Venice turns 1600: this is how the celebrations will be



Venice turns 1600 years old

According to an ancient tradition, March 25 is commonly recognized as the day the city of Venice was founded. This is attested to by the manuscript source of the Chronicon Altinate and, more recently, by Martin Sanudo, who in his Diarii described the great Rialto fire of 1514:

“Solum restò in piedi la chiexia di San Giacomo di Rialto, which was the first chiexia built in Venetia from 421 to 25 March, as in our chronicle if leze”.

"Only the church of San Giacomo di Rialto remained standing, which was the first church built in Venice in 421, on March 25, as our chronicle reads."

In 2021, it will be 1,600 years ab urbe condita and the city of Venice is preparing to celebrate its anniversary with a program of events organized and promoted by local organizations and institutions.

Exhibitions, museum and urban itineraries, conferences, seminars... The events will continue until 2020. After all, you don't blow out 1,600 candles every day!

Venice glimpses a new future for tourism after the pandemic

Venice: 421-2021


During the meeting of Official Committee 1600 Years of the Foundation of Venice Appointments have been set for on March 25, starting day of the city's anniversary celebrations.

At 11 in the morning, inside the Basilica of San Marco, Francesco Moraglia, current Patriarch of Venice, will celebrate the mass, which will be broadcast live on television through the Antenna 3 network and the Gente Veneta Facebook profile.

At 4 p.m., the entire Patriarchate of Venice will commemorate the founding of the city and bells will be rung.

At 6:30 p.m., Rai (Italian public television) will pay tribute to the city broadcasting a special dedicated to Venice on Rai 2 with which, through images and music, it will recount the 1600 years since its foundation with a look to the future.


"A general call addressed to all those who love the city and they want, also on this occasion, to pay homage to the history and values ​​of Venice”, he comments Luigi Brugnaro, Mayor of Venice.

And he continues: “On this trip, which will accompany us until March 25, 2022, the municipal Administration is committed to promoting and coordinating the initiatives related to the celebrations, with the aim of combining the events promoted directly with those prepared by actors, private or public, individual or in association, from the Venetian, Italian territory and other countries of the world”.

“Thus, Venice will be celebrated not only here, but in all those places that have linked a part of its history with that of our Serenissima city. Together, united, despite this difficult period of the pandemic, we want to tell the whole world that Venice and Italy are alive and vital!” exclaims Brugnaro.

The mayor also took the opportunity to thank the members of the Comitato ufficiale di Indirizzo (the official steering committee), composed of eminent personalities and representatives of public, academic, cultural, economic and social institutions “for the commitment and willingness shown to involve all the subjects present in the metropolitan area in the project”.

Venice turns 1600 years old

Venice turns 1600 years old


Anyone interested in proposing initiatives to be included in the calendar of events can present your project on the website

Proposals must be characterized by having a historical and cultural link with Venice, in its dimension as a city of land and water and can take place both in the national territory and in other European and non-European countries.

The type of proposals may include both unique acts of celebration and actions of longer duration, as well as initiatives of an intangible or virtual nature.

Participation is free and the proposal must be presented in a clear, concise, exhaustive manner and accompanied by a set of mandatory information such as the following:

  • proposed topic
  • partners involved
  • reference subject area
  • type of initiative and description
  • place and period of execution
  • budgeting methods and cost coverage
  • promotion and communication tools

The proposed initiatives will be reviewed by a Technical Secretariat and evaluated by the Scientific Committee to analyze its feasibility and the fulfillment of the objectives of the celebrations.

The Municipality of Venice will promote positively projected activities, publicizing them through the communication channels that are currently being prepared.

Once collected and selected, official events calendar and related to the celebrations of the 1600 years of Venice will be published on the website.

Here's to another 1600 years of history!

quotO Venezia che sei la più bellaquot

"O Venezia che sei la più bella"


From May 22 to November 21, 2021, Venice will host the XVII Mostra Internazionale di Architettura, curated by Hashim Sarkis and organized by the Venice Biennale.

under the motto How will we live together? , the exhibition will be divided between the Padiglione Centrale ai Giardini, the Arsenale and Forte Marghera. It will feature 112 participants from 46 countries, with a growing representation from Africa, Latin America and Asia, 62 national participations, of which three are presented for the first time at the Biennale Architettura (Granada, Iraq and Uzbekistan) and 16 collateral events.

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