Entrepeñas, the cursed beaches of Guadalajara


One of the destinations chosen by lovers of water sports

One of the destinations chosen by lovers of water sports

Barely 100 kilometers away separate the capital from one of the fresh water beaches that inland tourists have always appreciated the most. The summer season began with the opening of three bathing areas in ** Entrepeñas: Alocén, Durón and Pareja.**

And this was due to the almost torrential rains of spring. After recovering up to almost 40% of its volume of water , the high temperatures and the lack of rain have returned the level of its waters to a poor quarter of its capacity.

In fact, in recent years and thanks to the management of the Tajo-Segura transfer , the recovery of the waters of the Sea of ​​Castile It looks like the work of the devil himself.

Entrepeñas in 2017

Entrepeñas in 2017


It is very hard to believe that our fathers conquered more than half a century ago Entrepeñas beaches , when the culture of family tourism prevailed in a dictatorship that was dying between advertisements for miraculous detergents on television and the self-confidence of what they called “bikini”.

In the middle of the sixties, Entrepeñas reservoir began to interest families who spent the summer in the town began to be tedious and old, almost "carrot". to places like alocen or, above all, Sacedon , **in the heart of La Alcarria **, the first curious began to arrive, the pioneers on the freshwater beaches.

In barely a decade, what could have gone down in the history books as a small spontaneous movement resulting from a silly eccentricity, became almost a mass phenomenon.

The regional road that linked Sacedón -which became the benchmark beach of the moment - with humanity, became an anthill of Seat 600 and Simca 1000 , with as much load on the roof rack as on the seats. And all with a common denominator: enjoy a weekend of sun and beach in his peculiar benidorm alcarreño

In Guadalajara there is also a beach

In Guadalajara there is also a beach

Everything that appeared around this new form of tourism made the localities of the Entrepenas Reservoir tourist centers perfectly prepared to receive the masses.

On the ** beaches ** you could find the liveliest beach bars , usually crowded at any time of the day. The hotel industry soared and took advantage of the large influx of people to begin to develop the first nautical activities in its waters. A trip to La Alcarria was much more than what Cela sculpted with his lyrics three decades earlier.


A few weeks ago, some media outlets echoed that the bathing season was suspended in the three zones enabled for such activity: Couple, Durón and Alocén. It isn't true.

The health administration , apparently, does not consider that the waters are not suitable for bathing or, at least that is what it registers nayade's page , the National Bathing Water Information System. In fact, you can check if any inland beach in Spain is suitable for bathing through its own web browser .

The harsh reality is that the management of the Tajo-Segura transfer has managed to bring this small tourist paradise to the brink of the abyss. What in its day was a beach that made the summer delights of entire families, it practically dried up completely less than a year ago , as happened with the mythical Sacedon beach.

The flow of the Tagus River in 2017

The flow of the Tagus River in 2017

And while from the government sources themselves they assure that the Tagus basin is rich and will recover the health of the beaches of Alcarria, what we appreciate is that there is no more curse than the drought itself and the mismanagement of our waters.


Visit Entrepeñas today it can be a very interesting getaway, taking into account the three references we have for give us a dip and always following the indications of each municipality.

Talking about watersports , perhaps there will be wait for the next season , or for the curse that falls on these waters with the Tajo-Segura transfer policy to be exorcised. Anyway, there are still activities such as Flyboard or canoe ride.

in Sacedon many of the alternative activities that can be carried out in the reservoir environment. Two of the most requested are, on the one hand, the extreme paintball , one step above what is a simple paintball battle , with a more "warmonger" adrenaline.

Shall we run away this weekend

Shall we get away this weekend?

And on the other hand, via ferrata lovers Around the reservoir you can find more than one itinerary dedicated to this frenetic activity, with impossible ascents and descents and incredible views of a landscape where the swamp is the protagonist.

duron It is a very popular destination for lovers of hiking and contact with nature. In addition, the corresponding part of the Entrepenas Reservoir is perfect for lovers of Fishing. In addition to its easy access, the practice of trolling It is quite common for those looking to get a carp-shaped trophy.


And now, determined to mark a #yosoyTraveler , we plunge into the villas surrounding the reservoir and we discovered very interesting things. In Sacedon , for example, was the Royal Site of La Isabela , built in 1817 and declared a Royal Site in 1826 in honor of Maria Elizabeth of Braganza , hence the name of La Isabela.

And it was not by chance, because it was said that in that environment there were the Baths of Sacedon , thermal waters that cured all ills and who seduced Ferdinand VII to encourage him to build that spa.

The Royal Site became a prosperous town to which legions of sorrowful and suffering people came on pilgrimage seeking relief from their ills thanks to the miraculous waters of the Baths of Sacedón. But the Civil War changed everything.

With the approval of Buendia Reservoir by the dictator Franco, the last inhabitants of that town were forced to evict , ending the decade of the 40s.

The waters of the reservoir submerged the ghost town, which can only be visible when the water drops below 19% of its capacity. Isabela remembers a curse, that of healing and abundant waters that now want to remember a feeling of despair and restlessness. That of a snatched past.

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