We enter Taman Negara, the oldest jungle in the world


Lata Berkoh River in Taman Negara

Lata Berkoh River in Taman Negara

Malaysia seems to be that great unknown / forgotten of Asia. Overshadowed by the great tourist countries that are nearby (Vietnam, Thailand or Indonesia), in reality this island does not deserve such a place: Malaysia is a country with a lot of cultural, religious, gastronomic and natural wealth. On this last point, what stands out most within its borders is the Taman Negara Nature Park . A name that does not resonate in popular traveling culture, but that carries existing for more than 130 million years , which has made it the oldest forest in the world. Thanks to this longevity, this jungle spreads over an area of ​​more than 4,000 m2 and has become home to more than 10,000 species of plants and about 350 types of animals.

And precisely in these points is where all its appeal lies: in being surrounded by nature, ancient trees and undergrowth, and more vegetation and rivers in a unique corner . Taman Negara promises an escape route, a place where you can stop being. Or start doing it.

One of the inhabitants of Taman Negara

One of the inhabitants of Taman Negara


In this jungle it is possible to do multiple treks . At its entrance (the most famous is in the village Kuala Tahan ), there is a map with the different possible paths. It should be noted that they are all well signposted and that it is very easy to explore them on your own.

For the less adventurous, there is a walkway that runs through a large part of the park through which you can enjoy the jungle following a closed path . This route passes through Canopy Walk , one of the most famous activities of the place.

It's about a walk on hanging bridges between the tops of Taman Negara and, although very touristy, it is recommended to do. It is the longest network of suspension bridges in the world, with 510 meters, and in some points it reaches a height of 40 meters, which allows you to contemplate the jungle from above.

Taman Negara suspension bridges

Taman Negara suspension bridges

Another possible and highly recommended route is the ascent to Bukit Teresik peak . Although it is a peak, it should be noted that it is not a very complicated walk and that, being one of the highest in the area, from it you can see a small part of the jungle.

There are many more possibilities to explore the natural park on foot, depending on your abilities and how adventurous you are. However, they must all end in the same place: on the Sungai Tahan River . Near the exit of Taman Negara is the area Lubok Simpon and, although its waters are not crystal clear, they will serve to refresh you after a hot day in the jungle exercising.


In the town adjoining Taman Negara, in Kuala Tahan , there is a wide range of activities to do in the jungle. One of them, and perhaps the most attractive, is the trekking of routes that includes more than one day . There are different offers that adapt to the days that one wants to spend in the park. If you dare, you can go into the jungle until 4 days sleeping in tents, caves and knowing more corners of this wonderful jungle.

Apart from walking, you can also hire other activities such as a night safari, river rafting or a visit to the town Orang Asli, native there . I didn't try any of them when I was there, but the travelers I spoke to didn't recommend them much either. Thus, I reserve to talk about them.

Orang Asli Village

Orang Asli Village

And after a long day in the jungle, the best thing is to go to dinner at one of the floating restaurants next to the river . As we mentioned before, the best way to enter the park is by crossing the river between Taman Negara and the town of Kuala Tahan. This is a place that does not contain much history, but it contains all the hostels, shelters, restaurants and agencies so that we can spend a few days in this jungle. In the river between Kuala Tahan and Taman Negara are lots of floating restaurants typical of the place . It is the best space to close the day and in them we can try the typical Malaysian dishes, which, for a server, are a delight . Any type, it doesn't matter if it's a laksa, soups with meat or fish and vegetables; a keow teow, fried flat noodles with soybeans, vegetables, meat or fish; or a won ton mee, noodles also, accompanied with meat or fish. If you like this type of cuisine, Malaysia is your place to eat them: for the price (no more than 2 euros) and for the taste.


heat and humidity They are two accessories that we will not be able to part with in the time we spend in Taman Negara. Those two, and nature. This makes them a perfect space for leeches . The land areas (where there is no walkway) are full of this animal. Especially if the ground is wet.

There are many recommendations in this regard so that they do not attack us ( such as putting on high pants and socks or spraying on repellent ), but they don't work much. It's funny how fast they are and how fast they climb up our shoes. From what I could see around the area, few managed to get out without a bite from him.

My recomendation? Try not to get bitten, but don't get obsessed with them either. It is a sting that we will not even find out about and when they themselves believe that they have absorbed enough blood from us, they will leave . Even with them, the entrance to Tamán Negara is a mandatory stop on our route through Malaysia.

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