How to deal with the anxiety generated by the coronavirus crisis


How to deal with the anxiety generated by the coronavirus crisis

How to deal with the anxiety generated by the coronavirus crisis

We don't live in easy times . In recent weeks we have seen how the world we knew was teetering on a complete 180 degree turn for this coronavirus pandemic. The bombardment of true news against fake news, the WhatsApp group stress , the fear of contagion or prevention measures, have become part of our day to day. And, for the moment, everything seems to indicate that we are going to continue like this for a few more weeks.

Because now, more than ever, it's time to stay home , attempt curb that curve that it scares us so much to get a day when the numbers of infections are reversed and deaths are non-existent. But until then, How should we act in this quarantine that we have to live from home, either alone, with your family, partner, friends or roommates? First of all, stay calm and not letting fear or negative thoughts take over us.

From there, there are a series of tools or mechanisms that experts propose to carry out to make this quarantine as bearable as possible. Shall we start?


“The situation that is being experienced these days is closely related to the feeling of uncertainty , which generates in us sadness, fear or tension . Lately, we have been subjected in a short space of time to a Lots of information , what prevents us from processing it properly . If to all this we also add hoaxes, rumors and fake news , the ideal environment is created for uncertainty, our fear and anxiety they shoot up”, he tells Joselin Miranda Gomez , health psychologist at the Clinical Psychology Center.

For his part, the psychologist Adrian Quevedo adds that “ Uncertainty is one of the most vulnerable situations for people since it implies not knowing and not controlling what is happening in our environment, something that human beings have been developing throughout our history, that control over our lives and over everything that surrounds us”.

It is important to note that fear is an adaptive emotion , that even though it's good to feel because it prepares us for action and helps us survive , we must bear in mind that this fear must be adjusted to reality , without causing exaggerated behavior or limiting us. So, we would no longer be talking about something adaptive but about a problem that conditions us in our day to day life. And this is what we must prevent from happening to us during this coronavirus crisis.

Therefore, it is vitally important handle all the information that comes to us in a rational way and from an objective point of view . “We must remember that being informed is important , but it is also be informed judiciously . That is, take data from official sources that offer verified and reliable information”, comments Joselin Miranda Gómez.

Being at home encourages us to have more access to both traditional and other digital media for more time per day, which is why it is important, as Adrián Quevedo assures “ choose reliable, scientific and quality media to provide us with information about the situation and how to deal with it.”


We know it's easy to say but not so easy to do. When we turn on the TV at lunchtime, when we take a look at our whatsapp groups , when we read the morning press or when we enter our instagram feed , in recent days there is a monotheme that (for the moment) seems to have no end. It is up to us to let it monopolize our entire existence or to occupy only part of our daily thoughts. “It is not good that we are constantly aware of the news, especially if everything revolves around COVID-19. Nor is it recommended that our conversations always revolve around the Coronavirus and that it becomes the main theme”, suggests Joselin Miranda Gómez.

Adrián Quevedo affirms: “if we allow Covid-19 to be the center of our lives, it will eat away at our mental and emotional health , which has repercussions on our physical health, and the important thing in this type of situation is take care of yourself and maintain that commitment to yourself”.

Both experts give us a series of guidelines to carry out during this quarantine that can be adapted both to those who are in incarcerated without symptoms like those who have mild disease with few symptoms:

  • Normalize fear and embrace it, instead of denying it . We can ask ourselves the following questions: Why am I afraid? Does the fear I feel fit reality? Can I put a solution to what I fear? Is it in my hand?

  • To manage our worries or thoughts that cause discomfort, it is advisable to distance ourselves from them and check whether or not they fit the reality relativize as much as possible.

  • Lean on trusted people and act following the recommendations of official bodies.

  • More than talking about Covid-19 itself, which the media is already doing, we must take time to communicate about how we feel, what we are thinking Y how we are living and experiencing this situation . But not in a circular and compulsive way, but to be able to express it, feel listened to and understood in an empathic way , without judgments, to be able to give it an outlet and emotional ventilation.

