Without fear! Apps and gadgets to combat jet lag


Land as you can

Much more sophisticated and effective than these

After more than nine hours of flight You have finally reached your destination. You have already left your bags at the hotel and you have stood at the door with a backpack full of hope... and dream (not dreams in the plural). After such a long journey, there is no adventurer who does not experience the happy jet lag, a real martyrdom for those who want to live a epic when his body is not for the work.

Ruben Señor and Lucia Sanchez (You can meet Rubén and Lucy at algoquerecordar.com ) They have extensive experience in this unpleasant matter. They fulfilled the dream that many consider without taking the final step: in August 2013 they left Madrid to go around the world , a journey that took approximately a year to complete. They returned, but since then they have not stopped traveling.

fight jet lag

You see sunrise and you haven't slept at all.

Rubén "he sleeps little" , they tell us, that's why they find some other problem for adapt to changing light cycles. Because this is the real cause of the disorder: the brain is used to a certain period of light and another of darkness , so he is slow to take on such a quick modification. To make his task easier, Rubén does not wait to reach his destination, but rather starts from the plane. "That day hold out until the time it takes to get hooked on the new schedule later" they say

Lucy has fewer problems because she is she more sleepy , so she lets herself go and rests as much as her body asks of her. “The only thing that has ever happened to me is that I have woken up a little earlier than usual,” she says.

If you are not as lucky as her and, like Rubén, you tend to suffer the consequences of change, you can follow her strategy or other similar ones: choose night flights, avoid sleeping as soon as you arrive, take melatonin supplements or give coffee (without abusing, of course) . However, there are some technology options so that the beginning of the trip is not so difficult for you.

fight jet lag

You fall asleep everywhere.


One of them is the Entrain app, developed by a research team at the University of Michigan . The tool uses mathematical algorithms to calculate the readjustments you should make before a long day of travel and indicate the best practices to achieve it.

The International Air Transport Association has also thought about the problem of its users and they have created the SkyZen app, which connects with a bracelet to measure the quality of sleep, monitor your fitness and give you tips to enhance your flight experience.

For the most daring, there are also different mills that provide light therapies to travelers. The US agency Wieden+Kennedy has built the first photon shower prototype for the airline company Delta and a French artist, Mathieu Lehanneur, has designed a bedroom with an optimal microclimate for sleep.

fight jet lag

In this British seat we could sleep.


Although sometimes the problem is simply the discomfort of a seat. Don't know what to do with your head or where to place your legs? If you can't afford an expensive first class ticket or pay for a bed in the British Airways Boeing 787 Dreamliner Aircraft, you can try your luck at plus grade platform of Etihad.

The website, with 30 affiliated international airlines, works as a virtual auction of seats where only one bid is allowed: future passengers put price for a seat in a higher class than the ticket they have purchased . Then, those responsible give it to the highest bidder and inform him at least two days before takeoff. An option similar to SeatGuru, a site that advises you on the best seats according to your flight.

Whether you're a globetrotter who can't last too long in the same country or settle for a little getaway from time to time, the experience on the plane makes the difference and the beginning of the journey. So let's improve it.

How to overcome jet lag and not die trying

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