The traveler's medicine cabinet: foresighted and hypochondriacs, you are welcome!


for what it could happen

for what it could happen


Marta Arsuaga, medical specialist Traveler Unit of La Paz-Carlos III Hospital in Madrid, helps us create our first-aid kit: "The first thing to put is the usual medication taken by the traveler ; second, things that they drink from time to time in Spain: paracetamol, ibuprofen... because there are things that, depending on where we are, are more difficult to find; also we recommend antihistamines for allergy episodes , especially since the traveler may not have any in Spain and may find plants or pollens at his destination that cause it”.

In addition, adds Dr. Arsuaga, it is important to take sunscreen, a thermometer (essential if we travel to areas with malaria), a small Betadine, some topical disinfectant with some gauzes, protector for the stomach Y a broad-spectrum antibiotic , especially for traveler's diarrhea, can also be used for respiratory or wound infections.

For professional organizer Barry Izsak, these are the items he always includes in his medicine cabinet: aspirin, antacid medication, band aids, decongestant pills, a small pair of blunt-tipped scissors , tweezers, safety pins, alcohol wipes, and extra pair of glasses . “You have to analyze the situation of each person and choose what is most important for each one” -clarifies Barry Izsak- of course, it is much more convenient to have the necessary elements with you than having to go shopping at odd hours where they don't speak your language or you're not sure where to find them."

Happiness yes but without forgetting your suitcase and your medicine cabinet

Happiness yes, but without forgetting your suitcase and your medicine cabinet


If you travel with children :

"Since they touch everything, you can include the alcohol solutions in gel to disinfect and pediatric doses of medication," explains Dr. Marta Arsuaga. Travel youtubers Adrián Rodríguez and Gosia Bendrat admit that their little daughter Daniela has never gotten sick traveling, "it's a joke after so many trips around the world and trips but never we have had problems", comments Adrián. Of course, in his medicine cabinet there is no lack “a thermometer, oral serum, a snot remover and bottles of serum ”.

If you are in treatment:

He carries plenty of medication, “even a double dose, in case they lose your suitcase, it is better to take it distributed ”, adds Arsuaga. "Of course, take the pills you usually take and to spare : You never know if your flight will be delayed or you will need more than you originally thought "Never bill for treatment or anything you know you're going to need," explains Barry Izsak, former president of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) in the United States and a professional organizer for the past twenty years. "I always try to carry my first-aid kit in my hand luggage, along with any prescription medication," he concludes. If you also take a lot of pills and travel by plane ask for a medical report at your health center (you will avoid problems at customs) .

If your adrenaline goes:

If your plan is to practice some extreme sport: you can put in your backpack: collars, bandages or some stronger disinfectant, some antibiotic ointment.

Don't miss adventures or your 'emergency kit'

Don't miss adventures or your 'emergency kit'


“You don't want to use a bag and just throw things in there: use a briefcase small, flexible and with many pockets , to separate all kinds of elements and make them easy to find”, suggests Barry Izsak. “If your medicine cabinet has no pockets use zip lock plastic bags or small plastic boxes; what's more, whenever possible, use pills instead of liquids . "If you must include them, keep them separate or isolated in those plastic bags," Izsak adds.

"In Malaysia I was with him the whole trip perfect medicine cabinet ; and on the last internal journey by plane a sticky liquid came out of me that destroyed everything in its path , it went straight in the trash!” recalls the travel blogger Sarah Rodriguez .


"In Mexico I had the misfortune to run into the famous Revenge of Moctezuma, being very uncomfortable throughout the trip and pending every meal; also some strong spices give me allergies and the first time I traveled to Tunisia I had to use the first aid kit ”, tells us Rodríguez, author of Mindful Travel by Sara . After so many years traveling, she has learned that prevention is better than cure: “on one of my last trips, specifically to Jordan , I had a foot infection... without a doubt, the first aid kit is a basic in any travel suitcase, even if you are only going to spend a weekend away! ”.

What is the most practical part of your medicine cabinet? " Band-Aids, I can't travel without them! -explains Rodríguez- there is not a single trip in which I have not used them, I always buy different sizes and textures , in addition to some specific for blisters".

"Most of the time I carry the medicines and luckily I bring them back in the end," says the traveler. Veronica Martinez , travel blog author Vero4travel . “ Some diarrhea pills came in handy because when I traveled to Thailand Two hours before I took my flight, I felt terrible, so it was great to have them with me, ”she recalls. Nor is Voltaren lacking in her medicine cabinet, "I usually take it in case I have shoulder discomfort during the trip when having to carry the backpack or the camera”.

There is no excuse anymore, prepare your first-aid kit on your next getaway (yes, your mother would be proud).

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all good of mine

"All good from me..."

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