  • It is important that we keep a calm attitude , living in the present moment without getting bogged down in thoughts or worries that place us in future moments that have not yet arrived and that we are not sure will happen.

  • If there's anything we can do we can put it into practice . But, if, on the contrary, the situation is beyond our reach,** we must not fall into over-responsibility**.

  • Use time as an opportunity to perform those things we wanted to do, but we didn't know when.

  • Maintain an open and positive attitude maintain a routine and take care of food, personal hygiene and sleep.


First of all, we must remember that we are facing a temporary and exceptional situation that we have never faced before, but that has an expiration date (although we are still not very clear when it will be).

As stated by the health psychologist Joselin Miranda Gómez: “ isolation can affect us psychologically , since we have constant time with ourselves and with others in a closed space . This can make us show irritable, tense, sad and overwhelmed . It is important that we know that these are normal reactions to this type of situation.”

To prevent quarantine from affecting us negatively, it is essential create a routine in the time we remain in isolation . “It will help us to put in order the activities that we used to do before and adapt to this new situation . In addition, having a routine helps to take care of our mental health and prevents us from being able to return to our usual rhythm of life more easily once this temporary situation is over”, continues Joselin.

**In our work: **

Yes we telework from home and it is something new for us, we must continue with the same habits as if we were going to the office , only sleeping one more hour! Before getting in front of the computer we can practice some light exercise such as meditation, yoga or some machine if we have at home.

We should try to wear pajamas only to sleep . This does not mean that we have to put on the suit jacket, the tie or the heels, but that we must bet on clothes comfortable to be at home but different from the one we use to get into bed. If we don't change all day "We send our brain the wrong message and it is easier to fall into a state of apathy" , comments the psychologist Adrián Quevedo.

Throughout the day while we work we can schedule us a schedule just like we would on any normal day, stopping to eat and ending the working day at the same time we did before: "we must feed ourselves in the best possible way, with a significant consumption of vegetables, legumes and fruits , taking time to eat calmly, which normally on a day-to-day basis some people only have half an hour or even less”

**In our leisure and free time: **

And once we finish our working day? It's time to move our leisure time from the street to home . we can practice sport from the living room of our home thanks to the large number of videos, tutorials or master classes that exist on Instagram or YouTube. “Sport brings many physical and psychological benefits, produces a release of substances that increase our perception of well-being , helps eliminate toxins and is a way to release tension and discomfort . Therefore, doing it is highly recommended in these periods of isolation, although we cannot go outside, there are always routines or exercises that we can do at home”, indicates Joselin Miranda Gómez.

What about hangouts with friends or family? ALSO! “ Continuing to socialize will be essential to maintain our structure and mental and emotional health. ”, recalls Adrian Quevedo. For this, applications such as house party They are becoming viral in recent days where you can make video calls with your loved ones and also play different online games.

In addition, there is also room here for the learning, culture, leisure and entertainment . The courses and language classes that we used to do in person can also be done remotely and many even offer them completely free of charge . We can bring out all the creativity that we carry inside and recover lost hobbies or that we always wanted to start like painting, learn to play the guitar, discover new musical genres, write, compose, update our portfolio...


Because it will happen, we can assure you. And once it happens, we will return to fill the bars, the restaurants, the parks, the cinemas, the streets and above all... we will travel again! When that day comes, we must do it without fear, with emotion and following the recommendations of official institutions.

“Once the WHO (World Health Organization) , the official bodies and the competent health authorities lift the restrictions, it will mean that the risks associated with any daily activity will be minimal. So, at that point, the recommendation would be the same as on occasions prior to the existence of Covid-19 : faced with decisions that we must make, the best thing is weigh our choice taking into account the objective data that we have and without letting our emotions of fear control us,” says health psychologist Joselin Miranda Gómez.

For his part, Adrián Quevedo predicts that in a few months the situation will be completely different: “I imagine that with the health deployment that is taking place in a few months, things will have changed, there will be more information and it will be another scenario”.

For now, let's travel. But let's do it from home . There will be time to conquer and savor the world again when all this is over.

How to deal with the anxiety generated by the coronavirus crisis

How to deal with the anxiety generated by the coronavirus crisis

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