Seven reasons to travel to Chiapas


The ruins of Palenque the Mayan Parthenon

The ruins of Palenque, the Mayan Parthenon

travel to Chiapas it is steal a piece of legend from history . With its lights and shadows. It is to enter a territory as inhospitable as it is welcoming, as futuristic as it is ancestral. Check that the extremes can be very similar . It is the land of infinite green horizons, of potholes in the road, of improvised beans on the street, of funeral homes called “ The last trip ” and the buses that leave when they are full and it is good for the driver. Not a minute before, not a minute after. It is the far southeast of Mexico. An adventure as interactive as life itself.

We have chosen seven good reasons why you should discover Chiapas.

San Juan Chamula Market

San Juan Chamula Market


It is true that its colored houses will make your retinas work a lot. Its sunny pastel appeal is irresistible. It stands to reason that his markets catch you if you like haggling , cheerful talk and symbolic crafts. It is natural that you admire his churches centenarians where you can almost visualize how the companions of Colon many centuries ago.

Nor will you be immune to the cosmopolitan hustle and bustle of its streets where international bohemia abounds , the university professors, the students and the volunteers halfway between the Rivera Maya and the peace of their consciences, a interesting and talkative tribe that gathers at sunset in the great wine bars of the city . But how San Cristobal is the perfect base of operations to discover Chiapas, what you will come to venerate the most will be its delicious breakfasts . Pure energy. Tropical fruits, cereals, sweet bread, natural yogurts... the list is long and what is better, absolutely healthy . Be sure to find your favorite coffee and go. You will appreciate it.

San Cristobal de las Casas Cathedral

San Cristobal de las Casas Cathedral


They are not the most spectacular ruins in the area, but their location in heart of the jungle takes your breath away and makes them essential . A mysterious atmosphere seems to surround the gray stones of Palenque , covering her beauty with fine fairy dust iconic and labyrinthine where everything seems to obey a superior and almost always unintelligible plan. Climb the stepped pyramid temples, walk the Palace and being impregnated by the sudden silence that sometimes seems to blow through the area like a benign current has something unrepeatable. Just think that much of the ancient city is yet to be excavated. If you want to complete the visit you can immerse yourself in Mayan culture in its Museum and return home wondering what the Mayans meant when they bequeathed their intricate hieroglyphics to history.


Discover the Mayan magic of Palanque


It is true, it is not the animal that you most want to pet, but it is so close at hand that it is difficult not to end up liking it . At least a little bit. The flora and fauna of the jungle will never cease to amaze you and it is very possible that when they tell you that you are walking among jaguars and boa constrictors you will forget about the friendly toads. Enjoy the smell of red cedars , of the thousand shades of green and the sumptuousness of the mahogany trees . And remember that you are in one of the most unexplored lungs on the planet . So much so that its origins go back to the first Mayan settlements, when its name was Lacan-Tun (which translated means big stone) and the Spaniards softened it until it became Lacandon.

Lacandon jungle

Exploring the Lacandona Jungle is a must for every nature traveler


It is one of the largest indigenous communities in the world -about 60,000- and although it is very close to San Cristobal , reality seems to be worlds away. Perhaps what is most surprising is how its inhabitants have turned their backs on everything Catholic, preserving the temples of the Spanish era , but using them for their pagan and ancestral rituals with total normality. Be sure to ask one of his shamans about your future if you want to return with a chill in your body . To complete the adventure take a boat trip through the usumacinta river to the Mayan city of Yaxchilan , where once again the mystery of its advanced civilization will catch you and don't forget to spend a night in one of the less touristy towns, such as Saint Andrew of the Poor . The lullaby of the jungle is unforgettable.

San Juan Chamula

San Juan Chamula, an indigenous community


If you find San Cristóbal de las Casas very populous at times, do not forget to make a trip to comitan , two hours away. An open secret among fans of the authentic, it has all the ingredients of San Cristóbal's colonial appeal but with far fewer tourists. Be sure to visit its interesting Archaeological Museum and its Museum of Modern Art, a real discovery.


Be sure to visit the Temple of Santo Domingo in Comitán


And on a few more suspension bridges that grow like mushrooms between film cuts. you'll feel like Indiana Jones and it is even possible that experience is addictive . The swinging of its rope ropes and the creaking of the wood, which you never know when it might be loose, resonates in the immensity of the jungle and the adrenaline can almost be breathed. But on the other side, a dreamlike landscape awaits you again. And it's worth the scare. Although yes really you want to overcome your vertigo you must go with a firm step to the Sumidero Canyon Once there, if you can't get up the height you will get the views. They are shocking. A good option is to take the boat trip from the quiet town of Chiapa de Corzo and by the way give you an appetizing walk through its stone streets.

Sink of the Sump

Overcome your vertigo in the Ca n del Sumidero


It is one of the most spectacular places in Mexico A memory that will stay with you for a long time. The indigo blue of water , the gurgling flow of the current and the velvety texture of the jungle will give you pause. But first you will have to take a good walk through the tropical foliage and full of ups and downs of the Sierra of Chiapas so that your arrival will have the incentive of the effort made. Once there it is important that you take the necessary time to slowly internalize the overwhelming beauty of the enclave.

Chiapas waterfalls

Waterfalls of Las Nubes Tourist Center in Chiapas

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