The ultimate guide to traveling with your baby


baby walking hand in hand with his parents

If you want to travel with a child from zero to two years old, this book will give you all the answers you need

Before having her first child, a good friend, already pregnant, called me to ask me something that neither she nor her partner knew how to find an answer to: How do you do to bathe a baby when you are traveling? This question, which seems to have an easy answer for those who have already traveled with a child -you manage in any sink or bathtub, depending on the size of the child-, can be a huge unknown for new parents . And, like these, many others: Do babies pay for a seat on planes? Should we take the car? Do you need an ID to visit Europe? Can we rent a seat at the rent-a-car...?

Loudes Pérez answers all these questions, and many more, in Guide to traveling with your baby (Aurum Volatile, 2021). Lourdes is one of the three legs of the blog for traveling families Viajandodo; the second is her partner Vincent, and the third, her daughter Avril, born in 2017 . From her experience traveling the world with little since she was two months old , this is born media book , since it has text, like any volume in use, but also podcasts and other online content related to each chapter, which can be accessed with a QR code registered on the pages themselves.

Cover Guide to travel with your baby AURUM VOLATILE 2021

The guide begins with tips for traveling while pregnant . Next, she attends to considerations for traveling with a baby; Next, she deals with the documents needed to take a son or daughter out of the country, as well as all kinds of issues related to travel health , from the necessary vaccinations to visit certain destinations to the first aid kit that you must always carry.

The Baggage that children need is also a separate chapter, as well as the suitability of each means of transport when traveling with children up to two years of age. baby feeding, most suitable destinations to visit with them and even the benefits of traveling with the little ones complete the book, which is also seasoned with travel expert tips In addition to recommendations from pediatricians and psychologists . In the end, moreover, there are some cards for fathers and mothers to remember traveling landmarks of your baby, such as the first destination, the first meal or the first bath abroad.

In this way, Guide to travel with your baby is configured as a complete manual to solve doubts and clear up unknowns before having a child, but also once she is already in the world. Because It is not the same to travel with a three-month-old girl than with a 15-month-old , as Lourdes explains... and as we moms already know that we have had to learn to perfect the art of traveling with children based on trial and error.

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