Austria, the country of inspiration


It is inevitable: autumn is already here! And how much we love this season in which Austria leave behind the hot summer temperatures to transform its landscapes and cities into a mosaic of colors and shapes , of activities and reasons with which to fall —again— surrendered at his feet.

So she keeps reading and get ready : we bring you an endless list of excuses so you don't take another minute to pack your suitcase. Because although the Alpine country has an offer so huge that allows you to return as many times as you wish, this time we propose two escapades very special: salzburg and Innsbruck They are waiting to welcome you and hug you stronger than ever.

See photos: Austria inspires you this fall

Feel the life: feel the magic that springs from these two incredible cities where nature, music, history and heritage they shake hands The perfect autumn is —we assure you—, in Austria!

Salzburg, elegance in all its splendor

The majestic salzburg It is always ready to envelop you, to captivate you, to surprise you and to achieve with its immense beauty sink deep. the city of baroque and Mozart , that of the colored streets that inspire fairy tales, unites past and present in its offer in a way masterly.

Salzach River with the city of Salzburg in the background.

The Salzach River as it passes through Salzburg.

But to thoroughly soak up the essence of this city, the ideal is to delve, first, into its relationship with the music . Salzburg is the cradle of this art, and much of the "fault" is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart , which was born in the historic center of the city in 1756 . Delving into the universe of the great musician and composer involves getting closer to his his birthplace, one of the most visited historical monuments in Austria , but also to the home where years later he would compose a large part of his creations: in salzburg , classical music, has its own name.

The route can be extended, yes, as long as the body asks you, because in this little piece of Austria its favorite son is venerated with the most varied proposals: concerts in which his compositions are the protagonists; lounges, churches Y theaters in which he acted centuries ago; the Mozarteum International Foundation , the Mozart catwalk or even the statue raised in his honor are part of a most complete itinerary through the life and work of the genius. Can there be more inspiration than this?

Mozart impersonator in front of the Mozart house-museum

Feel the spirit of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart himself in the city where he was born.

You are right! There may be. And to sample, a button: while you walk hand in hand with the music, look up at the imposing buildings that make up that baroque salzburg that so identifies the city. And it is that the immense artistic and architectural legacy that they left behind during the centuries XVII and XVIII the prince-archbishops, great patrons of art from families most influential of the country, is to leave you with your mouth open: determined to create the so-called “Northern Rome” , hired the most revered architects in the world to shape a new salzburg that today is declared World Heritage.

Discovering it will take you closer to the Domquartier either “Cathedral Quarter” : a circular route that joins the Old Residence with the salzburg cathedral through other architectural icons. Also visit the new residence , built in 1598 on the charred remains of the old cathedral, and don't forget the churches of the Collegiate , of the Trinity or of the Ursulines , castles like those of Leopoldskron or the one of Klessheim , or the Hellbrunn Palace . This is a non-stop!

Corner from where you can see the Salzburg Cathedral.

Salzburg has corners as charming as this one, which reveal new perspectives of the cathedral.

But salzburg is also present, and beyond that historical heritage that describes the city so well, there is a side B full of proposals in which the modern and the avant-garde are displayed in a big way. For example, from art: the spectacular Museum of the Modern —Artists like oskar kokoschka either Alberto Giacometti - or the Salzburg Museum —declared the best museum of Europe—** are essential if you bet on museums with a new air.

The urban art installations made in the city by the hand of the Salzburg Foundation will not leave you indifferent either, while any of the routes organized by INITIATIVE ARCHITECTURE Salzburg they will discover you the architecture most revealing . To finish off the experience, nothing like approaching the Makartsteg , the bridge that acts as a link between the right and left banks of the historic center, and from where the views are matchless.

Facade of the Salzburg Museum of Modern Art and statue.

The Salzburg Museum of Modern Art awaits you with its doors open.

And how to immerse yourself in all that heritage and culture of salzburg It will probably leave you exhausted… what better way to recharge your batteries than by participating in its beer culture ? More of 600 years takes this traditional drink as part of the idiosyncrasy of salzburg , which has in total no less than 11 specialty breweries : yes, you read that right, 11! They say that much of its success is due to the high water quality with which it is made, which comes from the neighbor Mount Untersberg , and to which are even attributed medicinal properties . There is no doubt, its brewing tradition is well worth a trip to salzburg … or two!

Several Innsbruck buildings along a river.

Innsbruck offers postcards like this on sunny afternoons.

