Arévalo: weekend getaway to the kingdom of suckling pigs and Mudejar art


Plaza de la Villa and Church of Santa María

The weekend you need away from home: let's go to Arévalo

Strategically located **north of Ávila**, Arévalo is one of the favorite destinations for those looking for a weekend getaway that does not lack art, nature and roast suckling pig.


Arévalo is a destination with a great historical trajectory. We look for an expert as a guide, Ricardo Guerra Sancho, Official Chronicler of the City of Arévalo and collaborating member of the Grand Duke of Alba Institution , author of several published books on the subject.

He tells us that the city is a remarkable enclave in the Castilla's crown , which houses some royal houses that welcomed the Trastámara. “Soon it was also a Lordship of Queens and infants, highlighting Isabel of Portugal, wife of King John II, who lived here with her children Isabel and Alonso, who would later become Isabel la Católica, where she received her first education, and always returned to “My Villa de Arévalo” to see her mother, ”says the chronicler.

Ceded by Henry IV as " Duchy of Arevalo to Álvaro de Zúñiga, it was soon recovered for the Crown of Castile by Isabel I, an ephemeral dukedom. It had five lineages since its repopulation, the local nobility, Montalvo, Sedeño, Briceño, Tapia and Verdugo. The regional territory was formed by the six Sexmos , which together with the Council of the Vila governed and organized this vast territory for centuries.

Panoramic view of Arvalo

Panoramic view of Arevalo

Arévalo, located north of Ávila, in Castilla y León, is an old repopulation town, although there are prehistoric and Roman remains in its surroundings. Its character as head of the region led to important markets and fairs.

“With the s. XVI comes a decline, in the s. XVIII has a new momentum, and with the arrival of the railway in the middle of the s. XIX is reborn again, but never with the importance it had in Castile in the Middle Ages War explains.

He also tells us that Arévalo has been a city since 1894 , by decree of the regent Dª María Cristina de Habsburgo, with an incipient industry, tourist attractions, in addition to the agrarian nature of its land.

Church of San Martin in Arvalo

Church of San Martin in Arévalo


In addition to being a heavyweight of the medieval history of our country , one of the great attractions that Arévalo has is its rich artistic heritage as a Mudejar city. We enter a medieval city dominated by an impressive fortress castle , headquarters of the only Cereal Museum that exists in our country.

We visit six temples with seven magnificent towers: Santa Maria , with Romanesque Pantocrator; San Martin , with two Mudejar towers and a Romanesque atrium; San Miguel, with a large altarpiece of Castilian-Flemish painting; San Juan , with a magnificent Romanesque sculpture of San Zacarías; The Savior, with a sculptural altarpiece by Juan de Juni; and Santo Domingo de Silos.

One of the three medieval bridges of Arvalo

One of the three medieval bridges of Arévalo

In addition, the town is crossed by three medieval bridges, remains of the old wall of which the Puerta de la Villa remains, the main entrance to the enclosure of the "old town" where the chronicler leads us.

The Town Square , the heart of the old Arévalo, the Real and the Arrabal are other must-see places, ideal for taking a break along the way and having some tapas. Up to 5 buildings have been declared Well of Cultural Interest.

Mandatory stop must be made at the Hermitage of La Lugareja and in the Valdelaguila Palace . And although it seems like a lot, everything can be seen in a weekend.

Plaza of the Villa de Arvalo

Villa de Arevalo Square


First of all, the first thing to keep in mind when you visit Arévalo and looking to eat , is that we are in a eminently Castilian city . It is easy to find dishes as typical of the area as the Castilian soup, legumes or stew. You can't miss the roasts, among which the suckling pig, known there as "tostón de Arévalo", is the king.

The arevalo toston is something more than a roast pig . Taking advantage of a top quality raw material, the tostón is the result of tradition and bread ovens, starting from an excellent raw material, its weight and the way of roasting and treating the suckling pig as Guerra tells us.

"His fame has crossed regional, national and even international borders, and the Arévalo-style roast is highly appreciated, which makes it unmatched," he says. And it is a pleasure to be able to enjoy the spectacle of the tostón, so tender that it can be cut with a plate.

This week, there is still time to attend the IX Gastronomic Days of Tostón de Arévalo , in which the Arevalense hospitality association promotes the beauty of this fabulous dish in the locality. A stone's throw from Madrid, we can enjoy various events that have to do with the tasting of this delicacy. The restaurants will have a menu of €26 which includes legumes from the area and toston. They end on Sunday, March 11 but don't despair, in Arévalo there is tostón all year round.

Castilian soup part of the delicacies of Arvalo

Castilian soup, part of the delicacies of Arévalo


Arévalo is a very lively city. On weekends, the old case becomes a hive of people who come to the location to alternate from bar to bar.

And it is that tapas in Arévalo starts quite early, hence the bars fill up very quickly and it is sometimes difficult to find a spot. It is easy to find Iberian ham, grilled skewers, croquettes... practically in any bar you visit in the town.

Such is the success of Arévalo as the preferred destination for tapas lovers that every year when the month of June arrives, its increasingly well-known Arévalo Tapas Contest . The winning cover is chosen by vote and a considerable number of local bars are involved in the contest.

What initially began as an initiative to promote local gastronomy has turned out to be a perfect tourist attraction for those who live in big cities and are looking for a weekend getaway where, In addition to soaking up culture, you can also go with a full belly and endorphins on the surface.

Plaza of the Villa de Arvalo

Villa de Arevalo Square


Siboney Grill (Figones, 4) . Possibly the best tostón in Arévalo and one of the best grills in the entire region. Wood oven in sight and great product, you couldn't ask for more.

La Pinilla (Figones, 1) . One of the grills that pull the raw material from its own farm. It is in the circuit of the Jornadas del toston

Casa Felipe (Pza. Arrabal, 3) . Very frequented by those who pursue tapas. They are not very generous regarding the portions but the tostón is very tasty. It is in the circuit of the Jornadas del tostón.

**El Arco Steakhouse (Casablanca, 2) ** . One of the most recommended by the locals and that also has a terrace that literally bursts. It is in the circuit of the Jornadas del tostón.

Asador Las Cubas (Figones, 11) . It was an old wine warehouse and houses one of the most traditional grills. Also with oven in sight and homemade desserts.

Toston of Arvalo

Toston of Arevalo

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