How to flirt with a Galician


How to flirt with a Galician

How to flirt with a Galician

1. To start, three infallible formulas to get a date or something that can end up being:

- Tell him you've never been to one verbena - Tell him you've never tried the coffee liqueur

- Tell him you've never been in a furancho

Any of these strategies will cause shudders in a Galician at heart, who will instantly reorganize his agenda and pull out his best addresses and contacts for you to try within a week. the delights of Galician rural leisure . Knowing how to take advantage of the state of ecstasy to which any of the activities will transport you – orchestral music, massive intake of coffee liquor , massive consumption of wine in cunca that will leave your lips purple- it's up to you.

coffee liqueur

'The coffee liqueur is a Galician invention to exterminate the rest of the peninsula'

two. Avoid making jokes with "You don't know if you go up or down" . Seriously, it's very seen and it's not funny at all.

3. Don't make jokes like "In Galicia you never see the sun, do you?" . If anyone can make bad weather jokes, it's him. not you.

Four. But the weather can never be an impediment to making plans . If when four drops fall you prefer to stay at home, you will have a serious compatibility problem with a Galician.

5. It praises the beauty of the coast, the estuaries, the towns and the Galician nature. You won't be lying, and everyone likes a compliment.

Praise the natural beauties of Galicia

Praise the natural beauties of Galicia (you will not be lying)

6. He also praises the quality of life, the low prices and the good product.

7. Yes, it may be that at first you are not sure if the object of his cares is really interested in you or is simply being polite.

8. Don't go on a mental rant "I knew it!" if he answers a question from you with another question.

9. Don't even think about arguing that Songoku wasn't much funnier in Galician. Of course, don't even think of calling him Goku.

10. You have to like to eat. That is a sine qua non condition.

eleven . And none of "I don't like this, I don't want this". Don't be fussy with food or the Galician object of your cares will think at the moment that you are a lercha or a pimpín.

12. The gastronomic world It can also be a great opportunity to break the ice and move from an environment that is not given to flirting to one with more intimacy. If you express in front of a Galician that you have never taken products like...


pig ear,

octopus ,

albariño wine,

... more than likely you'll get a dinner invitation at his house shortly.

Hmm... octopus...

Hmm... octopus...

13. Infallible phrases that you can use as a sign of your adaptation to the Galician environment : “ghastas track?” either “I have moitas leiras” . Out of their original context, they are, despite how worn they are, always welcome (here, a complete dictionary).

14. If the object of your efforts is from A Coruña, a few words in Corunna or a "baby" with a good accent will also provoke waves of sympathy.

fifteen. Yeah, you're going to have to prepare for a few “it depends”.

16. If you live abroad, be prepared to go to Galicia a lot.

17. Avoid laughing when you meet the family dog ​​and find out his name is Trotsky.

He tries to be liked and that you like his family and friends

Try to be liked and that you like your family and friends

18. He tries to be liked and that you like his family and friends, because they will be very present in your life.

19. Do not close yourself in band, when you have a sprain, to use the services of a compounder . It may have fixed a childhood sprain for your partner, so go with an open mind and keep in mind that "talk, talk".

twenty. Have a sense of humor, understand well and use irony, it is essential.

twenty-one. Learn to properly use the “que riquiño” . Once you incorporate it into your vocabulary you will wonder how you could have lived your whole life without that wild card expression.

22. Do not fall apart if he says of you "He is not handsome, he is rich". NOTHING is lost, everything depends.

Follow @Raestaenlaaldea

*Article originally published on October 22, 2015 and updated on April 15, 2019

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