Innsbruck, for the love of the mountains

That must have probably thought the emperor Maximilian I when he first saw how the alpine city was cradled by the inn river valley , between imposing mountains and green meadows: his best declaration of love was, in effect, turning her into the capital of his kingdom . And that same conquest occurs, today, with each traveler who sets foot in it: it is unavoidable fell in love.

Even more so when you enter its heart, walk its narrow alleys marked by beautiful houses with pastel colored facades and discover some of the wonderful icons that have made the city such a special enclave. For example, the famous "Roof of Gold" , which stands out in the historic center: this renaissance mansion It has a roof covered by 2,657 fire-gilded copper tiles placed by order of the emperor himself.

The Golden Roof monumental building in Innsbruck.

Innsbruck's most famous treasure is the Golden Roof.

But the stately, in this alpine corner, is present at every step, in every building, recalling the city that one day was and that currently maintains its exclusive halo . You'll see it when you walk by Maria-Theresien-Strasse , a shopping street full of galleries that are a true open book of the city and where you can stop, of course, to recharge your batteries in any of its cafés.

The imprint of Habsburg was present in many other buildings that remain just as splendid despite the passage of time: visit the court church and do the honors in front of the cenotaph of Maximilian I himself , or stop at the Innsbruck Imperial Palace , where he baroque explode big. Before taking the leap and immersing yourself in nature, don't forget to also stop at Swarovski Crystal Worlds : a space of 7.5 hectares erected to commemorate the 100 years since the creation of the company, which constitutes a whole fantasy universe around the world of glass.

And since we are talking about jumps... those who know the subject well are those skiers who demonstrate their skills every year from the springboard designed by the Iranian architect Zaha Hadid . She was also the one who shaped the futuristic looking funicular that will make you reach Nordkette mountain range , already to 2 thousand meters high . In addition to being the starting point for innumerable mountaineering and snow activities -call it cycling, climbing, skiing or hiking-, it is the viewpoint more wonderfull from which to contemplate the picture of Innsbruck and the natural paradise that surrounds it. Pure inspiration!

Outdoor space The Swarovski Crystal Worlds in Innsbruck.

The Swarovski legend comes to life in the nature surrounding Innsbruck.

Another way practical and entertaining to discover the charms of this city between mountains is by following a route that, depending on your interests, helps you to concentrate in one day those points more attractive of the Alpine capital. What do you want to combine the urban and the mountains, touring, for example, the attractive trail designed by the Norwegian architectural firm Snøhetta ? No problem. Would you prefer to learn about the history of the Habsburg ? Great! What do you want to let yourself be captivated by the Christmas spirit with the six markets that are deployed throughout the city on the eve of the holidays? Wonderful!

Because if something has Innsbruck , are plans with which to captivate you... and there is little you can do to avoid it, we already warned you!

Bike route with the city of Innsbruck in the background.

In Innsbruck, cycling routes offer landscapes as impressive as this one.

What does Innsbruck sound like?

Y Austria continues to surprise, boy does it! Because autumn comes loaded with novelties, among them, one with its own name: the artistic work that the Spanish Enrique Gasa Valga has been performing at the command of the ballet department of the Tyrolean National Theater since in 2009 he began to direct it, and that he has an offer for the coming months as huge and attractive like your own Innsbruck.

Starting with the great premiere that takes place this September, Terra Baixa , a work from the talent of another Spaniard, Angel Guimera , and what happens in Catalonia , the land where the director of the Tanzcompany Innsbruck of the Tiroler Landestheater was born. Henry Gasa he has managed to adapt it to his adoptive land, where inspiration comes from the streets of the city, but also —and above all— from the mountains to which he goes whenever he has occasion to pedal and let yourself be enveloped by overwhelming nature of the place. On this occasion, the dancers in charge They will dance through the streets of the city until they reach the stage of the theater, where they will finally embrace to announce to the four winds their passion for Tyrol: his love for the alpine capital.

Discover the art of Enrique Gasa Valga.

However, this is not the only thing that has been entertaining the Spaniard lately: other works for which he has prepared the scenery, and which will be premiered in October, will be Romy Schneider , the work of one of the most important Austrians, and Maria from Buenos Aires , both programmed in the Grosses Haus . The latter, a tango-operita by Astor Piazzolla with text of Horace Ferrer , is represented, by the way, in Spanish.

One more excuse to shamelessly throw yourself into get drunk of the purest Austrian essence. One more reason to visit alpine country and confirm that sooner or later, you will come back, because you always come back!

And you will, because, after all, austria inspires you.

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