The hidden treasures on the Indonesian island of Lombok


The hidden treasures on the Indonesian island of Lombok

What Lombok hides

Let's cross our fingers that this doesn't happen. Lombok it is a treasure to be explored where the locals continue to be friendly to foreigners and extremely outgoing, always willing to show any corner. Its pride is not for less: this place has a deep-rooted culture, idyllic beaches, waterfalls and even a volcano.

Lombok is located between the islands of Bali and Sumbawa, east of Indonesia. Its population is around 3.5 million people and the 85% of them are sasak an ethnic group related to the Balinese in language and race. The Sasak are however mostly Muslim and the Balinese are Hindu.

The island remains practically untouched, the image that has brought many visitors for years to neighboring Bali, dominated today by hotels, bars, souvenir shops and plastics in the sea.

The hidden treasures on the Indonesian island of Lombok

Many of the locals are engaged in fishing

In Lombok most of the locals are engaged in agriculture, fishing and the sale of handicrafts. Businesses are run by local families and large hotel companies are the exception rather than the norm. In the capital, Mataram , is the only place where you can rarely find international fast food chain restaurants.

The best way to travel around the country is by motorcycle. rental, taxi or shared van , since public transport is scarce. The island is relatively small but is dotted with numerous points of interest that satisfy the needs of any curious tourist. It is not only beauty that is found in Lombok, but it is an ideal place for hiking, water sports or simply relaxing in front of its waters after a traditional sasak massage.

The hidden treasures on the Indonesian island of Lombok

'Pluperfect' beaches for surfing


The most idyllic beaches in the country are to the south, in Kuta (not to be confused with a city with the same name in Bali) . In this fishing village you will find the majority of restaurants and accommodation, as well as being a good starting point to discover the most beautiful beaches in the area, such as Tanjung A'an and Selong Belanak.

Tanjung A'an It is located 7 kilometers to the east and is made up of two white sand bays separated by a rocky outcrop ideal for snorkelling. Selong Belanak It is located 12 kilometers to the west, it is a good place to surf. Two hours of instruction cost about 300,000 Indonesian rupiah (about 21 euros).

The beach of Kuta , with soft white sand, is also worth a visit.

The hidden treasures on the Indonesian island of Lombok

Selong Belanak Beach


Lombok is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire , an area characterized by its seismic and volcanic activity. One of the star activities is to visit its famous Gunung Rinjiani volcano, located in Senaru , in the north of the island. This is the second highest in Indonesia behind the Mount Kerinci of Sumatra.

Visitors will be able to see the edge of the volcano, walk to the caldera and climb to the highest point, from where you can see Bali to the west and Sumbawa to the east. The hike to the crater rim usually takes two days and one night on the mountain.

The hidden treasures on the Indonesian island of Lombok

Gunung Rinjiani volcano


The north of the island is also known for its wonderful waterfalls. In Senaru we will find three of them huge that can be visited on foot from the town, being the best known Sindang Gila which according to the locals has healing properties.

The waterfall is spectacular and is a 20-minute walk from the town. If we continue walking another 40 minutes on a somewhat more complicated path crossing a river, the reward will be a second waterfall, Tiu Kelep . The latter has a natural pool ideal for taking a bath.

The hidden treasures on the Indonesian island of Lombok

They say that it has healing properties.


the tangsi beach It is popularly known by the locals as "the pink beach" because of the color of the sand, although you have to use your imagination a little to appreciate that color. This hue is created from the white sand when mixed with the pink fragments of the corals. Its waters are calm and a popular destination for snorkeling.


If we still have time to explore its surroundings, we can jump to the Gili Islands ( Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air ) that are only 20 minutes away by fast boat. The islands are small, the largest of all, Gili Trawangan , measures 3 kilometers long by two wide.

Perhaps what makes them more special is that motor vehicles are prohibited, so no transport noise breaks the harmony of the site. Instead, we will have to move on foot, by bicycle or by horse cart. The Gili Islands are laid back, ideal for enjoying small beachside bars and restaurants.

The hidden treasures on the Indonesian island of Lombok

Gili, the height of disconnection

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