Around the world of breakfast


topical breakfasts

topical breakfasts

Some Good Morning that in some places are offered in small cafes, in others in street fruit stalls, on the roofs of tall buildings, in the nooks and crannies of a disheveled market, in the inhospitable corners of bazaars or in the glamorous halls of hotels ... With the sun the appetite is awakened and with appetite, culture opens its eyes. Every day is born with different perfumes in each point of the planet : flour fried in the pan, freshly cut orange, ground coffee beans, melted chocolate, curdled milk... each continent has its way of greeting the sun and in broad strokes, keeping an eye on the cards dawn on the world, this is his culinary tour:

EAST: wake up with your hands and chopsticks.

In the southern part of China , when the sun has not yet set, the workers grab their first bite of soy milk and a you tiao (Chinese churro, translated into Spanish. It is a kind of Madrid club but much finer). in the houses of Shanghai , the early risers break their fast with algae soups, some rice dishes and some dumplings stuffed with meat or vegetables called dim sum

In Thailand the custom is to have rice with meat or fish for breakfast, or with a dessert very similar to our rice pudding. And in Singapore, as in Malaysia and other places in Asia, the memory of the coffee shops, which were so popular between the 30s and 50s, still beats. The clientele of these cafes used to be Chinese immigrants who, far from their families, approached those places located in the street corners, to take the first bite of the day (many, it is said, came with my pajamas still on ) . The waiter sang out loud the orders that went like this: “toast with vegetable fat and sugar, bread with egg jam cream (a paste made with eggs, sugar and coconut milk), boiled or soft-boiled eggs, coffee with milk (with a lot of sugar), tea or malt beverages”.

Coffee shops have now become fast food restaurants.

In Singapore the day is usually started in the canteens of the markets and based on kyu tiao (long strips of pasta rolled and fried) and chye tau kwei (a kind of grated radish and rice flour cake) , chu cheong fern (steamed rice flour tortillas, cut into strips and accompanied by soy, chilli, sesame oil and chopped spring onions) and chee kwei (rice cake with minced meat) .

asian breakfast

Asian breakfast: dim sum, Chinese dumplings

AMERICA: tradition and culture.

Latin America you wake up with chocolate and cinnamon, coffee, fruits of the day from which delicious juices are extracted, eggs, sausages, rice dishes, beans... Obviously, each area has its own customs.

In Argentina , adults savor the first mate , which are accompanied with invoices, croissants and bread with butter. The little ones gorge themselves on cookies and cakes filled with dulce de leche. The Colombians , prefer to drink coffee with milk (which they call 'perico') and break their fast with arepas, fritters, Tamales and some eggs with onion and tomato.

Tamales are also eaten in Peru , which they accompany, like their neighbors, with coffee with milk, as well as scrambled eggs, pork rinds (cooked pork served with Creole sauce) or pan con relleno (bread rolls filled with something similar to blood sausage but very spicy) . In the Dominican Republic , the king of breakfast is the mangu , is a kind of mashed green bananas fried with butter and accompanied by a fried egg or a little bacon.

Mexico have a copious breakfast with eggs, made in various ways, beans and tortillas . They also eat muffins with cheese and sweets from the land. Coffee, chocolate and seasonal juices are not lacking.

In Venezuela , the day begins with stuffed arepas and coffee with milk. The Costa Ricans they prefer to make a stew called 'gallo pinto' (rice with black beans); Meanwhile in bolivia pay homage, first thing in the morning, to one of their traditional dishes, the salteñas : oval-shaped pieces of pasta, stuffed with meat, potatoes, eggs, raisins and olives.

latin american breakfast

In Argentina mate with croissants is eaten for breakfast

In North America The day usually starts with eggs, French fries, sausage, bacon and an American coffee. However, in large cities, such as New York , take this from brunch (of that fusion between breakfast and lunch), of late breakfast, which on many occasions makes waking up a tribute to the culinary cultures of the world . Delicious are Sundays in China Town eating dim sum without stopping, or in one of the many brunches that are organized in every corner of the city.

