Cala Rajá: the wildest -and most lonely- beach in Cabo de Gata


Cala Raj private paradise or almost

Cala Rajá, private paradise -or almost-

Cabo de Gata It is one of the last strongholds of virgin beaches that remain in Spain, the perfect destination for those who want to delve into the wildest summer . In order to live this truth in the most intense way possible, we went beyond the urban fringes -which also exist in the area-, those that are close to towns, those that are easily accessible, and we opted for Cala Raja.


1. The (beautiful) route by car

The stretch of road that reaches Cala Rajá, despite being complicated - there are those who abandon before reaching the destination due to the state of the pavement and the curves- runs through one of the most extraordinary of the Cape.

Take out the camera, because in front of you will extend a movie landscape : ahead, winding roads that run through cliffs; on the right, the bright turquoise blue of the sea ; on the left, the provocative desert vegetation Typical Cape.

Also, if you get to the beach via San Miguel, you can enjoy the view the salt flats and its most illustrious inhabitants: the flamingos, that draw a postcard of pink waves between the water and the sky.

You will also pass by the sober Almadraba Church , the tallest building for several kilometers around, which stands out, unique and unexpected, in the middle of the salt flats and the sea.

The Sirens Reef, the most emblematic image of Cape

The Sirens Reef, the most emblematic image of the Cape

A little later, you will be surprised by the famous cape lighthouse and, above all, the Mermaids Reef , a set of whimsical volcanic forms of black rock that emerge on a perfect seabed for diving.

two. access to the cove

This 120 meter long shore can only be reached after a walk of almost 450. The first part of it runs through a wide dirt road; In this section you can leave the car, and, although there is space to park it too about 150 meters from the cove, the pavement is impassable unless you have an off-road vehicle or similar.

Once we get close to cliff that shelters the beach , we will see a road that extends in front of us and goes down to the sea. However, it is a very difficult path ; it is easier to access the sand through the one that opens to our right , quite hidden.

The path that runs along this cliff is the most complicated

The path that runs along this cliff is the most complicated

Already en route, we will descend through a drop of more than 20 meters through a kind of gorge whose floor is riddled with stones. For all these reasons, it is recommended go with rubber shoes better than with flip flops and not carry too much weight at once.

It is better to make several trips, as it will be essential to carry some basic things such as umbrellas and water, since the cove does not have no kind of service.


Since it is the farthest beach from any urban center of the area, Cala Rajá usually has a lowest occupancy than the rest. Furthermore, as it is surrounded by cliffs -the same ones that you had to overcome to access it-, it is very sheltered from the wind that usually hits the Cape. Likewise, it also enjoys a very striking relief, reinforced by the curious calcic forms that rise at its ends: oolites, fossil dunes of a lighter color than the rock in the area.

Once settled in the sand, fine and comfortable, an equally peculiar landscape will spread out before us: God's Finger Reef , which emerges from the transparent waters, perfect for snorkel -in fact, even without glasses it is easy to appreciate marine life that boils under our feet.

For that reason, the little ones (and the most adventurous) will love the cove , to which is added that the descent towards the sea from the shore is slow and progressive. A real pleasure.

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