A day of snow in Cotos: on a sled one step away from Madrid


Port of Cotos

Port of Cotos

If we are in Madrid and want to step on snow, throw balls at each other or jump with our sleds, it is likely that our steps will take us to the Port of Cotos , one of the most visited in the Sierra de Guadarrama . It is a mountain pass (1,830 meters high) that serves as a natural boundary to separate the provinces of Madrid and Segovia , the Peñalara massif (north) of the Cuerda Larga mountain range (south), and the Valsaín valley (west) of the Lozoya valley (east).


There are three ways to get there. The most common is to go by car on the M-604 (call SG-615 in the Segovian section ), which we will take when we reach the neighbor Port of Navacerrada to the right if we come from Madrid. There is a parking lot with limited spaces (remember that we are inside a National Park, with its consequent levels of protection), so if we want to secure a place, it is best to go during the week or get up early if it is Saturday, Sunday or a holiday. It is also convenient previously check the state of the roads, of our vehicle and the weather before leaving to avoid unnecessary complications.

The two alternatives to the car are public transport. On the one hand, the commuter train, which goes up there on its C-9 line after passing through the Port of Navacerrada. The transfer must be done in the cercedilla station , and has a round trip cost of 17.40 euros.

The sled that is not missing

The sled that is not missing

Places are also limited, so it is advisable to book in advance. The ticket cannot be purchased online, we should go to the box office or the vending machine at our nearest stop, where we can get it up to six days in advance.

**If we want to go in a group, we must call 91 506 63 56 (Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) **. To facilitate the management of train access to the mountains, this year Renfe has launched its special winter campaign through its website.

The third option is to get by bus, taking line 691 from Moncloa.


Once there, what do we do? Well, we have multiple options. A very funny ideal to do with the smallest of the house , is to go with our sledges . There are two areas ** specially enabled ** for this, one of them for children up to 7 years.

open until 6:00 p.m. and it is important to follow their rules and recommendations, such as not using plastics or other non-approved elements to slide, stop before reaching the nets or climb the sides so as not to be run over.

Port of Cotos

Port of Cotos

Another of the excursions busiest is the one that goes up to Laguna Grande de Peñalara, that retains its water under an impressive glacier massif turning the enclave into a true spectacle of nature.

It is accessed by a path of about two hours long that runs through the road rv7, and that if we want to do it in a circular way so as not to return to the same place, we can combine going up to the nearest Zabala shelter (there we will have the great panorama of the lagoon for our cameras) and returning by the RV3 to Cotos again.

There are other classic routes, such as those that lead to the **Laguna de los Pájaros (going up the RV8) ** or to the top of the Peñalara massif (cresting for the RV2 ) . If we want to avoid the crowds of people, we can try other less traveled combinations such as those that run through the RV1, RV9 or RP-6 (Arroyo Hoya del Toril circular route).

Excursion in the snow through Peñalara

Excursion in the snow through Peñalara

If we prefer to take a simple walk in which we step on a little snow and throw four balls at each other without complicating our lives too much, we can go to the Gypsy viewpoint , just twenty minutes. Just climb up the old Spanish Alpine Club and turn right. Shortly after we will see the Interpretation Center , where we can get hold of a map of Peñalara and enjoy a sample of the amphibian species that populate its habitat.

After crossing the first pine forests we will arrive at the viewpoint, where we will obtain a good panoramic view of the surroundings. We can also use the forged compass that indicates the locations of the peaks that form the Cordillera Larga (from the front), and the sundial on the ground to tell us the time with our own shadow.

In any case we must wear the right clothing and gear for the activity that we are going to develop ( warm clothing, waterproof boots, walking stick, leggings, ice axe, snowshoes, crampons …) depending on the weather forecast.

A good place to consult it is the Venta Marcelino website , which allows us to see the data from its ** weather station ** and the images captured by its cameras . It's also the ideal place to end our snowy adventure , warming up with one of their traditional cuisine dishes (beans, garlic soup, Madrid stew...), their sandwiches, their portions or a simple coffee with milk.

Old photo of Venta Marcelino

Old photo of Venta Marcelino

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