Do you like elephants? In this camp in Zimbabwe you can see them in freedom


Elephants love this area because of the large amount of food there is.

Elephants love this area because of the large amount of food there is.

Do you dream of traveling to Africa? See wild elephants, lions, buffalo and hippos? There is a new place in the south of the continent that you should know if you are interested in conservation projects. **Chikwenya** is Wilderness Safaris new camp located in the majestic Zimbabwe's Mana Pools National Park.

Imagine the endless plains and the Chikwenya Island ... This is a true paradise for lovers of nature and photography!

"We have exclusive access to a spectacular stretch of the zambezi river , meaning that only guests staying at Chikwenya can enjoy the private concession area, which includes a variety of habitats and excellent concentrations of wildlife, such as buffalo, elephants, kudus, zebras, antelopes, hippos, lions, hyenas, and leopards ", tell from Wilderness Safaris to

You will enjoy the wild nature resting.

You will enjoy the wild nature resting.

The camp opened last October but will not open again until April, as it is the rainy season in the area right now. For now it has six rooms, with plans for seven, all of them with spectacular views of the Zambezi River and the Rift Valley.

Obviously, It is not just any camp , these luxurious tents even have an outdoor shower and bathtub to enjoy the refreshing breeze that comes from the river. The decoration is typical of the place and has many handcrafted elements such as wooden loungers and handmade robes.

In addition, it has a lounge, dining room, bar, swimming pool and a area where bonfires are organized at dusk to see the stars . Chikwenya will also allow you the opportunity to have breakfast, lunch and dinner outdoors with a rich menu because there is nothing like watching the sunrise or africa sunset.

What do you want more? "You can always sign up for some of the activities that we offer: boat rides on the river, guided nature walks, bird watching or fishing," they point out.

You will never see anything like it.

You will never see anything like it.

But, without a doubt, what the camp is known for in the Chikwenya region is for its work in the conservation of the fauna of the Mana Pools National Park. Despite political and financial challenges living in Zimbabwe for 20 years, They have managed to turn this place into a benchmark for the preservation of species in danger of extinction, in addition to promoting the empowerment of the local population.

You may be thinking about how much an experience like this will cost you. "The night rate in 2019 is $1,288 per person , which includes accommodation, all meals, twice-daily activities, park fees, laundry, and all local beverages," Chikwenya officials told

The camp is open from April to November.

The camp is open from April to November.

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