Timisoara, the perfect introduction to Romania


Piata Unirii in Timisoara

Piata Unirii in Timi?oara

It's hard to choose which one it was. our favorite trip (How do you decide between the fingers of a hand? Or between the memories of your childhood?), but if you ask us please, we would probably be left with some of the surprises that we have found along the way.

Like a paradise close to home that we did not expect. Or an unpretentious capital that made us fall in love. Or, in the case of Romania , a discreet city that encapsulates the whole essence of the country: Timişoara.

Unirii square, one of the central squares of the city

Unirii square, one of the central squares of the city

A few kilometers from the border with Hungary, Timişoara, the capital of Timiş County and the third most populous city in the country, is a hymn to art and architecture, u A celebration of the cultural plurality and religious heritage of Romania.

It is also a revolutionary spirit, proud of its rebellious past, and a tribute to joie de vivre and the pleasure of a coffee on a terrace where you can philosophize about the meaning of existence and watch life go by in equal parts.

Discover it, soak it up and let yourself be seduced by Romania: Timişoara will leave you wanting more.

A day in Timisoara

A day in Timisoara


Timişoara occupies a special place in the history of Romania: here the flame of rebellion and liberation was generated in the country, one step away from entering the the 90's.

Timişoara was the first city in which the protests against the dictatorship of Nicolae Ceauşescu (who, never very fond of Timişoara, saw confirmed suspicion of him) overcame the police repression, in December 1989.

Despite the severe clashes and the declaration of Timiş County in a state of emergency, l The flame spread throughout the country, culminating in the execution of Ceauşescu and his wife in Bucharest on Christmas Day. , and at the beginning of the Romanian democratic transition process (which would still take fifteen years to complete, including Romania's accession to the European Union in 2007) .

Since then, Timişoara proudly bears the title of Primul Oraş Liber, or First Free City.

The Permanent Exhibition of the Revolution of 198 9 collects samples of these events, both in its central building (with photographic series, documentaries in several languages ​​and guided tours) and sprinkled throughout the city with monuments erected to the heroes of the revolution in areas where the bloodiest clashes took place.

Bullets mark the start of the revolution in Timisoara

Bullets mark the start of the revolution in Timisoara


To this day, the struggles and suffering have remained in the memory, and Timişoara lives an enviable present, between green spaces and cafes in the sun in a city that breathes art.

Romania is a mixture of religions and historical influences, and Timişoara displays it in almost all its streets.

The Metropolitan Cathedral , of Orthodox Christian faith and Byzantine-style architecture, at one end of the victory square, It is one of its most representative symbols and an image that will cost you to erase from memory.

uniri square, one of the centrals of the city, welcomes the Roman Catholic Cathedral and Serbian Orthodox Church, that coexist in architectural harmony since the eighteenth century. Two blocks away stands the great synagogue , which today has been restored for a couple of years.

Detail of the Orthodox Cathedral of Timisoara

Detail of the Orthodox Cathedral of Timisoara

In addition to caring for the spirit, Timişoara is recognized throughout Romania as one of its most important artistic centers. In the victory square, At the opposite end of the Metropolitan Cathedral, stands imposing the National Opera where in season they fill the cultural programs with theater, dance and opera performances.

The Opera is also a benchmark in the 1989 revolution, serving as a meeting point for the demonstrations. Today a sign remembers them, with the legend: "So you, who pass in front of this building, spare a thought for free Romania."

The opera in Timisoara

The opera in Timisoara


But Timişoara lives not only on food for the soul: here, the visitor will also be hopelessly seduced by the stomach.

Romanian gastronomy is based on three pillars: natural, seasonal and homemade . With such a formula, the chances of eating poorly in Romania are, being cautious, low.

Without leaving the center, in Victoriei Square, the very appropriately named Timisoorean It will be a perfect introduction to the local gastronomy, with classic dishes from the area such as involtini of Banat (sausage rolls with sour cream) .

Further south, Bunici's House (literally, "grandmother's house") will welcome you with its signature dish: bulz haiducesc (a kind of bun made of corn paste and cheese, baked and served with an egg) .

Bunici's House

Your Romanian grandmother's house

For something with more cache, the very popular House with Flori , Come in Victoriei Square and Libert II Square, It is an unforgettable experience (especially in summer if you get a table on the terrace).

And if you feel like leaving town, House Altrigene , halfway between Timişoara and Arad, is like stepping into a time machine and coming out in the Romania of 50 years ago.

Their menu changes every week , depending on the products available and the imagination of the kitchen: like in an authentic Romanian house of yesteryear.

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