The Ibiza restaurant where you want to eat this summer


La Gaia de Ibiza Grand Hotel

Bites of Mediterranean Kaiseki by Óscar Molina

Maybe you haven't heard of kaiseki but very possibly it will become one of your favorite words from now on. The term refers to a Japanese tasting menu with origins in an ancient rite, an authentic ceremony in which every detail, color, texture and flavor make up a symphony of haute cuisine and artistic expression.

Starting from this idea, Oscar Molina –responsible for the gastronomic area of Ibiza Grand Hotel and great explorer of Japanese and Nikkei cuisine– he has designed Mediterranean Kaiseki, his own ritual for La Gaia, the most personal space of him in the hotel and a must-see if you go to the island.

The roadmap? The dishes and the proposal vary according to the inspiration of the chef, but seasonal raw materials and aspects such as the layout of the table, the atmosphere and even the ceramics where the product is served, from tear peas with cod, ramen broth and mint to salted lamb from Ibiza with herbs and jalapeño.

The party starts with appetizers and continues with sashimis, mains, rice, desserts and, optionally, palatal cleansers. The Japanese maxim of ichigo ichie guides the entire experience, that is, there is maximum care in the service and the diner must show respect and enthusiasm. Easy, right?

***This report was published in *number 146 of Condé Nast Traveler Magazine (Summer 2021) . Subscribe to the printed edition (€18.00, annual subscription, by calling 902 53 55 57 or from our website). The summer issue of Condé Nast Traveler is available in its digital version to enjoy on your favorite device

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