Condé Nast announces global initiatives to comply with the Paris Agreements against climate change


Cond Nast announces global initiatives to comply with the Paris Agreements against climate change

Condé Nast announces global initiatives to comply with the Paris Agreements against climate change

Condé Nast has announced its overall commitment to be a active agent and promoter of awareness against climate change . Condé Nast has become the first publishing company signatory of the Charter of the Fashion Industry for Climate Action of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change .

Thus, the editorial group undertakes to sustainably optimize your product packaging as part of Global Commitment for the New Plastics Economy of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

Through these agreements, initiatives and specific responsibility objectives , the company will promote environmental standards higher, as well as a systemic change to face one of the most transcendental problems of the planet: the climate crisis.

In addition to these commitments, Condé Nast will take advantage of the i Influence of your brands , which reach more than a billion people worldwide every month, to promote fight against climate change through its own operations with the information and fashion industries.

"Condé Nast is the birthplace of the most iconic and influential brands in the world. As such, it is part of our responsibility use their influence to raise awareness, define terms of change and identify solutions that ensure that both our audience and the industry are informed, and committed to participating in this change," says Roger Lynch, CEO of Conde Nast . "In addition, we also have the responsibility of managing our company in the most sustainable way possible. We are committed to evaluating, as well as reporting, on our progress in this area, as we strive to be better citizens in a global world."

As the first media company to sign the Charter, Condé Nast joins other major players in the fashion industry , including Inditex, Kering and Stella McCartney to value the contributions of the sector in terms of climate change, and assume responsibility on the path towards climate neutrality for make the planet safer.

In keeping with the principles of Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action and with the aim of promoting more expansive climate action , Condé Nast will work with other industry players to positively influence consumer behavior by promoting the reuse of clothing, sustainable fashion , the use of innovative materials and technologies that reduce the impact of fashion on the environment.

Condé Nast is also a signatory to the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, launched in October 2018 by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Program.

In 2019, Condé Nast Spain and other international markets began to apply a progressive reduction in the use of non-recyclable plastic used in shrink-wrapping magazines , both of the subscriptions as of the sale in kiosk , or in both, seeking to completely eliminate the use of this type of plastic and opt for more sustainable alternatives based on recycling and use of biodegradable materials.

Condé Nast announces a plan in the same direction in its US publications for the year 2020. Through the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, the company commits to completely eliminate non-recyclable fossil-based plastics from all its products in all markets by 2025.

In this continuous transformation towards more sustainable business practices , Condé Nast will serve as a reference with the evaluation, disclosure and minimization of its environmental footprint. will publish its first evaluation report in early 2020 and draw a road map for a global sustainability plan that will include the established objectives related to the greenhouse gas management.

"Fashion has always reflected the great changes in society and has been part of cultural discourse. It is this essential characteristic that makes fashion is so influential . Today, the work of designers, textile manufacturers and fashion brands and journalists is re-imagine, design and direct the way we make and consume fashion. As the number one fashion publisher in the world, we are committed to doing everything we can to further these very positive efforts. We must reach the climate goals of the Paris Agreement ", declares Wolfgang Blau, Chief Operating Officer and International President of Condé Nast.

With this new commitment to the objectives of the Charter and its Global Sustainability Strategy, Condé Nast will strengthen consumer education and awareness on how to lead a **more sustainable life** through the different editorial lines of the main titles of the company such as Vogue, GQ, Glamour, Vanity Fair, Condé Nast Traveler and AD.

"I welcome the announcement by Condé Nast. It is the first publishing company to join the Fashion Industry Charter, which is a sign of its commitment to play its part in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, and underlines the need to count on all the sectors and inhabitants of the planet”, he affirmed Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary on Climate Change at the United Nations . "As a global publishing company, your commitment is invaluable to disseminating information about sustainability efforts and achievements in the fashion industry, as well as to inform the world of the need for faster and more extensive climate action."


Within the Condé Nast group, Conde Nast Spain became 2012 in the first media company in Spain, and of the group at a global level, in develop an active environmental policy aimed at combating the effects of climate change , not only as a means of communication, but also from an operational perspective.

For this, he developed and implemented a Environmental Management System certified by ISO 14001:15. In addition, Condé Nast Spain is certified with the **PEFC seal (Association for Spanish Forest Certification) ** which certifies that all the paper used in printing its publications comes from sustainable forests.

The company has also developed an action plan aimed at calculate and offset 100% of your carbon footprint through offset projects in developing countries. In 2018 Condé Nast Spain has offset its carbon footprint through projects certified by the **United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)**.

“It is a great satisfaction that the company at a global level joins these pioneering initiatives against climate change. At Condé Nast Spain we have spent years developing active environmental policies, both operationally and editorially. We are aware of our responsibility, relevance and power of influence in the fashion industry and we know that there is still a long way to go. We will continue working with enthusiasm and determination in the future”, declares the President and CEO of Condé Nast Spain, Natalia Gamero del Castillo.

Condé Nast, as a global media company, present in 31 markets worldwide , represents an example of unprecedented influence to encourage significant change in action against climate change.

As a member of the Charter, the company will project its influence to champion more sustainable industrial methods and collaborate with all agents in the fashion industry, while offering content and experiences of the highest quality based on its values ​​of excellence.

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