Cybernetic Dalí, Barcelona premieres a new immersive experience of the painter


Dalí was so groundbreaking that he would surely have found an immersive and itinerant exhibition on his work interesting, unique in Europe and, moreover, in the metaverse.

The IDEAL center of Barcelona , the first Center for Digital Arts in southern Europe with 2,000 m2 of space, will dedicate an exhibition to Salvador Dalí of his most recognized works from a completely new perspective.

Cybernetic Dalí arrives in the city on September 20 and will be a immersive journey through the mind of the artist that allows us to discover the genius of his work as a result of an open, ambitious, provocative and also scientific thought.

“The Dalí poetic and dreamlike universe is expressed in large-format projections, interactive installations, holograms, virtual reality and artificial intelligence”, they point out from IDEAL.

It is an international co-production of Layers of Reality Y ExhibitionHub who is planning a international tour over the next four years to visit more than 30 cities , including London, Brussels, Zurich, Budapest, Munich, Turin, Rome, Cologne, Paris, Bristol, Dublin, Manchester, Antwerp, Valencia and Bilbao. Likewise, work is being done on a future tour of America and Asia-Pacific.

The exhibition can be seen from September 20.

The exhibition can be seen from September 20.


As we said, surely Salvador Dalí would not have been surprised by an exhibition of this type because he was always ahead of his time, he was a pioneer in the use of digital tools to create his works . His obsession with technology led him to work with the first computers and the first thinking machines to go beyond the limits of the reality that surrounds us.

From a very young age, Dalí stated that art was anachronistic for him, and he foresaw that it would be “substituted by more fertile forms, still impossible to imagine, completely outside the limits of the fine arts and absolutely in keeping with our times”.

Dalí and his work advanced what we are still exploring today under the generic category of cutting edge digital arts and expanded reality.

Tickets are already available.

Tickets are already available.


Two years is the time that the IDEAL center has been working with the Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation to carry out Dalí Cibernético, discovering documentation and approaches to Dalí's thought practically unpublished until today for the general public.

Apart from the route that contains large-format projections, interactive installations and holograms lasting 90 minutes, the exhibition will allow, for the first time in history, that visitors to an exhibition center enter the metaverse collectively . An experience of virtual reality with total freedom of movement which will allow visitors to spend 15 minutes in Dalí's digital universe. A surreal and surprising world that has been given the name of "Dalinian metaverse".

Each visitor will be able to personalize a digital avatar to physically stroll, collectively with their companions, through a virtual space where Dalí's most recognized works will come to life to immerse us in an impossible journey through four of Dalí's environments par excellence: the sea, the sky, the desert and the void.

Tickets are already available through the IDEAL website.

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