La Calzada de Oropesa: a small town, but big in history


La Calzada de Oropesa a small town but big in history

La Calzada de Oropesa: a small town, but big in history

Located in the province of Toledo , but a few kilometers from the border with ** Cáceres ,** La Calzada de Oropesa is one of those municipalities where it is easy imagine the past . This charming town, with just over 500 inhabitants, maintains its low houses and orange tones, as well as its alleys that intersect in a kind of paved historical labyrinth. After all, its name, Calzada, comes from the Latin calcatia , which means cobbled, and was given to it by the Roman road that crossed it and which gave rise to its foundation.


We said that La Calzada de Oropesa was from its birth a place of passage and, therefore, the best thing to do in this locality is walk her . The traveler of this century who arrives here will especially enjoy getting lost in its streets, with ancestral constructions of typical architecture of the area, discovering that it is walking how this historic town is really known.

Adobe, granite, brick and some slate intermingle to create the facades that characterize it, but they are the wooden gates that there are almost in every house those who finish giving La Calzada its typical image. In these gates there are also treasures of history in the form of padlocks or locks.

The walker who reaches La Calzada can enjoy the tranquility that emanates from this place and share conversations with the men and women who enjoy the sun on its streets. In addition, they will learn about the history that, despite the smallness of the place, is immense, and sometimes tragic, in this area of ​​Spain. If you're lucky, and it's spring, you might also come across pairs of storks They used to build their houses on top of the roofs of the church or some high points in the area.

sheep on calzada de oropesa at sunset

An unparalleled tranquility


Strolling through the winding streets and warm colors of La Calzada de Oropesa we find some of the oldest houses, which are already part of the history of the town. stand out among them the house of the priests and canons from the 16th century ; the parish house from the 17th century; the house of the Tebar, from the same century, and the houses Hidalga, La Castilla and Huertas Vega, of the 19th century. Although they all have similar styles, it is easy to see subtle differences over the centuries, and the differences are even more visible. patrimonial of their owners.

But if La Calzada is famous for something, it is for its Augustinian Recollect Convent (17th century) and for its church Our Lady of the Assumption (16th century) that can be seen imposing as soon as you approach the town, already in the distance. A legend tells that, after the collapse of the old town hospital, the people of Calzada de Oropesa observed light emerging from the rubble of the building. Moving the rubble, they found the image of the Holy Christ of Mercies , and that is why a mosque was built there, which later, in the 17th century, would be the church and convent that the traveler can visit in part today -and which, according to this mythical story, saved the town at the time of a earthquake and other misfortunes.

We do not know if this legend is true or not, but what is true is the history that this building witnessed throughout its existence. Although today it is once again a convent with a Latin cross church, in the year 1941 , shortly after the Spanish Civil War, its role was something different, and some inhabitants, who were just children at the time, remember it.

The convent was then a Francoist prison for women, under the name of Special Prison for Women, and kept locked up within its walls those dedicated to the prostitution both girls and adults, sometimes in a indefinite . With the end of the dictatorship, the convent returned to its original function and there are hardly any traces of this sad episode. Today, the nuns who live there are dedicated to the production of fine pottery and embroidery , and in it you can visit the famous image of Cristo de las Misericordias.

Oropesa causeway tower

the church tower

Inside the Renaissance church near the convent, the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, there's a baroque altarpiece, the second largest in the province, decorated with oil paintings by the famous Baroque painter Claudio Coello. the bell tower is also worth seeing.


One of the best places to drink some beers and some tapas , very close to the town hall, is the bar lalos . It has been open for several generations and is always full of locals, who know where to find good food at good prices. The classic Castilian migas or venison are delicious.

In the town square we also find the Luengo Bar , the oldest in La Calzada and with a family atmosphere that will make you feel like one of the others while you enjoy its delicious appetizers.

If we look for something bigger, although something on the outskirts, the traveler also has House Javier , with large portions and succulent dishes typical of the mountains.


Although it is not possible to stay right in the center of the town (unless it is done by renting private homes), there are rural houses on the outskirts that will delight the traveler who wants to enjoy the Castilian plain and traditional constructions, such as the House of the Lord either the troja.

Another option is to spend the night in Oropesa, a somewhat larger city -capital of the region- and a few minutes by car, which has several accommodation options: the Oropesa Parador wave Rural House La Posada are some of them.

Oropesa castle from a drone

Sleeping in the Parador de Oropesa, a good option


But the best thing about La Calzada de Oropesa is not only the town, but everything that surrounds it: it is located in the region of the Campana de Oropesa and the Four Villas , an area famous for its olive trees and for being protected from strong and cold winds thanks to the imposing Sierra de Gredos and the Montes de Toledo. This location makes the Calzada de Oropesa a fantastic place for the traveler to enjoy unparalleled nature and landscapes.

If you have a car, it is best to go to some of the towns near the Sierra de Gredos, to see it in all its splendor and, if you have energy and some practice, take one of the many available routes. It is also worth strolling through the Dehesa Boyal, or come to the Temple of the Marbles of the Valdecañas reservoir. If we prefer towns, the visitor can visit the castle of the already mentioned Oropesa, or Fat , a town particularly famous for the storks that visit it annually.

Be that as it may, La Calzada de Oropesa is immense within its small size, and is a highly recommended destination to enjoy nature and the tranquility of a region beautiful and timeless.

olive tree in calzada de oropesa

a timeless land

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