How to sleep on a plane: when the hotel is seat 11D


If possible

If possible

Not pajamas, not Spanx either. I've seen things you wouldn't believe, like women in nightgowns. Also others that rose as if all the street style photographers in the world were flying with them. And no, there is no sky style. There is a midpoint and it's called sensible clothing. And under this concept we group fluid fabric pants, sweatshirts (it's his year) and t-shirts that don't suffocate us like characters in a story by Cortázar. Perhaps jeans are not the best option even if they make us good legs, nor are shorts because those same legs will freeze. And definitely not to the flowing silks that will end up like Miyake's dress. Wearing something around the neck will protect us from the evil air conditioning and it will give us a classy look, something that is being lost on airplanes. Sniff.

Footwear. Sensitive subject. Taking off your shoes may make sense when an eleven-hour flight awaits us, but without ostentation, please. Some socks, courtesy of the airline or brought from home, will give a comfortable point to a moment that is not. An airplane is a public space and our neighbor does not have to have our feet on it as if we were shooting the remake of Lolita.

hip, hip If the footwear is delicate, we don't even talk about alcohol. Well, yes we do. As in point 1 and in other fields, virtue is in the middle. The literature on the matter (the good one, the serious one) recommends not drinking alcohol on a flight to fall asleep. But a little wine does no harm to anyone in Heaven or on Earth. A little wine can help you sleep . A little, we don't want to end up like certain little stars who ordered too many bottles and messed it up. Wine is food and with that veneration we will ask the stewardess for it. "Red or wine?".

The position: We can imitate the Asians and do it bent and leaning on the table, but the inhabitants of the decadent old Europe do not work out well for us. On airplanes we like to opt for more traditional postures. A classic is to support the little head to one side of the armchair in a discreet way. Care must be taken not to deposit it on the neighbor of seat 12E. The romantic comedy has done a lot of damage and It's usually not Benedict Cumberbatch, but a burly man from Ohio. who is on a business trip and has an Excel of the devil open on a PC.

tuck me in Although we are not cold, we like to use the blanket and pillow. It's the closest we're going to get to feeling under the duvet at home. Pillow to protect the neck yes or no? They help, but carrying them is a drag. We can take the blanket, they will not stop us but we remember that they are not usually made from the wool of the last goat in Tibet.

Silence please. This is a losing battle: the planes make a tremendous noise. In addition, there is a high probability that a baby will touch us next door. Y may be hungry, or sleepy, or want to be a baby . His parents and he have to fly too, kids. Let's not get angry. Let's turn to a classic: corks. And let's remember, it's a plane, let's not get frustrated if we don't get the eight hours of sleep recommended by models as an infallible recipe for health and beauty. We have already slept many nights before.

You could also talk about sleeping pills and anxiolytics, but I don't want to end up in prison despite how fashionable it is.

Sleeping in economy class on a long flight is possible. Really. I always do it. Doing it in Business or First is much better, but we leave that for another day. You can follow all these recommendations and not sleep a wink. You can not follow any and sleep from JFK to Barajas in one go and even have beautiful dreams.

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