How to overcome jet lag and not die trying


How to overcome jet lag and not die trying

Like a boss

Practically all of us have suffered it in our flesh. Of course, there are those who take it quite well, those who are only affected for a few hours and those who take more than half the trip to acclimatize to the schedules of the country where they land.

If you are among the latter, do not despair. There are some tricks, which although they may not be infallible, they do help overcome the dreaded jet lag with dignity . At the very least, they are worth a try.


- Adjust the biological clock gradually. During the eight days prior to your flight departure, it is good to wake up and go to sleep an hour earlier if you are traveling East. If, on the other hand, your destination is to the West, it is best to wake up and go to bed an hour later. Sounds easy, right?

- Practice an anti-jet lag diet. According to several studies, alternating large feasts with days of fasting during the days before the flight can also help the body to better adapt to the time change and reduce jet lag by up to 16%. The most advisable: lots of protein and carbohydrates for the previous four days and a minimal calorie intake for the previous two days. The same day of the flight, if it is daytime, you can still have one last feast during breakfast and thus face the transcontinental flight with more energy.

- Update the time on your watch during boarding. Let's not fool ourselves: this measure will not help you physically, but it will help you – and a lot – psychologically. You know, nothing like the power of the mind.

How to overcome jet lag

During the flight, the best, the water.


- Sleep, drink water and eat almonds. An eye mask, earplugs and your favorite cushion –if it fits in your bag– will be your best allies to fall asleep during the flight. And during waking hours, nothing better than drinking water to stay well hydrated and eating almonds, as this dried fruit contains melatonin, a powerful ally for regulating sleep hours.

- Avoid alcohol. Who doesn't fancy a glass of wine while doing a movie marathon on the plane? Well, although the plan is very appealing, do not fall into temptation. Alcohol, like caffeine - so stay away from coffee too - promote dehydration, which contributes considerably to increasing the feeling of jet lag. So now you know: water, water and more water.

Running friendly hotels

When you arrive, exercise.


- A little effort. It is very easy for you to go straight to the hotel when you land and go to bed. Do not do it. It is preferable to take a shower, walk, go out to eat and keep yourself entertained than to stay in the room. We all think the same: "I go to bed for a couple of hours and I'm like new". Are you sure it will only be hours? Maybe the nap will do you wonder, but you'll be paying for it for at least the next two days.

- Good morning sunshine! The best way to receive the new day at destination is to wake up with sunlight. No alarm clocks or alarms. It is enough that at night you leave the blinds up so that the sunlight "forces" you to wake up naturally or, at least, in a slightly more bearable way.

- The first day, even if it's only the first, exercise. The endorphins that are produced during exercise are one of the best allies against fatigue, and exploring your “new neighborhood” at a brisk pace can be a fun way to familiarize yourself with the area. And I don't say it: the World Health Organization recommends exercise to all travelers , as being on the move during the day helps you fall asleep better at night and better establish a new routine.

- Eat when you have to. Once at your destination, stick to local meal times as this will help offset jet lag. It usually works very well - if you arrive early - to avoid the (often not very substantial) breakfast on the plane and take it easy when you land: you know, the world looks different with a full belly!

And, now yes, to discover the new destination with eyes wide open. Happy journey!

pancake breakfast

Have a good breakfast when you arrive.

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