Spanish girls are the most adventurous (and travellers)


Australia and Canada the favorite destinations of young Spaniards who travel abroad

Australia and Canada, the favorite destinations of young Spaniards who travel abroad

Since last March 8 we know that Spanish women are massively committed to equality and feminism. Defending their pensions, our elders reminded us that they have a revolutionary spirit that has invaded them since the 1970s. And what about the new generations? do How are those young Spanish women What will collect our social witness?

Well, according to a study carried out by the startup GrowPro Experience (specializing in the management and organization of trips and stays abroad), "six out of 10 young Spaniards who undertake an adventure abroad are women."

In other words, of the 4,000 young people who used the services of this startup that offers experiences and advice to people who want to live, study and work abroad, 60% were women.

Australia and Canada are the favorite destinations for young Spaniards who travel abroad to work and train.

Australia and Canada, the favorite destinations for young Spaniards who travel abroad to work and train.

But the thing does not stop there, since the same study reveals that 65% of those who used the GrowPro Experience services have a university degree; also that their main motivation is to improve their professional profile and/or turn their career around with the new opportunities offered by the destination countries. So we keep adding: adventurous, travellers, prepared and, after their international experience, fluent in foreign languages.

“Although the labor situation in Spain has improved, the same has not happened with working conditions. For this reason, the number of requests does not stop growing. Now the motivation is more experiential and the objective is to improve the professional profile in order to find a quality job, live an experience that empowers their CV for future opportunities”, confirms Goiko Llobet, co-founder of GrowPro Experience.

The Australian Government almost tripled the number of work and holiday visas for Spaniards.

The Australian Government almost tripled the number of 'work and holiday' visas for Spaniards.


"Today your neighbor is more likely to have lived in Australia for a year than in England ”, assures Goiko Llobet, who also adds that one in four young people who travel to Australia with a student visa does so with the help of GrowPro Experience to undertake the adventure.

Last year, the Australian Government increased from 600 to 1,500 work and holiday visas for Spaniards who want to work and live in Australia, a figure that shows that Australia has established itself as one of the favorite destinations for young Spaniards to live an experience abroad.

“It is a country where you can study, work, travel and have a good quality of life. The fear of embarking on the experience is being lost, even if it is on the other side of the world," concludes Goiko.

On the other hand, in GrowPro Experience they have detected that there is a new favorite city when looking for opportunities abroad: it is Vancouver. Surely this trend has a lot to do with its commitment to the environment, its commitment to public transport, the widespread use of bicycles and the calm character of its inhabitants, characteristics that place the Canadian city among the best in the world to live.

The port of Vancouver is one of the best cities in the world to live in according to several studies.

The port of Vancouver (Canada), one of the best cities in the world to live in, according to various studies.

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