big words. We are talking about cheeses with a denomination of origin that has been well defended since 1992, made with an extraordinary Castilian sheep's milk and churra. They keep making history.

Zamora cheeses

Zamora cheeses


El Botillo is not only Leon's fiefdom, don't get confused. This kind of sausage was prepared with the meat left over from the slaughter and is also very present on the table in Zamora.

The result is cooked with other ingredients as light as Zamorano chorizo, bacon and backbone. And if t It is also accompanied with collard greens.


Castilian garlic soup by definition it also has a great presence in Zamora's gastronomy. It is at Easter when this delicacy is usually served, although it is very present in the cold months. The egg and the ham They are part of the ingredients that differentiate Zamora's garlic soup from the rest.

Zamora garlic soup with egg and ham

Zamora garlic soup, with egg and ham


Another of the beastly dishes that Zamora cuisine has and with a basic fish, in this case as versatile as cod. After desalting it, the cod is cooked with a good legion of garlic and a touch of rock & roll based on paprika. It is usually accompanied with cooked potatoes as a garnish. It is a guaranteed success.


It is a must in all Zamora ovens where the sweet is the protagonist. And no, it's not a plain sponge cake.

What makes the Zamora rebojo peculiar is, among other things, the mold in which it is made, which is almost like an oval flan box. Although your recipe has few ingredients, giving it the cooking point is not so simple.


One of the most typical sweets from Zamora that, despite the fact that they are usually served at Easter, are eaten throughout the year. If you have a chance to go to Toro and buy the famous bitter almonds of the Dominican nuns you will understand why they have a special place in this list.


No wonder all those apple trees out there Sanabria area give for something more than to supply a hungry public. In recent years, many entrepreneurs in the area have decided to put an end to the hegemony of Asturian and Leonese cider and put all the cards on the table. Sanabresa cider has a LOT to say


Its presence on the table throughout the Autonomous Community has made Zamora-style rice a standard dish in its cuisine. True to its seal of identity, it is a hearty and caloric dish, which may include ingredients from the pig's offal such as the ear or trotters. Well, and chorizo, ham, sausage...


Typical dish for Resurrection Sunday as the final culmination of Holy Week in Zamora. And it is that in Zamora the best way to close these festivities is to get between chest and back this dish that contains little mystery: two fried eggs with not too cured Serrano ham and/or chorizo ​​or black pudding. Quite a howitzer that almost becomes a competition between the restaurateurs of the city center.

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