What do we Spaniards hate most on a flight?


What do we Spaniards hate most on a flight?

What do we Spaniards hate most on a flight?

Travel by airplane It is not easy at all, you have to do a real exercise in patience but sometimes patience has limits and the flight can become a real hell , even though we are only flying two hours.

Some airlines seem to have set out to make the trip as unpleasant as possible for us (especially for a small price), and sometimes also the passengers on board.

Each nationality is a world, which is why Expedia together with the Northstar agency, a specialist in market research, have carried out a study to find out what the most common discomforts felt by airline passengers . In total, more than 18,000 people were interviewed in 23 countries, including 1,001 Spaniards. would you be able to know what did the spaniards say ?

The things we can't stand to fly.

The things we can't stand to fly.


The Spaniards feel animosity, 58%, for those passengers who hit the seat in front and for those who grab the back of another passenger to get up . 41% say they feel annoyed by the lack of hygiene or the excess of it, we speak of pour liters of cologne. Don't do it.

While another 41%, by those who get too close and invade our living space when they sleep. Do you feel how the blood pumps stronger when you think about it?

34% of those surveyed point to those parents who do not pay attention to their children and let them cry indefinitely. And those who speak so loud that they don't let you listen to your own music or vice versa? These also appear in the Expedia study, which reflects that 27% of people hate them; also those who use the armrest as if it were theirs, those who they don't put airplane mode and those who order food with a strong smell.

Babies on board yes. Irresponsible parents no.

Babies on board, yes. Irresponsible parents, no.


It is good to detect the speck in someone else's eye, but what happens when you have to do it with yourself. What are the most typical behaviors of Spaniards on a flight? 34% state that pack your carry-on to avoid billing charges.

among some of our best customs are the of ask a fellow passenger to move the seats so you can sit down with a friend, colleague or loved one, including a child, 33% do; or to ask the passenger in front not to recline her seat, 24% say so. You feel identified?

14% of Spaniards read confidential material or work documents on board , connect with an airline on social media about travel experiences while in the airport, at the gate, or on the plane (12%) .

However, what we Spaniards would never do is (and you have to feel very proud) being under the influence of drugs or alcohol on a flight , 71% think so. Nor would we have sexual relations with a fellow traveler or with someone we just met, 62% say so; nor would we go barefoot, 49%.

We say no, 46% of those surveyed, to watch an adult movie with violent or sexual scenes on a plane.


We've gone over the ones we wouldn't do mid-flight, but let's see what happens to the ones we would. "A little chat is fine, but I prefer to be alone for most of the flight," says 83% of those surveyed.

75% think that other passengers are considerate towards other passengers, and 73% that air travel is fun and exciting ; while 71% are afraid to sit next to someone who talks too much and another 71% would like reclining seats were prohibited.

58% think that it is okay to wake up a passenger if he snores and only 43% start a conversation with the person next to him.

And how are you on a plane

And you, how are you on a plane?

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