George Town or the cultural richness of Malaysia concentrated in one city


George Town or the cultural richness of Malaysia concentrated in one city

George Town or the cultural richness of Malaysia concentrated in one city

In order to get an idea about george town , it is first necessary to understand Malaysia . And it is that this Asian country is a mix and remix of civilizations and religions that have given the territory a unique entity.

Its privileged geographical position has meant that cultures as disparate as the Muslim, the British, the Dutch, the Japanese or the Portuguese , to name a few. To which must be added the strong influence of its neighboring countries: India, the Middle East, China, Singapore ...

Goddess of Mercy Temple on Pitt Street

Goddess of Mercy Temple, on Pitt Street

All these comings and goings, entrances and exits, have their peak in the city of George Town. And as if it were a crystallization of that spirit, there is a street that condenses the four major religions from the country:

In Pitt Street the traveler collides in just 10 minutes with Taoist, Buddhist temples, a Christian church and a Hindu temple. For those who have asked the question: yes, Malaysia is an example of coexistence between religions. Although history insists on denying it over and over again.


Some cultures that have left in george town much more than religion. Being a point of merchants, the city It is full of houses with a lot of history. Some beautiful buildings with striking colors that contrast with other decadent ones. Stroll and get lost in its streets, go through them imagining other times.

Some houses that have their maximum splendor in those of the Chinese clans , also known as kongsi . Among the 19th and 20th centuries , Many chinese immigrants they moved to George Town.

There they gathered in clans, which had a very important function: they were the places of reception for new migrants. Little by little they gained power and They began to compete with each other what led the clans to create larger and more opulent homes.

Among the large number that were built in those years, a must-see (and that is not saying something) is the Khoo Kongsi , of the Khoo clan. A facade and an interior full of a heterogeneity of colors and sculptures.

Iconic Khoo Kongsi requires a visit

Iconic Khoo Kongsi requires a visit


Back in 2008 , George Town was declared a World Heritage Site. In those years, the city was more neglected than today, so the authorities decided to restore it . Among the different projects that were carried out, one of them was the beautification of the streets through the street art

International artists were then hired to fill the walls with color It is worth highlighting those of the Lithuanian Ernest Zacharevich and those of Malay Tang Mun Kian. Those of the first are the most sought after, paintings to which real objects have been added that reflect everyday life.

His are the murals of two children riding a bicycle or one on a motorcycle , for instance. Also innovative is the Malaysian artist, who put ink aside to create originals drawings with iron structures. Some illustrations that tell anecdotes, with texts included, about the history and names of the streets of the city.

These first artists opened a ban that has made the street art be a hallmark of George Town. Searching for them through all its streets becomes an obligation that will lead the traveler to find not only amazing murals , but also corners full of charm.

Mural by Ernest Zacharevic

Mural by Ernest Zacharevic

For those who prefer to go more direct, there are a series of maps explaining where they are the most important. And a little tip: be patient with the queues!


The cultural and religious swing has made a dent in the gastronomy . Though the China be the main one, they also reign tasty the Malay, the Indian or the Arab, among many others.

The city is riddled with street stalls and markets in which any option is good: assam laksa, keow teow, apom telur… Tasty dishes that you have to try a very cheap price (for two euros more or less).

Special mention deserves the Teksen restaurant. With slightly higher prices (about eight euros person), this establishment of Chinese-Malaysian food it is always crowded. There must be a reason. Be recommended by the waiters is the best option, but crispy pork and thai chicken They are delicious.


Saying goodbye to the sun in George Town must be done from a place: the jetty clan docks. These are houses built on the sea that hold up thanks to pylons.

Sunset at Chew Jetty

Sunset at Chew Jetty

They chose this location because, when certain chinese communities They settled in the city it was cheaper over salt water than inland. Thus, each dock was occupied by a clan.

Today these clans are occupied by relatives of the first visitors and only six left . The most famous is the Chew Jetty , which has long walkways lined with houses and shops. At the end of them, it is the perfect place to watch the sunset.

There's also a chinese temple that lights up at nightfall and is built above the water. Although the entrance It's free, has visiting hours (from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) , since they are real houses.

The limits of language and space force this article to reflect the most striking of the exceptional city of George Town . A synthesis that leaves aside smells, tastes, reflections, corners, feelings, people, smiles... and a host of other nouns. Something that only the traveler who comes can discover.

Do you dare to discover it?

Do you dare to discover it?

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