Cultural shocks that all Spaniards suffer when going to live in Scotland


group of people waving scottish flags

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Many are the preconceived ideas that we bring all of us that we come to Scotland intending to stay. The men wear skirts there are lakes with monsters inside and Rains (much) . But nothing prepares us for the reality of living in 'Bonnie Scotland ': on-site. Scottish life is very most amazing than you can imagine, especially if this is your first time living in (or visiting) the UK.


- You will be surprised omnipresence of the carpet. In the toilets, on trains, in hospitals, in pubs … It doesn't matter where you go; the probability that you will see the I usually it is low.

- But sometimes you see it, yes: you can find yourself too parquet in the bathrooms. It may seem like a foolproof formula for them to fall leaks to the neighbor, but they have everything well thought out and there are usually no losses (or no more than other places, go).

Cultural shocks that all Spaniards suffer when going to live in Scotland

Preconception number one: no, not all men wear skirts

- Bathrooms are usually separated, with the shower and sink in one room, and the toilet (with a tiny sink sometimes) into a smaller one. Can result rare at first sight, but incredibly practical when visitors come or if you share a flat.

- Speaking of bathrooms: if you are given to using hair dryer or razor electric, keep in mind that here the bathrooms They don't have plugs. It's not that they do it with bad intentions (it's because security, to avoid scares), but it requires a bit of planning to be able to continue wearing handsome (such as having a mirror in the room) .

- And speaking of plugs, here they turn on and off with a switch (for lack of security other than!)

- In many buildings, apartments have different numbers. The method ancient is to name the floors and each apartment by floor (the apartments can be, in this case, 1F2 or 3F3 ) . The modern it is simply putting a number per apartment, regardless of the floor. It's not uncommon to see addresses like 9/30 Example Road or 30/3F3 Example Road – and both are the same house.

- Forget the elevator. That is not the style here.

victoria street edinburgh

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- If you thought he midnight Sun it was something reserved for Scandinavia and Iceland, think again. In the north of scotland This phenomenon is also experienced. In the south, including in glasgow Y Edinburgh , it does not become so extreme but it is also noticeable, with the sunrise already peeking at half past three in the morning.

- Of course, keep in mind that it is also the other way around: in winter you will not see the sun in weeks. there is hardly six hours of light a day in the big cities (except in the north of the country), and it is normal to be cloudy totally.

- A classic cultural shock that happens to all Spaniards when crossing the border: in Scotland, as it happens in the vast majority of countries, there are no blinds. What they do have here are shutters that block light very well and are essential in summer.

- Much is said about scottish weather and its volatility (that the four seasons occur in one day it's not so usual as it might seem, but yes, it happens) . What must be taken into account is that the medium temperature it is enough minor not only that in Spain, but even that in the south of england : In a normal summer the limits are rarely exceeded. 21 degrees.

- That yes, as soon as they arrive at 19 degrees he's already there air-conditioning at full blast in many places.

sky scotland aurora borealis

The Scottish sky will surprise you


- When planning your day, keep in mind that here life ends early. Many shops and cafes bar the bars 18.30 o'clock . However, do not think that this means that life is over, no: that marks time to go to the pub.

- In pubs, don't stay waiting sitting down for someone to come ask you what you want: most does not have table service. It is ordered at the bar (drinks and food) and paid immediately . The food is brought to you, yes.

- And what about the cliche of men in skirts? You probably know you're gonna see kilts but you didn't know you'd see SO MANY.

- The accent. oh the accent . If you come knowing English, be prepared, because the first few days It will be hard for you to understand them.

- They say that the gene of red hair is on recess. The scientists who came to such a conclusion clearly they were never in Scotland.

- Depending on where you go, you may be surprised to see people with beers on the street And it is that in Scotland drinking in public is not prohibited at the national level, but each city can set its own standards. In Glasgow, for example, it is not allowed; in Edinburgh, yes.

scottish unicorn

national glory

- A little detail: its national animal is the Unicorn. Yes, it seems possible that the national animal of a country is imaginary (the one from Spain is the bull, in case you were wondering… much more mundane).

- About his relationship with England : If you arrive in Scotland without having been to the UK before, you may be surprised at how adamant some Scots can be about their rejection of the rest of the country, concentrated in neighboring England.

And yes, many neighbors will express their discontent outspoken at every opportunity, and will be transparently **critical of London**, covering everything from anglo-scottish wars from the 14th century to Brexit. With a history, culture and idiosyncrasy In particular, Scotland is making an effort to secede from the UK, if only conceptually … and now, with the debate over the second referendum of red-hot independence, it may be factually also.

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