Travel the world without leaving your sofa thanks to virtual reality


Virtual reality is your next trip

Virtual reality is your next trip

Without leaving the comfort of the sofa and, of course, without having to make a large outlay: the virtual reality already offers many possibilities for everyone who wants to travel without moving. Goodbye to the inconvenience of packing (and then unpacking) . Some cardboard glasses and your mobile they may be enough to see the world as you have never seen it before.

On the one hand, projects like Arounder or Ascape allow anyone with an Internet connection to get to know places as diverse as Petra, Sydney, the Himalayas or even impregnable North Korea.

In the first case, Arounder has a app for iOS devices and a website from which it offers 360 degree photos . The Swiss platform has been selected by Apple as one of the ten best 'apps' for iOS in nearly 60 countries and is self-proclaimed market leader in virtual reality photography . Not surprisingly, it offers more than a hundred tourist destinations, among which are some of the most famous in the world, with thousands of attractions such as cathedrals, natural paradises and even luxurious hotels.

For its part, Ascape is an application (available both for Android devices and for devices from the bitten apple) with which virtual reality tourism goes one step further . Through its 'app', users can enjoy completely free 360-degree videos with which they feel something really similar to being in the place that appears before their eyes.

Placing the 'smartphone' in a cardboard , Google's virtual reality glasses made of cardboard, the experience is much more realistic, something that also contributes to the fact that the sound of each video has been recorded with the highest possible quality. Thus, the immersion is practically total.

However, although videos are totally free for virtual travelers , Ascape pays VR video creators who donate their footage to the platform: for each video, they receive 100 dollars, about 89 euros at current exchange rates.


Traveling without moving from home is not the only objective of tourism based on virtual reality. Proof of this is the project created by the Belgian museum Historium. If this tourist attraction opened its doors in 2012 to make travelers feel like in medieval Bruges, now it has joined forces with the developers of Sevenedge to create its own sunglasses. cardboard virtual reality and videos with which visitors visually travel back six centuries.


Create your own cardboard glasses to enjoy virtual reality

"We have received about 10 gigabytes of research material , including old plans of the city, images, the texture of the walls, archives... In addition, they put us in contact with two Bruges historians to even know what kind of windows or trees there were in the city”, they explain from the Belgian company that has created the 'software'.

And there is still someone it gets another game different from virtual reality when it comes to travel. As if it weren't useful enough to get to know distant places or the appearance of a medieval city, there are companies that already use this technology as a promotional method: destinations, airlines and hotel chains They are already trying to put honey on the lips of their potential clients.

It is the case of Marriott. The prestigious hotel chain created the Teleporter, a futuristic tube that promised to teleport the brave who dared to enter. Actually, it was about a promotional action in which, thanks to virtual reality, they could see what their dream vacation would be like at Marriott hotels.

In the same way, the Australian airline ** Qantas ** has a program for its first-class customers that allows travelers to enjoy, during flights, virtual reality videos with which to anticipate what they will see at their destination. Glasses, helmets and to travel in advance.

Thus, the tourist future of virtual reality is not only about offering Internet users exotic experiences to enjoy from their own homes, but it will also help agencies, airlines and hotels to advertise in a truly realistic way. Travelers will soon be able to choose their destinations based on what they have already experienced, albeit virtually.

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Maybe one day... maybe

Maybe one day...maybe

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