Everything we love about Africa travels inside your home


Group of friends on the street in africa OVERALLT ikea

We want that spirit of sharing and living on the street to spread to us...

** Africa, dream trip.** Endless orange dune, green volcano crater, adobe house, towering skyscraper, turquoise beach, night of stars.

Africa, diverse and endless continent, it is everything we imagine, but also something more: everything new that flows and is created in the changing landscape of its streets, driven by brilliant minds like those that meet every year in South Africa during the Design Indaba .

There, in the largest contemporary african design fair , which has been held since 1995, it is possible to get to know not only the Africa of postcards and movies, but the real one, the one that seethes and vibrates, the one that influence the future of the world through its 55 speakers and 5,000 delegates.

Ikea pot ÖVERALLT collection.

We want for ourselves the Kenyan custom of meeting on the street

Therefore, that was the fate of IKEA in search of new inspiration for one of the many collections they launch throughout the year.

The experts of the Swedish company, amazed at the work of their namesakes from the south, decided to collaborate with five designers from five different African countries to give rise to a unique collaboration, which now materializes in the limited edition ÖVERALLT , which will be released on May 3.

It is a real journey for the desires, for the rites, for the daily life of our neighboring continent, that fascinates us so much but that we know so little about. Thus, for example, the curved table and bench in the collection arise from the Kenyan custom of meeting with friends at night, taking the chairs out to the street, to talk about day to day and fix the world.

The light rocking chair, meanwhile, pays homage to the leisurely West African lifestyle, where its author grew up, Bibi Seck . The prints of the textiles, to the traditions and crafts of the South African Xhosa culture, to which it belongs Laduma Ngxokolo ...

These pieces and many others are what make up ÖVERALLT , which will be released on May 3 and will be in stores during very little time. We can't wait to have her in our home, and thus feel a little closer to the beauty and momentum of Africa. we want all this

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