The coastal regions of Maryland, Del. Y Virginia are, in spring and autumn, a place for celebrating the hunting breakfasts . They are at noon, after getting up early and hunting. In the old days, the gentlemen of the south replenished with punch and mint juleps (a cocktail based on bourbon, syrup and sprigs of mint), which were usually accompanied by baked country ham stuffed with vegetables, chicken and cornbread. Later, these buffets evolved into picnic baskets containing watercress, cucumber and tomato canapés, breads, deviled eggs, homemade cakes and fried chicken.

In Canada , breakfasts usually have a english air . They are made up of coffee or tea, usually accompanied by pancakes with honey.

EUROPE: fine pastries and coffee in a hurry.

If there is a place in the world where a true tribute to breakfast , This is England . For the English, the first meal of the day is the most important. Cereals, tea, fried or scrambled eggs, and toast are usually put on the table. Sometimes, bacon, bacon, pancetta or grilled sausages are added to these awakenings. Your neighbors from Scotland They also wake up with a ravenous hunger , which they try to satisfy based on some oatmeal, called porridge, which is eaten salty and with milk. They also like to accompany milk with sausages, black pudding, roasted tomatoes and mushrooms, fried bread, potato cakes (tattie) and, sometimes, scones, a kind of biscuits that they make in a hundred different ways, sweet and savory.

Copious are also the breakfasts in Germany , where eggs are never lacking, lots of types of bread with butter and jam, cold meats, cheeses, yoghurt, fruit, tea, coffee, chocolate... Austria They enjoy a copious lunch -called 'gabelfrühstück'-, which follows the first coffee of the day and is usually taken in coffee houses.

In the scandinavian countries Russian tea, eggs and cold meats are put on the table. The italians They do not hide their passion for cappuccino, who like to drink small cups, standing at the bar and accompanied by some pieces of their impressive pastries -such as the sfogliatelle or the wonderful genovesi, stuffed with ricotta-. In France they opt for the coffee with milk in which they soak their famous croissants. In Sweden They usually have smörgas (a slice of bread with butter, cheese, ham and cold cuts) for breakfast, a bowl of yoghurt or filmjörk (sour milk) and cereals.

And in Spain? Tastes change depending on where you are in the geography. In general, breakfast is quick and short on weekdays: coffee and something sweet, or toasted bread with tomato and virgin olive oil and sprinkled with salt. At mid-morning, around eleven o'clock, breakfast is completed with a Iberian skewer or of omelette which is, without a doubt, the queen of breakfast. They are also great protagonists Churros , the batons, the croissants and, on some occasions, the mixed ham and cheese sandwiches.

In recent times, especially in Madrid and perhaps due to New York influence, the incipient fashion is growing to dedicate the morning of weekends to enjoy brunch, which is served from half past ten in the morning and that in a single banquet, made up of copious and varied viands, includes breakfast and lunch.


In Africa, if you are lucky enough to have breakfast -because you must not forget that breaking your fast is a lucky thing-, it is usually with rice and cereals . In one of the richest areas of the continent, in South Africa , the kitchen is the result of the fusion of the culinary uses introduced, during the colonial era, by descendants of Afrikaner (ethnic group of Germanic or Latin origin) and British, as well as by their slaves and servants, who used to bring them from Java or Malaysia. Some of the delights of waking up, in this part of the world, are the rusks , rectangular-shaped biscuits that are usually served with tea or coffee. They also eat breakfast artas made with milk , such as melktert, or slices of mealie bread , a bread with sweet corn.

In the north of the continent, places like Lebanon, Tunisia, Egypt either Morocco the orange juices that are squeezed, from dawn, in the street stalls are magnificent; mint tea, almond cakes and desert unleavened bread (made without yeast) which, on the best tables, is usually dipped in honey.

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