The best tortillas in Barcelona


slice of potato omelette

you will want to try them all

It has been a stab in the back who least expected it. The decision of the city council Betanzos of veto the onion in its famous ** annual potato omelette contest ** has produced tears and gnashing of teeth among supporters of the chives in the tortilla and joy among those -wrong- supporters of the tortilla only with egg and potato.

This latest contribution to the eternal debate makes us want to remind ourselves that purism is fine but who wants to get hung up on arguing about whether onions are yes or onions aren't when you can have tortillas with truffle, with pig's feet, with mushrooms, with cheese or with all kinds of goyesque fantasies ? So we review some of the best places to drink Barcelona omelette so we can argue for hours about gastronomic details knowingly.

tortilla and beer

The omelette, a very our pleasure

BELMONTE ; Carrer de la Mercè, 29

Miracles to celebrate: there are still in the Gothic places like that, intimate, traditional Catalan Food, oblivious to fashion and with a unrepentant honesty. The owners of Belmonte take care of the products of season and try that, whenever possible, the recipes are made with products from their own family garden del Vendrell.

In addition to the patatons of the appetizer already legendary (potatoes cooked like wrinkled potatoes but with Romesco instead of with mojo picón), their offer of tortillas made at the moment -they don't have a microwave-, with eggs free range chickens , is a tribute to Catalan products. Try the one from Iberian fesols and cansalada (beans and bacon), the one with pig's feet, the one with bull d'alpens wave of butifarró d'arroç . Between siphons and movie posters, this classic yet to be discovered is a guarantee of good food and above all of eat to taste


Nothing like an omelette made at the moment

LOURO ; Rambla del Caputxins 37

The restaurant of Galician center of Barcelona, ​​in full promenade It gives us nothing but joy. In a letter as Galician as yours could not miss a “Betanzos style” potato omelette (ahem, drama that returns) , little curdled, to which they add fox, and as fans of the fox that we are, that automatically makes it one of our favourites.

The rest of its menu, which plays with the traditional ingredients of Galician gastronomy and the most contemporary, always worth a visit.

BAR l'ELECTRICITAT ; Street of Sant Carles, 15

Barcelona winery of those that are left, has t everything we like : siphons, barrels, marble tables, picturesque gathering and popular prices. His potato omelette is a neighborhood classic and of the city for simplicity -not simplicity- and effectiveness . You have to complete the menu with the also legendary crab salad.

Bar l'Elecricitat omelette

Good omelette and popular prices at Bar l'Elecricitat

FLASH FLASH ; Street of Granada del Penedès, 25

Classic among classics, foam of modernity from when Tusset Street and its surroundings were the last scream , owner of an image unmistakable made in the latest national photography award and its original owner, Leopoldo Pomes, the Flash Flash is so of his time that the years pass by him but he doesn't age.

The tortilleria more cool of Spain has to his credit the mythical black truffle and cheese omelette, but also a lot of elaborations with v vegetables, seafood, fish and even a dozen varieties of potato omelette -with onion, Galician style, with potato chips, to the peasant… He only competes with himself with his great burgers.

NORTH ; Diputació Street, 321

In a corner of Eixample, this restaurant of short letter but care honors the northern provenance of its owners with a very good and effective Cod omelette. The best thing is that it is also open for a blunt salty breakfast.

flash flash omelette

To the rich tortilla in Flash Flash

THE TRUITS ; Carrer d'Arimon, 22

They decided to set themselves up as a temple to tortilla from their premises in Sarrià and no one will doubt that they have achieved it. Nothing less than 140 types of tortillas greet us, from the most obvious to the most elaborate, passing through elaborations that you would not even imagine, like the tortilla of croissants -yes, oh, yes- coffee!, tripe with chickpeas! , spaghetti or the assorted tortilla cakes. I said, a fantasy.

KOSKA TAVERN ; Blai Street 8

It's one of those places that makes maintain dignity to the always lively but sometimes a little gastronomically battered blai street, and for that we are grateful to them. Their potato omelette with chorizo , little curdled, has a deserved legion of fans

Les Truites omelette

Les Truites, fancy omelettes

PYRENEAN CREAM ; Muntaner 460

have breakfast on potato omelette skewer -For your customers, the best from Barcelona- from this restaurant little and impeccable is a pleasure of pleasures. quality tapas, sausage sandwiches, fried eggs with ham... It doesn't take much more to find the perfection, the truth.

THE CEBA ; Pearl Race, 10

Everything in this neighborhood restaurant Grace smells like usual eating house : the tables, the decoration -or lack of it- and the menu, whose protagonists are the tortillas and, with a complete declaration of intentions, he baptizes himself as “the onion”. 50 varieties of tortilla They go a long way, so look for the ingredient mixed with eggs that you are looking for, here will be found.

Omelette from La Ceba

Tortillas and tortillas in La Ceba

L'OLIVE ; Carrer de Balmes, 47

A classic elegant of the Eixample redecorated by Lazaro Rosa Violan (i.e. mirrors, tiles, velvets, sophisticated beauty ), which does not forget the art of the egg in its classic and good product menu. Have two open mushroom and prawn omelettes halfway between the scrambled eggs and the omelet, but it is his Potato and onion omelette soufflé -so they have decided to baptize it-, so liquid, so foodporn, the one that deprives us.

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