Do not stay at home! Destinations for an Easter getaway


Don't stay at home Destinations for an Easter getaway

Tell me what kind of traveler you are and I will tell you what destiny awaits you

The long-awaited holiday parenthesis is approaching and the suitcases call loudly from the closet, asking us to put them to (good) use this Holy Week. They refuse to resign themselves to our lack of foresight, to the fact that we have left everything to the last minute and to the powerful force that our laziness exerts every time we decide to think of possible plans for our well-deserved escape.

And we with them. Therefore, we have proposed that you, Whatever type of traveler you are, find the plan that suits your desires.

From proposals for adventurers to ideas for readers and brewers, passing through urbanites with art, this is our list of suggestions for you, procrastinating and indecisive traveler.

_*The attached gallery was published in the number 115 of the Condé Nast Traveler Magazine (March) . Subscribe to the print edition (11 printed issues and digital version for €24.75, by calling 902 53 55 57 or from our website ) and enjoy free access to the digital version of Condé Nast Traveler for iPad. The March issue of Condé Nast Traveler is available at its digital version to enjoy it on your favorite device. _

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